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Lauren's pov

I wake up and look around confused, I then remembered I fell asleep at Camila's, I sigh and get out of bed. I see I still have my pants on thank fuck, I didn't want her finding out yet. I stand up running my hand through my hair, I walk out and to the kitchen where Camila was cooking.

"Hey..." i say awkwardly, she looks at me and smiles

"Hey, I'm cooking breakfast do you want some?" She asked, I look down to her ass and nod

"Yes please" I say, I look away when I hear Dinah's voice

"Morning Lauren" She said and tapped my back

"Morning Dinah" I say, she smiles and sits down

"I'm going to pee" I say, they nod and I go locking the door behind me, I undo my pants and sigh

"Down!" I whisper yell

"Down!" I whisper yell again, I sigh and push it back in my pants and groan

'I'm not jacking off in Camila's house' I think

I walk back out and smile awkwardly and sit at the table with Dinah as Camila's cooking, I look down to make sure my bulge isn't noticeable, but of cause it is  I roll my eyes and put my hand over it

"So, you passed out last night" Dinah giggles, I smile and nod

"Yeh. Sorry about that" I say, she shook her head

"It's all good" she said, I nod and Camila puts the food down, I smile and thank her and start to we eat with a little talk going on

"Umm...n-not to be rude but I should go home, I mean I have nothing here" I say, Camila nods

"That's okay, but when you're done could you come back, we need to talk about tour some more" she said, I nod

"Yeh, sure" I say with a smile, she smiles back and I leave

When I'm in my car I groan at the pain in my crouch

"Why haven't you gone down yet?!" I groan, I drive home and go take a shower jacking off Of cause cause I'm a lonely teen boy apparently

I then get changed

I then grab my guitar and drive to Camila's house again, when I get there she opens she door and looks at my outfit as I'm on my phone, she giggles and I look up and she smiles and at me and nods

"Come in" She said, I do and put my phone away I put my phone in my jackets pocket and look at Camila

"Well, hopefully we won't be doing what your t shirt says and actually do some work" she said, I look at my shirt and bite my lip think about Camila doing it

"So" she said, I nod and take my jacket off putting it on the couch and sit with them, we talk about tour and stuff and I start to get bored and look around

"Lauren" Camila said, I look at her and nod she giggles

"Can you please stay focused?" She asked, I shook my head and she frowns

"No, like, I have ADHD so...not really" I say, she smiles and nods my phone does off and I go in my jackets pocket pulling it out, something falls out and we all look..great! A fucking condom...my mouth drops open and my eyes go wide

"XL...nice" Dinah said, I gulp audibly and look at them

"That's not mine..." I say

"It came out of your pocket" Dinah said, I bite my lip and pick it up

"Eww actually not mine, I use magnum" I say and get up putting it in the bin

"But, what if the other brings the condom...you refuse to have sex if he doesn't have a condom?" Camila Asked, I look at her and frown

"I like girls" I say, I then read the text but go wide eyed

"I-I mean...should I go or...." I say, they look confused

"If you like girls then, why did you have a condom in your jacket?" Camila Asked

"It wasn't mine! My roommate used my jacket" I say, Camila puts a hand on my shoulder

"But you said you use magnum condoms..." she said, I look at her hand and sigh

"Fine, I have dick" I mumble and go back to my phone

"What?" Dinah asked, Camila smiles lightly at me

"Your intersex?" Camila Asked, I nod not looking at them

"I'm gonna go" I say, Camila nods and I leave also leaving my jacket

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