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Taehyung was planning on stopping by his apartment before picking up Minhyuk from ballet. He wanted to get the boy some of the caramels that he loved and he knew they were in the apartment. 

Here he was, standing at the end of the hallway in his apartment building. He froze in his spot, spotting the last person he'd want to see standing in front of his door, looking as stoned as ever. 

Taehyung wanted to turn around, to just run right out of the apartment complex and go pick up Minhyuk, maybe stay in a hotel for the night. But it was too late, the person in front of his door spotted him at the end of the hallway and gave a crooked smile.

No one other than Minhyuk's mom.

Taehyung couldn't say that he thought he had gotten rid of her, that he would never see her again. He knew that was wrong, because this was already the second time this year she had showed up at his doorstep. 

"Taehyung!" she yelled, probably disturbing all of his other neighbors. He wouldn't be surprised if he got a ton of noise complaints from his neighbors on the floor. 

Taehyung sighed and hesitantly walked over to her, lightly pushing her out of the way to get to his apartment. "What do you want?" he asked harshly, trying to close the door but failing when Minhyuk's mom put her foot between the door and the door frame. 

"I need some money," Minhyuk's mother said, absolutely shameless. Taehyung groaned and rolled his eyes, not really surprised with her answer.

"Like hell I'm giving you money," Taehyung responded, trying again to shut the door. He groaned and turned around, knowing that Minhyuk's mother would invite herself in anyways. 

"I am Minhyuk's mother. I deserve some sort of compensation for the hell you put me through--"

"You don't deserve to call yourself his mother!" Taehyung yelled, slamming his hand down on the kitchen counter. It didn't seem to make her feel intimidated, though, because she only glared at him in response.

 "Yes I fucking do. I carried that piece of shit in my damn stomach for nine fucking months!" she screamed. Taehyung felt the anger boiling deep inside of him but he held himself back. He couldn't stand people talking bad about his son and he definitely couldn't stand it coming from Minhyuk's mother.

Taehyung groaned, knowing that he'd have to deal with her annoying shit for a while. He picked up his phone, ready to call Jungkook and ask him to hang out with MInhyuk for a bit. Taehyung definitely had a few problems on his hands. 

"What's this, huh?" Minhyuk's mother asked, picking up a little ceramic pot from Taehyung's counter. Taehyung looked up from his phone--which was already ringing because it was dialing Jungkook--and froze, immediately recognizing the little pot that she was holding.

It was Minhyuk's gift for father's day. He had made a little pot in his art class and Taehyung couldn't have been happier. Even if the pot was a little lopsided. 

"Hello?" Jungkook asked once he picked up the call. Minhyuk's mother froze and held the pot out, threatening to drop it if Taehyung didn't end the call.

Taehyung froze, staring at her, almost daring her to drop the pot. Minhyuk's mother stared at him and grinned, letting go of her grip on the pot and letting it fall to the ground.

The loud crack that resounded and echoed through the apartment matched the sound of Taehyung's heart breaking. He stared directly at Minhyuk's mother and didn't even need to tell her to get out. 

"Fuck, Jungkook?" Taehyung asked, picking up his phone and pushing Minhyuk's mother out of his apartment. "H-Hold on a second," Jungkook responded. Taehyung heard him mumbling something to Minhyuk and only continued to push Minhyuk's mother out of the door.

"Taehyung? What's wrong?" Jungkook asked. Taehyung bit his lip, feeling himself tear up when all the bad memories of times he spent with Minhyuk's mother came flooding in. He closed the door rather loudly behind him and slid down it, bringing his knees to his chest.

"C-Can you do me a big favor?" Taehyung asked, wiping away a few tears that cascaded down his face. He didn't really listen for Jungkook's response and continued talking, not really knowing what he was saying or what Jungkook was saying.

He ended the call, letting his phone drop to the ground as he buried his face in his hands. He didn't know what to do and felt so helpless. Memories from the past continued to bubble up to the surface, and soon Taehyung found himself sobbing beside the door to his apartment.

He let himself cry it out, sobbing loudly until he could only sniffle and wipe the tears at his eyes. He got up on shaky legs and went to clean up Minhyuk's gift, staring at it longingly as he slid the broken pieces into the trash. 

He glanced at his phone, reading the text message that Jungkook sent him but not fully processing it, before heading out to go pick up Minhyuk.

He arrived at the ballet studio sooner than he'd expected, not fully aware of what time it was or how quickly time was passing. He let himself into the studio, not batting an eye at how the door was unlocked. He walked up the stairs, just as Jungkook had told him to, and found the ballet studio that everyone was practicing in.

He opened the door and he felt his heart stop. Music began to rush out of the room and Taehyung immediately spotted Jungkook, twirling around with his fluffy hair bouncing in all directions. Jungkook caught his stare and smiled before spinning around again, doing some move that Taehyung definitely didn't know the name of.

Taehyung turned and saw Minhyuk running to him. He immediately got onto his knees and engulfed the boy into a big hug, holding Minhyuk's head tightly to his chest. He looked over the boy's shoulder and saw Jungkook smiling, still rehearsing, but smiling.

And, fuck, Taehyung had never felt that happy before.

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