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Lauren's pov

It's the last show and we are back in Miami, when it was done with we leave and Camila does the meet and greet, When that was done she comes back and packs. I help her since I was done and then we go back to her house all 5 of us, I put our bags in her room and text Lucy saying I'm back but at Camila's

"Lo!" Camila called, I walk into the room and smile lightly

"Yeh?" I ask, she smiles

"Want a pizza?" She asked, I nod and sit next to her

"Sure" I say, she smiles and she orders it

When it comes she answers the door and a boy has a mini freak out that it's Camila, I walk behind her and give the boy a look

"Just give us the pizza, take the money and go" I say, he was hitting on her and of cause I got jealous, he does and does just that still hitting on her. When he leaves Camila smiles at me with a look, I roll my eyes taking the pizzas and putting them on the table

We all talk while eating, we put a movie on and Camila cuddles up to me, I smile wrapping my arm around her shoulders, she puts a hand on her stomach and I see slight panic on her face

"Hey, you okay?" I ask, the others look and she smiles and nods

"Yeh, think I just ate a little much" she said, I smile and nod she puts her head on my shoulder and I kiss her head

We all stay the night at Dinah and Camila's house and I text Lucy telling her that, we was all in pjs and Camila kept putting a hand on her stomach with panic on her face making me confused

"Babe, What's wrong?" I Ask, she shook her head

"Nothing" she said, i frown and look at her hand I put my hand over hers and she gulped lightly

"Baby, what's wrong?" I Ask, she looks at me then my hand over hers on her stomach

"I'm pregnant" she said, we all go wide eyed

"What?" I ask, she nods lightly

"How?" I Ask, she looks at me weird

"Well, I mean I know how, but we use protection" I say, she shrugs I sit up with and she turns so she can face me

"I missed my period, so I decided to take a test, when it came back positive, I took another, then another and all 3 are positive" she said, I frown

"When did you take the tests?" I Ask, she looks at me as I look at her stomach

"2 weeks ago" she said, I nod lightly and look at her face

"Why didn't you tell me?" I Ask, she bites her bottom lip

"I didn't know how to tell you" she said, I nod and look at the others who was in shock

"How about we go to the doctors tomorrow to make sure" I say, she nods and I wrap my arms around her

"I'm here for you Camz Okay" I say, she smiles and nods

"Yeh" she said, I kiss her cheek and stand up

"Let's go to bed" I say, she nods and we go after saying night to the others, they said they'll stay up a little longer

"Lo, What are we going to do?" She asked, I shook my head

"Just wait until tomorrow Camz" I say, she nods and puts her head on my chest as we lay down in her bed

"Okay" she whispers, I kiss her head and rub her back

"I love you Camz" I say, she nods kissing my lips

"I love you too" she said, I smile and we fall asleep after that

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