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Jungkook smiled when he woke up, something he had begun to do recently.

He looked to his left and saw Taehyung's peaceful face right beside him. Even though it was the sight Jungkook had been waking up to each day, he couldn't help but smile at the sight of Taehyung.

Jungkook reached out and tucked a stray strand of hair behind Taehyung's ear, grinning proudly at his work afterwards. He rested his chin lightly on Taehyung's chest and stared at him, playing with loose strands of hair because Taehyung didn't care. Taehyung was asleep. And Jungkook should go back to sleep too.

He didn't though, even though he could have since it was a weekend, because something was on his mind. He had been feeling guilty the entire week even though it had probably been one of the happiest weeks of his life.

Was Jungkook cheating? Sleeping with Taehyung like this—though they were only sharing a bed and not actually having sex—made Jungkook into a cheater, didn't it?

He and Sehun hadn't broken up yet. Jungkook was only "taking a break" and sleeping in the same bed as some other guy. He felt bad when he realized this, but he didn't really have anyone to talk to.

He couldn't talk to Sehun, because that conversation on its own was already something that Jungkook was beginning to dread. And he couldn't talk to Jimin because he hadn't reached out to him in forever and he didn't really know where their friendship stood.

Jungkook definitely couldn't talk to Taehyung. If he talked to Taehyung about all the things going on in his mind, it would be him explicitly telling Taehyung that he was using him to cheat on Sehun. Which he wasn't, because they were only sharing a bed.

Jungkook sighed and let his head fall against Taehyung's chest. He was loving whatever fantasy he made up. He never wanted to wake up from his dream if it meant he had to go and face Sehun.

"Good morning," Taehyung said. His deep voice rumbled in his chest and Jungkook giggled when the vibrations tickled his ear. "Morning," he said, sitting up so he was facing Taehyung.

"Why're you up so early?" Taehyung asked sleepily, yawning and making Jungkook rise up with the rising of his chest. Jungkook smiled and closed his eyes, timing his breathing with Taehyung's.

"I couldn't fall back to sleep," Jungkook said, feeling calmer now that his body was practically being hugged by Taehyung's presence. And the scent of roses, of course. However, thoughts begun to flood Jungkook's mind and he let the smile on his face drop.

"What's on your mind?" Taehyung asked. Jungkook opened his eyes and pursed his lips together, afraid to ask his question. He was terrified of Taehyung's answer, more importantly.

"What are we?" Jungkook asked, biting his lip in anticipation as he awaited Taehyung's response. Taehyung froze for a moment, seemingly processing the question that Jungkook had asked.

"Friends," Taehyung responded easily, going back to breathing at his normal pace and acting as if nothing had happened. Jungkook sighed and Taehyung furrowed his eyebrows together in confusion again.

"Why do you ask?" Taehyung asked innocently, and it took everything in Jungkook to not coo at how he was acting. "D-Don't you want to be more than friends?" he asked and Taehyung froze again.

"Jungkook," he began, looking at Jungkook sternly. Jungkook nodded, feeling smaller than ever even though he had the upper hand with their positions right now.

"You have a boyfriend," Taehyung said. Jungkook nodded sadly. "I know," Jungkook said, putting some distance between himself and Taehyung.

"You'd still cheat even though you know what he's capable of?" Taehyung asked, quirking an eyebrow at Jungkook. Jungkook hesitated for a moment, but then nodded.

"It's like wanting to jump off a cliff for no reason but not, wondering 'what if?' at the next opportunity."

"So why don't you?"

Jungkook froze but a huge smile began to make its way onto his face.

"I'll just break up with him! We can be happy then, right?" he asked innocently. Taehyung gave a half-hearted smile and sighed, looking away from the boy for the first time that morning.

"You'd really do that? Just drop someone just like that?" Taehyung asked. Jungkook bit his lip, knowing that he had gone about explaining that wrong. He didn't want Taehyung to get the wrong idea. That would be the worst.

"No, I wouldn't. But you know how he treats me. Maybe it's for the best—" Jungkook began before he was cut off by Taehyung.

"Or maybe it's not. I don't want to be some sort of rebound for you, Jungkook," Taehyung said sadly. Jungkook bit on his lip even harder, starting to feel anxious and overwhelmed with the situation.

"No! It's not like that, really!" he said, tears threatening to spill from his eyes. He didn't know when he started getting so emotional over this, but here he was. "I... I know you'll treat me well and I want to have a chance with you—"

"But I won't take that chance while you're still with Sehun, Jungkook," Taehyung said sharply. Jungkook sucked in a shaky breath before sitting up and putting some space between the two. He stood up and grabbed some clothes that Taehyung had been letting him use and changed into them.

"Sort out everything else and then we'll sort out whatever's going on between us, Jungkook," Taehyung said, sitting up from the bed slowly as to not wake up Minhyuk. Jungkook nodded sadly and grabbed his phone, heading down the stairs to the loft.

"I'll see you later, Taehyung," Jungkook said from the bottom of the staircase. He walked out of the apartment and headed down the street, not really paying attention to where he was going but having only one destination in mind.

He was going to break up with Sehun. And he was going to do it today.

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