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three years ago

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Jungkook smiled at himself as he stared in the mirror. He fluffed up his hair a bit and reapplied his lip gloss, trying to look as perfect as he could for his date.

Well, it wasn't really a date. Or maybe it was. Jungkook hasn't really been on one before.

"Jungkook!" his mother called from the downstairs—yes, they were practically loaded—floor of their apartment. "Coming!" Jungkook yelled, biting his lip and tightening the belt around his waist to make it look even smaller. Then he ran downstairs.

"Sehun's going to be here with his parents in a few minutes," his mother said, rushing around to get plates and silverware on the table. Jungkook nodded, glancing at himself when he saw his reflection in the immaculate counter.

"Where's dad?" Jungkook asked, squeaking when his father walked up behind him and ruffled his hair. "Right here," he mumbled, setting down his cup of coffee—even though it was seven pm—and looking around anxiously.

Jungkook jumped when the doorbell rang and looked at his parents with the cheesiest grin on his face. They motioned towards the door and Jungkook skipped over to it, opening it and launching himself at the first person he saw.

"Sehun!" he yelled, wrapping his arms around Sehun's neck and giggling when Sehun lifted him off his feet. "Hey princess," Sehun whispered into his ear, kissing softly at his neck even though his parents were behind him. They didn't seem to mind.

"Show me inside, will you?" Sehun asked. Jungkook nodded, letting go of Sehun and grabbing his hand to lead him into the apartment.

"Good evening, Mr. Jeon, Mrs. Jeon," Sehun's parents greeted, seating themselves at the dining table. Jungkook giggled and sat down beside Sehun, pulling his chair out for him.

"Good evening," Jungkook's father responded, sitting down at the head of the table. Jungkook smiled at his mother as she sat down at the opposite end, leaving Sehun's parents to sit across from him.

"Oh, here, let me take your plates and serve you," Jungkook's mother said, standing up and gathering the plates. Sehun's mother hesitated and grabbed her own plate, mumbling something about helping Mrs. Jeon out.

"Princess, get me some food, will you?" Sehun asked, holding his plate out for Jungkook. Jungkook nodded with a big smile and stood up, taking his plate along with Sehun's and heading into the kitchen.

He returned with the other two women and put Sehun's plate down, gasping when he realized that Sehun's glass was empty. He picked it up and headed towards the kitchen, but stopped when he felt someone tugging at the loops of his pants.

"Princess, get me some wine," he said, letting go of Jungkook to begin to eat with the rest of the people. Jungkook gulped harshly and nodded before turning towards the kitchen again.

Jungkook opened the cabinet where he knew his parents stored their wine, barely overhearing the conversation going on in the dining room. It was business, so it wasn't interesting to him anyways.

Jungkook yelped when the bottle of wine slipped out of his hands and crashed to the floor. The wine stained his white pants and he stared down at the mess in fear when the room went quiet.

Jungkook turned and saw Sehun walking into the kitchen with a frown on his face. Jungkook looked down at the floor, immediately getting some paper towels to clean up so that Sehun didn't have to. But, he only helped again when he accidentally cut himself with the broken glass.

He heard Sehun tsk beside him and looked up with fearful eyes, only being met with Sehun helping him up to his feet and patting his bum. Sehun pressed a chaste kiss to his lips and went to clean up the mess, not cutting himself this time.

"Let's get you cleaned up and looking pretty," Sehun said, leading Jungkook by his non-injured hand out of the kitchen. Sehun pointed up the stairs to his parents and they nodded, not batting an eye as Sehun dragged Jungkook upstairs.

Sehun closed Jungkook's bedroom door behind them and went to the boy's closet,
pulling out another pair of high-waisted pants for him to wear. He watched as Jungkook changed and wrapped up his finger, kissing him again as the two sat on his bed.

"I have good news and bad news," Sehun said in between kisses. Jungkook giggled and kissed him again before pulling away to look at him. "And?" he asked cutely, playing with Sehun's fingers as they sat in his lap.

"Or maybe it's just good news and not bad news," Sehun said, diving in to steal another kiss from Jungkook. Jungkook giggled and pushed him away playfully, anticipating his "good news".

"So, I got us an apartment and you're moving in with me!" Sehun said, looking at Jungkook with excitement. Jungkook smiled and kissed him again, shyly climbing into his lap.

"When do I move in?" he asked, his arms hangin loosely around Sehun's neck.


"What?" Jungkook croaked out, a little shocked by the sudden response. "Do you not want to?" Sehun asked, his hold on Jungkook's hips tightening by the smallest bit.

"N-No, of course I want to, it's just—"

"Great! Let's get your things packed up," Sehun said, pushing Jungkook off his lap and grabbing a suitcase that Jungkook didn't even know he had.

"U-Um, do my parents know about this?" he asked shyly, watching as Sehun moved the clothes from his closet and dresser into his suitcase.

"Of course. It's part of a business deal. Do you not want to move in with me?" Sehun asked, holding a pair of Jungkook's underwear that he had been folding into the suitcase.

"Of course I do! I'm just... shocked," Jungkook said, his face flushing with how nonchalantly Sehun was holding his things. "Great. We can pack everything else up tomorrow then," he said, zipping up Jungkook's suitcase and grabbing him by the hand.

He brought the boy downstairs and Jungkook looked at his parents wearily, not sure how he was even feeling about the whole situation. His mother smiled back weakly, concern lacing her features and his father stared at him blankly, but Jungkook could tell that he was worried too.

Jungkook's mother was the first to get up from the table. She pulled Jungkook into a hug, kissing his cheek before pulling him really close.

"You're sure you really love him?" she asked, only loud enough for the two of them to hear. Jungkook nodded and held her tighter, a little afraid to go with Sehun. He wasn't sure why.

"Okay. As long as you're happy," she said, rubbing soothing circles into Jungkook's back. "Make sure to tell me right away if anything bad happens," she said before pulling away from the hug.

Sehun saw it as an opportunity and hugged Jungkook from behind, pulling the boy close to his chest and whispering into his ear. "Love you."

"I love you too," Jungkook whispered back.

If only he knew what love really meant.

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