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Taehyung stood impatiently, shifting his weight from foot to foot as he waited for his son to come out of the bathroom. They were already in a rush on days like these, but Minhyuk had woken up late and now they were both running behind.

"Come on, Minnie," Taehyung called again, sighing in relief when the aforementioned ran out of the bathroom and quickly put his shoes on. Taehyung opened the door to their apartment and grabbed onto his son's hand, hurrying to get to the subway.

"Okay, it's your first day. There's nothing you should be worried about," Taehyung said, fixing his own tie but looking down at Minhyuk. Minhyuk furrowed his eyebrows together and looked up at his father in annoyance.

"Dad, it sounds like you're talking to yourself," Minhyuk commented, whining and holding onto Taehyung's hand. Taehyung nodded nervously and began to shift from foot to foot again once he realized what the time was.

"I know. I'm just worried," Taehyung said, looking down at Minhyuk with a certain fondness in his eyes. "I'll be fine. I'm excited!" Minhyuk replied, giving Taehyung's hand a reassuring squeeze. That definitely helped.

"Who else is in my class?" Minhyuk asked innocently. Taehyung thought for a moment, still glancing at the time and fiddling with his clothing.

"Probably other kids around your age. Four and five year-olds," Taehyung responded. He looked down at Minhyuk and studied the boy's expression, looking for any sign of nervousness or regret.

The subway train pulled into the station and Taehyung gripped onto Minhyuk's hand, holding the boy's bag and his own as they rushed out into the busy station. Taehyung made sure to keep an eye on Minhyuk and pulled him up to the street level, immediately spotting the building where the "ballet camp" was taking place.

The two quickly walked over to the building. Taehyung held onto the boy tight and looked down at him, handing him his bag and setting his bag down for a moment.

"Remember, don't let anyone bother you. If you have any questions about anything, make sure to ask—" Taehyung began, crouching down to Minhyuk's height.

"Dad," Minhyuk whined, putting his bag down beside him. Taehyung looked confused and watched as the boy pulled Taehyung's lanyard with his work ID over his head and set it on top of his bag.

"You tied your tie wrong again," Minhyuk whined, quickly undoing Taehyung's tie with his stubby fingers and redoing it, correctly.

"What would I do without you," Taehyung said, ruffling Minhyuk's hair and pulling him in for a tight hug. He frowned as he hugged Minhyuk, feeling that the boy was being forced to grow up quickly.

Too quickly.

"I might not be there right away to pick you up but I'll try to come as soon as possible," Taehyung promised to the boy, feeling bad for not being able to stay and watch him at his first lesson. Minhyuk hummed in response and pulled away from the hug, picking up his bag and bouncing on his feet in excitement as he waited to go inside.

"Have a good day, Minnie!" Taehyung called once he began walking back to the subway, hopefully to make it to work on time. Minhyuk waved and Taehyung made sure to watch the boy walk inside before quickly rushing back down into the subway station.

He ran and thankfully got onto the next subway train right before it left. He went over everything in his mind, making sure he had everything that he needed to give to Minhyuk and that he needed for work. He let out a sigh of relief and grabbed at the tie that hung loosely around his neck.

The tie that hung loosely around his neck.

Panic began to quickly set into Taehyung. He craned his neck down to look at his chest and his face paled when he only saw the tie hanging around his neck.

Where did his work ID go?

"Shit," Taehyung said, a little on the louder side and ducked his head down when people began to give him awkward looks. He tried to retrace his steps in his mind, remembering bringing the ID into the subway station with him.

The HR lady is going to kill me, Taehyung thought, recalling all the other times that he had lost his ID. Now he was late on top of that and he didn't know what to do.

At least Minhyuk got to his class on time.

Right, that was all that mattered to Taehyung. He hoped that his son had a good day and learned as much as possible. He was just glad that he had found a spot in that class. Not only was it on the more expensive side—and Taehyung would definitely have to cut back on a few things to pay for that class—but it had almost been completely full by the time he had registered Minhyuk.

Taking a deep breath, Taehyung walked out of the subway station with his head held high, knowing that he did as much as he could. And that was all that mattered.

Focus on the positive, focus on the positive, focus on the—

"You're late again, Kim," the HR lady said with a sour expression on her face. Taehyung held back the urge to flip her off and yell screw it and get fired, but forced a smile on and pointed to his tie.

"You lost the ID? Again?" she said and Taehyung nodded. The HR lady groaned, excessively groaned, and went to her computer to do whatever she does to get Taehyung a new ID.

"Just get to work. You're getting behind on work lately too. You might have to stay later than usual to finish it up," she commented, sending a glare in Taehyung's direction.

"Got it," Taehyung said reluctantly, mentally flipping the lady off and walking towards his cubicle. He set his things down and sighed at the massive amount of papers and sticky notes at his desk.

Focus on the positive, focus on the positive, focus on the positive—

"Hey Taehyung, do you think you can finish this up for me by tonight?"


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a/n: happy jungkook day!!

this baby is 22 now I'm going to cry

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this baby is 22 now I'm going to cry

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