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Jungkook set his spatula down, furrowing his eyebrows together when he heard the doorbell ring.

He looked down the hall and didn't see any sign of Sehun, so he took it upon himself to answer the door. He walked up to the door and looked through the peephole before letting the door swing open.

"J-Jimin?" he asked, staring at the boy with confusion written all over his face. Jimin only smiled, holding on tightly to the bag he was carrying.

"Can I come in?" he asked, glancing behind Jungkook. Jungkook nodded and moved out of the way, still holding the door open so that Jimin could walk inside.

"Why'd you show up all of a sudden?" Jungkook asked, offering to hold the bag for Jimin so he could slide his shoes off. "Just wanted to talk a little," Jimin said, still glancing around. He grabbed his bag back from Jungkook and headed to the living room, sitting down on one of the couches and freezing.

"G-Good morning, Sehun," Jungkook said, immediately remembering about the food cooking on the stove. Sehun smiled and caught sight of Jimin. He waved to Jimin before heading up to Jungkook.

"Good morning, baby," Sehun whispered, placing a hand on Jungkook's waist, causing the boy to hiss in pain. Sehun tightened his grip on his waist for a second, then let go and headed into the kitchen.

Jungkook turned to Jimin with a fearful look in his eyes. Jimin furrowed his eyebrows together again but patted the spot beside him on the couch. Jungkook hesitated before running into the kitchen and getting Sehun's food for him.

"Thank you," he said, picking a piece of toast off the plate and leaving everything else there. Jungkook sighed and put the plate in the fridge, reminding himself to eat that for breakfast after Jimin left.

Jungkook walked back out into the living room, standing beside the couch when he saw Sehun and Jimin talking. He wasn't really listening and only snapped back into reality when Sehun walked up to him.

"I'm heading out now, princess," he said, pulling Jungkook in by his waist. Jungkook bit his lip to avoid hissing out in pain and upsetting Sehun again. Sehun kissed him--almost forgetting that Jimin was in the same room with him--and patted his bum. He smiled and walked towards the door, putting his shoes on and walking out.

Jungkook stood there awkwardly after the door closed. He glanced at Jimin and Jimin patted the couch again with a warm smile. It had been so long since he'd even had a decent conversation with Jimin. He didn't know what to do now.

Jungkook walked over and sat beside him, putting his hands on his knees and looking at the floor. He heard Jimin sigh behind him and jumped when the boy began to rub his back softly.

"It's been a while since we've talked, how are you doing?" he asked. Jungkook looked at Jimin with big eyes. He wanted to tell him the truth, but he didn't know how to. He didn't know how Jimin would react either.

"I-I'm good," he said softly, looking away from Jimin. Jimin frowned and pulled Jungkook into a hug, tucking the boy's head under his chin. It was like what they used to do... before Sehun got into the picture.

"Don't lie, bubba. I know you well enough to tell when you're lying," Jimin said, holding Jungkook close to his chest. Jungkook sat, unmoving, but then sniffled, breaking the silence in the room. His sniffles grew louder and turned into sobs, and soon he was clutching onto Jimin's shirt as he cried.

"Hey, Jungkookie, what's wrong?" he asked, shifting so he could look down at Jungkook. "I... I'm so sorry," Jungkook cried, not caring about how his tears were practically drenching Jimin's shirt.

"Why? Don't be sorry, bubba," Jimin said, carding his fingers through Jungkook's hair in an attempt to calm the boy. Jungkook shook his head and gripped onto Jimin's shirt even tighter.

"'M-M sorry for ignoring you. Y-You just had everything, I had nothing. Even your boyfriend was better than mine," Jungkook cried, letting out all of his emotions. Jimin frowned and cupped Jungkook's face, wiping the tears off his face.

"Jungkook, does he hit you?"

Jungkook froze but his tears still continued to stream down his face. He hesitated and shook his head, not finding himself able to maintain eye contact with Jimin.

"Jungkook, lift up your shirt," Jimin said, concern written all over his face. He began to shift around and put some space between him and Jungkook. Jungkook shook his head, his fingers gripping tightly onto the hem of his shirt.

"Why? I'm fine, Jimin, I swear--"

"Jungkook, please. I'm worried about you," Jimin said. Jungkook looked at him with wide eyes and nodded before lifting up his shirt, high enough to put an array of purple bruises on display.

"Jungkookie," Jimin said, opening his arms and inviting the boy into a hug again. Jungkook immediately jumped towards him and wrapped his arms around him, sniffling into his shoulder.

"I'll get you out of this mess, okay?" Jimin promised, rubbing soothing circles into the boy's back. Jungkook nodded and held onto Jimin tighter. He was glad that their relationship had finally improved.

"Grab a couple of things okay? I'll take you back to the ballet studio," Jimin said, getting up so that he could help Jungkook pack up. "Do you have anywhere to go?"

Jungkook hesitated. He could say Taehyung, but he didn't know if Taehyung would come around. But Minhyuk had his classes today, and Taehyung had to pick him up, right?

"I think so," Jungkook replied, getting up and grabbing his phone and wallet. Jimin nodded and walked towards the door, opening it and following Jungkook out.

Jungkook halted in the middle of the doorframe. He turned around and looked back into the empty apartment. When he had first come here three years ago, he didn't want to leave. And here he was now.

"Good riddance," he said and walked out of the apartment, slamming the door behind him.

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