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Camila's pov

"I called Lauren she's coming over" Dinah said, I nod and grab a bottle of water

When the door goes Dinah goes and answers it as I was writing stuff down in my notebook

"Hey..." I hear, I look up and see Lauren I smile lightly

"Hey" I say, she bites her bottom lip running her hand through her hair, she looks behind her then back to me

"I'm sorry about yesterday" she said, I close my book and nod

"It's okay" I say, she shook her head

"I was really high and embarrassed about you finding out about my..yeh..I shouldn't of treated you like that, or got half naked with you there..I do that a lot.." she said, I giggle and nod walking over to her

"It's okay" I say, she smiles and nods

"Thanks" she said, I nod with a smile and we walk into the room

"Just don't get half naked now" I say, she giggles and we sit on the couch

We do some 'work' and just talked for the rest, I was lauren move uncomfortable and frown

"You okay?" I Ask, she nods but does it again

"What's wrong?" I Ask, she shook her head

"Just hot..." she said, I giggle and Dinah turns the ac up, it's the middle of summer so it's really hot

"Maybe you should stop wearing jeans then" I giggle, she smiles and I grab her hand and take her to my room, I go in my closet and grab some shorts

"Here" I say, she smiles and I go to leave but she's Already getting undressed and I couldn't help but look at her bulge

"Hey! I might of been high but I meant it when I said stop staring, unless you like being on your knees" she said, I giggle and she pulls the shorts up and we leave

"Damn Lauren...you hard or something?" Dinah said, she frowns and looks down

"What do you mean?" She asked, we sit down and she looks back down at her crouch

"Im saying you got a big bulge" Dinah said, she shrugs

"It's hard to hide a 9 inch" she said, I chock on my water and Lauren giggles looking at me

"9?! When your soft?!" I Ask, she nods I go wide eye and look back down

"Hay! I still mean it!" She said, I shrug and keep staring

"Right that's it" she said, she puts her hand on the back of my head and I giggle as she pushes me down slowly, not to hurt me and to show she's messing around, I push her back and that ended in me being on top of her

"Oh, I like this too" she said, I giggle and sit back up and she smiles at me and I smile back

"You should date" Dinah said, I see Lauren blush and her phone goes off, I look at Dinah confused as to what she said and Lauren stands up and grabs her stuff

"I've got to go" she said and goes to walk out but I stand up confused

"What's wrong?" I Ask, she shook her head and ran to her car

"The fuck?" I say, Dinah shrugs and then we look at her guitar she left

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