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Jungkook sighed to himself as he stirred vegetables around in a pan. It had been two weeks since Sehun "proposed" to him and things hadn't been getting necessarily better or worse.

He was currently making dinner for the two of them. Plus like six of Sehun's coworkers. Apparently, he was inviting some of the department heads over and why not force Jungkook to make dinner?

It's not like he really had anything better to do, though.

"How's it going, princess?" Sehun asked, wrapping his arms around Jungkook's waist from behind and kissing his neck. Jungkook shivered—not in a good way—and only continued to cook the food.

He knew he had to get out of here somehow. He just didn't know how. And, to be honest, he was scared of the consequences.

"Set the table, will you? I think everyone's going to be here in a few minutes," Sehun said, letting go of Jungkook and walking towards the dining room. Jungkook out the rest of the food on plates and began to set the table in the dining room, not bothering to look over his shoulder when he heard the doorbell ring.

"Hey, Sehun! How's it going?" one of his coworkers said, walking into the apartment with who Jungkook assumed was his girlfriend. Sehun greeted them and they began to talk as Jungkook set the table.

More people began to flood into the apartment and it was filled with a lively prattle. Soon, all six people were in the apartment and slowly making their way to the dining table.

Jungkook pulled out Sehun's chair for him before seating himself, not wanting to get yelled at. Everyone else sat down and began to chat amongst themselves as if nothing was wrong. They were right.

Nothing was wrong. Jungkook would just have to play along.

"Princess, get us some wine," Sehun said, tapping on Jungkook's thigh. Jungkook nodded and got up to the table, heading to the kitchen and grabbing the bottle of wine.

He opened it easily, even though his hands were starting to get extremely shaky. He didn't know why. He walked back into the dining room and began to serve everyone.

"O-Oh, sorry," he mumbled when he realized the wine bottle was empty. Right when he got to Sehun's glass. He bit his lip and looked at Sehun, expecting him to be extremely upset, but he was only met with a rather fond expression from Sehun.

"Don't worry, princess. Just open another bottle," Sehun said, spinning Jungkook around by his hips and patting his bum. Jungkook nodded shyly and walked back into the kitchen.

He picked up the bottle and opened it carefully, cursing at his shaking hands. He grabbed he bottle and began to head out of the kitchen, feeling extremely anxious for some reason.

His fingers loosened their grip around the bottle and it came crashing down onto the floor. Jungkook yelped and fell backwards, feeling his heart rise up in his throat.

Something about this seemed really familiar. And Jungkook didn't like that feeling at all.

"What the fuck happened in here?!" Sehun said lowly. Jungkook looked up at him from the floor with tears in his eyes. He knew this wasn't going to end well.

"I-I just... It slipped out of my hands," Jungkook mumbled, flinching when Sehun began to take steps towards him.

"Slipped out of my hands my ass," Sehun said, grabbing Jungkook harshly by the chin so that he was forced to look up at him. Jungkook winced and held his tears at bay, staring up at Sehun.

"You don't do anything all day and then you pull a fucking stunt like this," Sehun said, gripping onto Jungkook's jaw for emphasis. Jungkook just nodded along with what he was saying, praying for someone to come into the kitchen and save him.

"You're gonna clean this fucking mess up. Then you're gonna go to your room, clean yourself up, and come back to the table as if nothing had happened," Sehun said, noticing the eerie quiet that had begun to settle over the room.

"Am I clear?" he said quietly, but the volume of his voice didn't do anything to hide the anger and rage. Jungkook nodded anxiously, just wanting Sehun to walk away already.

Jungkook nodded, inhaling deeply when Sehun let go of his jaw and stormed off. He got up to his feet and began to clean up the glass, being careful as to not cut himself in the process.

He threw everything away and headed upstairs quietly, hiding under the loud conversation at the table. He closed the door to the bedroom and quickly stripped out of his clothes, opting for something more comfortable but still expensive-looking.

Jungkook glanced at himself in the mirror and saw his phone on the nightstand. He quickly rushed to it and unlocked it, scrolling through his contacts to find Taehyung's name.

Taehyung would help him out right? Taehyung would get him out of this mess and then Jungkook could start the life he wanted to live with Taehyung.

His eyes widened when he realized that Taehyung's number was no longer in his phone. All of the calls had been cleared out and all of his text messages were gone.

Stupid Sehun.

Jungkook took in a deep breath and headed back to the dining table, noticing the full wine glass that sat by Sehun's plate. He sat down and began to eat, acting as if nothing happened.

Nothing had happened.

Everyone else continued to talk and Jungkook didn't pay any attention. He only got up to serve people or refill their glasses of wine. Other than that, he was pretty much in his own world.

"Wow, nice ring, Jungkook!" Baekhyun—Chanyeol's husband—commented, immediately snapping Jungkook out of his daze. Jungkook smiled bashfully but didn't really say anything, choosing to let his left hand fall under the table.

The conversation shifted again and Jungkook jumped when he felt Sehun's and his hands brush together. Sehun must have noticed, because he moved his hand away and brought it above the table.

Right. Jungkook was nothing more than a trophy wife.

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