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Camila's pov

The cameras was here again and I've honestly had enough, as I was eating they kept filming

"God nothing interesting is going on!" I say, I stand up and walk to the back closing the door to let them know I don't want to be disturbed, I can't believe I almost got rapped...I bring my legs up to my chest and put my head on them, I let a few tears slip and feel the van move, I frown because I haven't done a show

The door opened and I see the others

"What's going on? I haven't done the show" I say, Lauren sits next to me

"We just have to move" she said, I nod putting my head on her shoulder

"Mila, what's going on?" Dinah asked, I shake my head

"Nothing" I say, Lauren whips my face

"Nothing" I whisper, she nods softly and kisses my cheek

"Well, I need a piss" she said, I smile lightly and she gets up and goes and uses the toilet

"She's high" we all say, I giggle softly

When Lauren comes back she's eating a brownie

"Where did you get that?" Ally asked, she looks at the tub in her hand

"I made them" she said, I smile lightly and she sits down

"Can I have one?" Dinah asked, she shook her head

"They got weed in" She giggles, I smile kissing her she smiles kisses me back, I deepen the kiss but she pulls back and I sit back down and sigh

Later on I had the show, after doing it I do a meet and greet meeting them all, this did cheer me up it always does I love meeting my fans, when it was over with I hug Lauren and she hugs me back smiling

"What's up?" She asked, I shook my head smiling

"Let's go out to eat" normani said, we all agree and do that

After eating we go and explore the place and then go back on the tour buss

We watch a few movies talking and messing around them Dinah brings up Shawn

"Remember that thing Shawn said before he left? The I'll be waiting thing?" She asked, I nod

"Yeh" I say, she shows me a video and it was of him singing, I smile lightly

"He's good" I say, she nods and the video ends

"He is really good" I say, the others nod but Lauren

"I'm going to take a shower" she said, I nod and she goes

"I think she might be jealous" ally said, I shake my head

"She knows nothing will go on with me and Shawn, everyone knows I saw him as a brother, that would be weird" I say, they all agree

"I always thought he was gay" Brad said coming in to grab something from his bag

"He did have that vibe" normani said, Dinah nods

"Probably bi" I say, they nod and I see he has more songs, we watch a few and Lauren was still in the shower

"I'm going to check on Lauren, she's been in there for a while" I say, they said okay and I go into the bath room, I see her on the floor with her guitar naked, I close the door and she looks up

"Was up?" She asked, I shook my head sitting next to her

"Sing me something" I say, she looks at me then her guitar and nods softly, she starts to sing and I was in shock

"Babe, you're amazing" I say when she finished, she smiles and blushes

"Thanks" she said, I smile and put my head on her shoulder

"Why you naked?" I Ask, she points to the shower

"Why you playing guitar naked?" I Ask, she giggles and shrugs

"I do a lot of weird things" she said, I giggle and kiss her

"I love you" I say, she smiles and looks at me

"Really?" She asked, I nod

"Yeh, I love you" I say, she smiles and looks down lightly

"I love you too" she said, I smile and kiss her

"Get dressed" I say, she smiles and stands up and puts some clothes on

"Hey, why do you have a guitar in here anyway?" I Ask, she shrugs

"I still do a lot of weird things" she said, I smile and pass her a shirt

"You're a dork" I giggle, she smiles and nods

After a while we all go to bed

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