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Jungkook sucked in a deep breath, unlocking the door to the apartment and stepping in quietly. That alone set off alarms and red flags in Jungkook's mind. He shouldn't be afraid of going into his own home. 

He closed the door behind him and looked around wearily. The lights were off and the curtains were drawn together, making the entire room seem even more ominous.

Jungkook walked towards the kitchen, setting his things down on the counter. He looked around, finding the apartment mostly empty. He turned the light on in the kitchen and tried to calm his nerves. It didn't really help, however, because his nerves skyrocketed when he heard footsteps walking towards him.

"Where the fuck have you been," Sehun spit once Jungkook turned around. He felt his throat closing up and gulped harshly, barely maintaining eye contact with Sehun. Sehun wasn't impressed by that.

"Don't make me repeat myself," he said, reaching out and practically grabbing Jungkook by the neck. Jungkook choked when Sehun walked him towards their bedroom and slammed the door behind him.

"Where were you?" Sehun said, staring directly into Jungkook's eyes and his hold on him tightening. Jungkook's hands reached up to scratch at Sehun's and tears filled the boy's eyes as he tried to mumble out words.

"A-At a friend's house," he croaked out, tears spilling out of his eyes when the fear began to consume him from the inside. Sehun glared at him and—thankfully—let go of his neck, giving the boy a chance to breathe.

It was short lived, because right after, Sehun punched him in the gut and he stumbled back.

"Bullshit. We've been over this before, your only friend is Jimin. And I know that you weren't at his place," Sehun said, lifting Jungkook off the ground by his collar.

"I-I was at Taehyung's!" Jungkook admitted, tears still flowing down his face. He let out a cracked sob at the pain building in his stomach, but Sehun didn't seem to care.

"So you're telling me that you have the fucking audacity to cheat on me?!" he screamed in Jungkook's face. Jungkook shook his head quickly, tears still streaming down his face as he tried to respond.

"I-I didn't... I would never—" he began, interrupting himself with another loud sob. Sehun tsked and slapped Jungkook across the face, wiping off the tears that got on his hand on his pant leg.

"I hope you know that you're nothing without me," Sehun snapped, towering over Jungkook. Jungkook nodded, the stinging pain in his cheek and torso growing stronger.

"You're fucking weak, Jungkook," Sehun said again, pushing Jungkook down onto the bed. Jungkook nodded sadly, too afraid to say anything else.

"You're nothing more than a trophy wife," Sehun said, crawling over Jungkook's still form. Jungkook nodded again, holding his hands to his chest and closing his eyes tightly.

Jungkook held his breath. The room got eerily quiet and he was afraid of what was coming next. He flinched when he felt Sehun's cold hand come in contact with his cheek, lightly rubbing the red mark that was left there.

"I'm sorry, princess. You know I hate yelling at you," he said, stroking Jungkook's cheek gently. Jungkook didn't respond and felt his breathing become erratic, not willing to open his eyes.

"I know my princess can be dumb sometimes. But that's okay, I still love you," he said, pressing a kiss to Jungkook's lips. Jungkook didn't kiss back and just laid there. Was it really love?

"Now, go doll yourself up. I'm gonna go out and drop off a paper at your job," Sehun said, getting off of Jungkook. Jungkook froze. His job? What did Sehun need to do there?

"Don't give me that look," Sehun chided and Jungkook froze up again, "I'm turning in your letter of resignation."

"W-What?" he asked. Sehun seemed to be taking everything away from him. Even one of the things he loved most, his job. And his last connection to Taehyung.

"We're changing the rules around a little, princess," Sehun said, walking over to where Jungkook was sitting and putting a finger under his chin so that the boy would look at him.

"You're not leaving this place unless I'm with you. You can still go to those dumb rehearsals or whatever, but only that," Sehun said. Jungkook froze, feeling tears begin to stream down his face again.

"And I'm expecting three meals a day from you. Breakfast when I wake up, lunch when I get off work for my break, and dinner when I come home," he added. Jungkook held back the will to shake his head no. His life was being taken over by Sehun.

"Make sure you're always looking pretty for me, yeah?" Sehun said, walking away from Jungkook after pressing a kiss to his lips. "Oh, and one more thing," he said. He walked to the dresser and grabbed a box, and Jungkook could feel his throat closing up.

Sehun smiled and opened the box, slipping an expensive diamond ring onto Jungkook's ring finger. Jungkook felt the tears coming down his face even faster and he began to hyperventilate.

"We're getting married in four months, princess," Sehun said, kissing Jungkook on the lips again. Jungkook didn't kiss back and began to cry even harder, letting broken sons out of his mouth.

"I'm glad you're so happy," Sehun said once he had pulled away, running his hands down Jungkook's arms. Jungkook just stared at him, willing himself not to shake his head in fear of the consequences.

"I'm off to work. Go clean yourself up, yeah? I wanna celebrate tonight," Sehun whispered into his ear, tapping on Jungkook's bum lightly. Jungkook only cried more, not able to do anything else.

Sehun walked out of the room and closed the door behind him. Jungkook tried to gather himself, but felt everything falling apart when he heard the door lock from the outside.

"Sehun!" he yelled, springing up from the bed and running towards the door to see if it really was locked. It was.

"Don't worry about dinner tonight, princess. I'll figure everything out. Just make yourself look pretty. Love you," Sehun called out as his footsteps trailed out of the house. Jungkook fell to his knees and sobbed against the door.

He was locked in his own home.

A punishment for being so infatuated with Sehun when he was younger.

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