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Taehyung took in a deep breath, fixing his tie before walking into the concert hall. It was the day of Minhyuk's recital, performance, whatever it was called and Taehyung was beyond excited.

He showed his cute pink ticket to the person in the tickets office and smiled as he walked through. He frowned when he saw that the seats in the very front row were all full, but quickly took the last seat in the second row before anyone could do anything.

Sure, he had shown up a little late. But in all honesty, it wasn't really his fault. The HR lady was giving him a hard time against and just had to be a total jerk about letting Taehyung leave on time for once. But he still made it before the show started, and that's all that mattered.

Soon, the lights began to dim and the loud chatter died down to quiet whispers. A soft light shown on the stage before some beautiful music began to play. The curtains were being pulled back and little kids—they looked like they were around Minhyuk's age, but Taehyung was almost positive that they were a bit older—walked out onto the stage and began their routine.

Taehyung looked around for Minhyuk on the stage, frowning when he didn't see the boy dancing around with a big smile on his face. He opened the little booklet that the people in front had given him, trying to go through it and make sense of what was happening.

Sure, it was the first ballet that Taehyung had attended. But nobody needed to know, and Taehyung was adamant on making sure that they couldn't tell either.

He looked at the schedule that was written out and furrowed his eyebrows, not recognizing the instructor's name beside the very first group. He scanned through the rest of the schedule, almost groaning out loud when he realized that he'd have to wait until after intermission to see Minhyuk's performance.

He smiled to himself, even though he would have to wait for another hour or so before Minhyuk came out on stage. Taehyung's mind immediately went to Jungkook.

Jungkook probably realized that Taehyung might not be able to make it to the ballet on time—but Taehyung made it on time anyway, even if it meant he'd have to work a few extra hours later on—and scheduled for Minhyuk's group to go after intermission. It was thoughtful, really, and Taehyung was happy that Jungkook had thought of him.

From now on, Minhyuk's ballets were something that Taehyung wouldn't miss for the world.

And maybe he could do the same for Jungkook, he thought as he walked out with everyone for intermission. Jungkook's career was literally centered around ballet. Maybe Minhyuk would enjoy it too.

And maybe, just maybe, Taehyung could ask Jungkook out on a date. And maybe Jungkook would agree.

Taehyung definitely thought that Jungkook was very likeable. He was easy to talk to and on top of it, he was pretty. Like, extremely pretty.

Taehyung hopes that Jungkook would give him a handle. He didn't want to start dating the boy immediately, but he wanted to take a chance to get to know him and hopefully let their relationship grow into something more.

After all, it had already been four years and Taehyung hadn't completely moved on.

He smiled when the lights dimmed, finding himself back in the concert hall. He watched as lights lit up the stage and Minhyuk's group waltzed out. He immediately spotted the boy on the stage and smiled, lifting up his hand to wave slightly.

Minhyuk must've seen him because his face brightened up and a huge smile made its way to his face. Taehyung could tell that the boy wanted to wave back, but he didn't. Minhyuk wanted to seem professional.

Taehyung watched his son dance happily on stage. He didn't care about all the other kids—in fact, he didn't even look at any of the other kids because to him, Minhyuk shown so brightly on stage.

Minhyuk was his world. And maybe Jungkook could become a part of it too.

Sure, Taehyung felt a little guilty about thinking about Jungkook instead of giving his undivided attention to Minhyuk's performance. But he couldn't help it. Jungkook had been on his mind recently and Taehyung finally saw it as a chance to completely, once and for all, leave his past behind.

Taehyung applauded loudly, bothering the all the guests beside him when Minhyuk's performance ended. The boy had improved so much in just two weeks and Taehyung couldn't be more proud. Taehyung was about to stand up and clap even more, but stopped himself, realizing that would be taking it too far and Minhyuk would probably be embarrassed.

He waved at the boy as Minhyuk walked off stage, smiling even wider when Minhyuk shyly waved back. To be honest, the rest of the performances were a blur to him. He was only focused on congratulating Minhyuk after the performance. And asking Jungkook out, of course.

Once the lights turned back on, Taehyung hopped out of his seat and practically bolted towards the door. He stood in the lobby, watching other people slowly begin to file in. He caught sight of Minhyuk and enveloped him into a big hug, congratulating the boy over and over again.

"I'm so proud of you, Min Min!" Taehyung said, wishing he could've recorded the performance. Minhyuk smiled shyly before pushing Taehyung away. "Can we get a picture?" he asked and Taehyung nodded eagerly.

They took a picture together right there before Taehyung had an even better idea. "Let's go take a picture with Jungkook," he said, not really giving Minhyuk a chance to respond because he had already started pulling the boy in a random direction.

Soon he caught sight of Jungkook and smiled, feeling his heart begin to beat out of his chest. He waved at Jungkook, trying to get the boy's attention.

Jungkook turned around and looked at Taehyung with a cute smile. He opened his mouth to speak, but instead let out a cute squeal when he was swept off his feet and passionately kissed.

Right, Jungkook had a boyfriend.

Taehyung felt his heart stop in his chest, but accepted it immediately. Minhyuk gave him a weird look but Taehyung shook his head, leading the boy away from Jungkook.

"He looks a little busy, sorry Min Min," Taehyung said, walking out of the concert hall and holding onto Minhyuk's hand tightly.

That's right, Taehyung didn't need to be happy. He had Minhyuk. And that should have been enough.

But, thinking this, he felt guilt eat at his stomach. He still felt like he was missing something.

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