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Taehyung walked into the dance studio, waving to the receptionist who practically knew him by name. He walked towards the back where he knew that Minhyuk's class was held and opened the door with a smile on his face.

"Hey, Minnie!" he called, freezing immediately when he walked into the room. The person in the room beside his son wasn't Jungkook.

In fact, he didn't recognize him at all.

"Hey, Taehyung, right?" the man asked. Taehyung nodded wearily and glanced at Minhyuk, trying to calm down when he saw that the boy was fine. He seemed happy, even.

"I'm Hoseok. I usually choreograph and teach the more advanced classes but after Jungkook quit, I've been helping out here," he said, holding his hand out for Taehyung to shake.

"Jungkook quit?" Taehyung asked, not believing what this Hoseok was saying. Jungkook seemed so passionate about his work and about ballet in general. Why would he quit?

"Yeah, just yesterday. It was a little sudden for me too," Hoseok laughed, helping Minhyuk pick up and pack up his things. Taehyung nodded, still not understanding the whole situation but knowing that it wasn't really his place to be asking.

He did anyways.

"Why'd he quit? If you don't mind me asking..." Taehyung said, going through Minhyuk's backpack to make sure that he had everything. The smile on Hoseok's face dropped for a moment, but he plastered an equally bright smile on in its place.

"I don't know all the details, but his boyfriend dropped off his letter of resignation yesterday," Hoseok said, sounding a little sad. "They're engaged now."

Taehyung froze and looked up at Hoseok wearily. "They're... engaged?" he asked, feeling his heart sink at the words. And Hoseok only nodded.

Taehyung bit his lip, conflicting emotions arising and threatening to spill out and make a mess everywhere. If Jungkook loved his boyfriend enough to get engaged, why was he messing around with Taehyung in the first place?

Sure, they hadn't done anything wrong and Taehyung wasn't ready for Jungkook to cheat, but he was expecting more. He thought that Jungkook's question from the day prior meant that he thought there could be something more between the two of them.

Taehyung assumed he was wrong.

After all, he didn't deserve love, did he?

He was ready for Jungkook to leave everything behind and run into his arms. He was ready to start a new chapter of his life, finally forgetting about his past and moving on towards the future.

Maybe Jungkook wasn't ready for that. Maybe he realized that his boyfriend—fiancé—truly loved him and was willing to change to better their relationship. But, Taehyung didn't think that was the case.

And he couldn't help but notice the bad feeling in the pit of his stomach.

"Well, thanks anyway Hoseok. Thanks for watching over Min Min here for me," he said, ruffling the boy's hair. He looked down at Minhyuk and smiled at him, noticing the pout that was placed over his lips. Probably because Jungkook had quit.

"Of course! I wouldn't leave poor Minhyukkie here alone," Hoseok said, walking the two out of the studio. Taehyung smiled and thanked him again before taking Minhyuk's hand and heading out of the building with him.

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"What's got you so mad all of a sudden?" Taehyung asked when he walked into his apartment with Minhyuk. Minhyuk didn't say anything and only continued to pout, throwing his shoes at the ground out of either anger or sadness, Taehyung wasn't sure which one it was.

"Min Min, what's wrong?" Taehyung asked again, squatting down so he was face to face with the boy. Minhyuk shook his head and stormed off towards the loft, plopping on the bed with a loud "oof". Taehyung groaned, not knowing how to properly get a few words out of the pouty boy.

Taehyung put his things down and opened the fridge, smiling when he saw his answer.

He took the little cheesecake—it was a strawberry one that he had gotten for Minhyuk the past week. Minhyuk refused to eat it, however, until he had "thoroughly admired it", but really he had just forgotten about it overall.

Taehyung grabbed a fork and headed up the stairs to the loft, setting the cheesecake on the nightstand beside the bed and sitting down beside Minhyuk. He reached out and rubbed the boy's back, smiling when Minhyuk peeked an eye out over the duvet.

"I brought your cheesecake," Taehyung said, smiling when Minhyuk sat up in bed and reached out for the cheesecake on the nightstand. Taehyung let me boy eat it for a few moments before finally addressing the elephant in the room.

"What's got you so mad?" Taehyung asked again, watching Minhyuk's facial features contort into one of anger.

"Jungkook-ssi said that he wouldn't leave," Minhyuk whined, bringing out the big, pouty lips again. Taehyung chuckled and ruffled his hair, reaching over to his phone.

"I'll call him while you finish up dessert," Taehyung said, walking down the stairs towards the living room and plopping down on the couch. He scrolled through his contacts until he found Jungkook's name and pressed on it, bringing the phone up to his ear and listening to it ringing carefully.

"Hello?" Taehyung asked once the ringing stopped. He furrowed his eyebrows together when there was only silence on the other end. Weird.

"Hello?" he tried again, almost jumping out of fear when he responded.

"Hi, who is this?" someone asked. Their voice sounded very familiar, but Taehyung couldn't put his finger on it.

"I should be asking you that," Taehyung responded, chuckling a little and assuming that the lines got mixed up. "By any chance is this Jeon Jungkook's number?" he asked.

"Yes. This is his fiancé speaking."


"Where's Jungkook?" he asked, feeling panic rise in his chest. Sehun wouldn't be doing anything horrible with Jungkook, right? They were engaged now.

"He's busy right now, my apologies," Sehun said.

And the call ended.

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