Camila's pov

I wake up with my head on someone's chest, I feel their arms wrapped around me protectively and comfortably. I smile and look to see Lauren still asleep I smile lightly and get out of her grip, I get up and put the blanket on the back of the couch Over her. I walk to the bathroom and her freshened up, I then go and start cooking breakfast for us all, after a while I see Lauren walking in to the kitchen.

"Hey, you okay?" I ask, she nods and I put the bacon on the plates, I pass her one and she smiles and sits down and eats, Dinah then comes and smiles lightly at Lauren who returns the smile, we all sit and eat me and Dinah talking and Lauren stayed quiet most of the time, she would say a few small words but that's it

"I'm going home.." she said, I nod and then grab her hand before she could leave

"Come back?" I Ask, she smiles lightly and nods, I smile and let her go

After a while the door knocks, Lauren comes in and I smile, she smiles back and sits on the couch

"Hey, What we going today?" She asked, much more happier

"You high?" I Ask, she nods and I giggle resting my head on her shoulder, she smiled and wrapped her arm around my waist, Dinah gives me a look and I roll my eyes

"Well, we are meant to do a Instagram live, Lauren you okay with that?" Dinah asked, she nods playing a game on her phone, I giggle into her neck and she looks at me

"What, I'm fine with doing a Instagram live...I listen" she said, I smile and kiss her cheek, she blushes profusely and I smile and grab my phone, I start a live getting out of Lauren's grip I don't want the gay rumours coming up today, Dinah says she's going to the shop as I do the live

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"Hey!" I say happily, I look at the comments and they're asking about Lauren, tour, and how I am feeling

"So Guys, I have great news" I say, I look back at the comments and frown as they say 'why is the girl crying?' I look at Lauren and she is, I put my phone down thinking I ended the live but I didn't

"Lo" I say, she looks at me and nods

"Hey, what's wrong babe" I say, she shook her head, I grab her phone and read what she's reading

"The news?" I Ask, she nods and I read it

"Woman dies as husband beats her to de-lo stop reading this" I say, I get up as she did

"Lauren!" I say, I grab her hand and she stops the camera can see everything, Dinah left to go shopping so this is how everything goes wrong, she leaves and I mess up

"Lo, Stop Okay, stop reading stuff about this, it's not going to make anything better" I say, she lets out a broken sob, I sigh and open my arms and she hugs me

"Everything is going to be okay" I say, she nods and I rub her back

"They lied" she sobbed, I frown

"What do you mean?" I ask

"T-They said it's never happened before, it did, he abused me, my brother, my sister, my mom everyone, he always done it, they lied" she said, I gulp and nod kissing her head

"Mila, I got you ban-What's going on?" Dinah asked, I look at Dinah and shook my head, she looks at the phone and then me

"Did you mean to keep this live?" She asked, my head whipped to the phone so did Lauren's, she pulls back and I walk back

"N-No" I stutter, Dinah looks at me

"What did you do when I was gone?" She asked, I look at Lauren who was looking at me

"J-Just talked..about stuff" I say giving her a look, she looks at Lauren who sighed

"Great..." Lauren mumbled and walked to a bedroom I don't know who's and I don't she knows either

"Umm...t-tours back on..." I mumble, I look at Dinah then where Lauren went

"So...I'll do another live later guys, so make sure your notifications are on for that" I say and walk to my bedroom and seen Lauren was in there, Dinah turns the live off and I sit on my bed next to a sobbing Lauren

"Hey" I say, she puts her head on my shoulder

"Now everyone knows...w-what happened to me" she said, I wrap my arms around her

"I'm sorry Lolo, I didn't mean to keep it live" I say, she nods and looks at me

"Lolo?" She asked, I smile and nod

"I like to Camz" she said, I smile at the nickname and lay us down, she puts her head on my chest and I play with her hair

"We'll have to do another live later" I say, she nods and plays with the end of my shirt

"I'm sorry, I ruined it" she said, I shook my head and play with her hair

"It's not your fault, everything right now is bad timing for you, if you want me to hold tour back I will" I say, she shook her head and puts her face if the crook of my neck

"Don't, you've already had to do it once" she said, I nod and kiss the top of her head

"Let's take a small nap" I say, she nods and we do

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