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Jungkook woke up with a loud yawn, stretching over to the other side of the bed but frowning when he found it empty. He sat up in bed and looked around, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes before getting up and beginning his day.

He grabbed an outfit and headed to the bathroom, choosing to take a quick shower. He stepped out once he had finished and grabbed a towel, drying off his body and wrapping it around his waist.

Jungkook looked at himself in the mirror and frowned at he sight of dark marks across his chest and stomach. In the corner of his eye, he saw a scale and bit his lip, reluctantly walking over to it and standing on top of it.

62 kilos. Sehun wouldn't be happy.

Jungkook sighed and threw his clothes on haphazardly, not paying much attention to how he looked in the mirror. He opened the bathroom door and glanced at himself before stepping out and reminded himself that he needed to put on makeup.

So he did.

Satisfied with his look, Jungkook walked out of the bathroom and towards the kitchen. He made sure to stop by the office in his apartment to see if Sehun was in there. He wasn't.

Jungkook stepped into the kitchen and was immediately greeted by the sight of an angry-looking Sehun standing by the stove.

"What happened to breakfast?" Sehun asked, completely changing his demeanor once he saw Jungkook's shoulders tense up. Jungkook let out a quick apology and rushed over to the fridge, grabbing a few ingredients and hurrying to make breakfast.

"Princess, don't worry about it. Sorry for startling you," Sehun apologized, walking behind Jungkook and wrapping his hands around the boy's waist. Jungkook jolted at the touch but tried to relax, failing miserably and still staying stiff in Sehun's arms.

"D-Do you think you can drive me to work today?" Jungkook asked, cutting up the fruit in front of him carefully. He tensed up again when he heard Sehun sigh and dropped his head involuntarily.

"What did I tell you about stuttering?" Sehun asked and Jungkook began to mumble out apologies again. Sehun pressed a chaste kiss to the boy's neck and squeezed his waist softly, choosing to ignore the wince Jungkook let out.

"You know I'm crazy busy with work, princess," Sehun replied, unwrapping his arms from Jungkook's waist and taking a few steps back. "Speaking of which, I should probably head out now."

Jungkook nodded and began to eat the fruit he cut up for himself, watching Sehun put his shoes on and grab his keys. "I'll see you later, princess," Sehun said, pressing a kiss to Jungkook's lips and turning on his heel. He walked out of the apartment and closed the door rather harshly behind him.

Jungkook let out a sigh of relief when he heard the door close. He glanced down at his fruit and frowned, but nonetheless continued to eat it anyways.

He washed the dirty dishes and silverware once he had finished eating and glanced at the time. Jungkook dried his hands off with a towel and grabbed his keys as he headed out the door, walking down to the car that Sehun bought him.

He drove to work, humming along idly to whatever music was playing on the radio. He parked his car and walked into the building, frowning when he realized he had shown up a little later than he had planned to.

Jungkook greeted a few coworkers and Jimin before he grabbed a sign and walked outside of the building. He placed the sign down beside the entrance to the building and smiled, placing his hands on his hips and admiring his work.

He stared at the sign for a little longer than necessary, not mentally ready to go inside and teach a class of four and five year olds. Jungkook waved at a few of them as they walked in but tried to stall and stay outside for as long as he could.

It didn't last very long.

Not much later, Jungkook realized he should start heading in. He had around ten minutes before the class he was teaching would begin and he wanted to make sure everything was ready. It was everyone's first day. It had to be perfect.

He turned on his heel and began to head inside. Jungkook stepped closer to the door but furrowed his eyebrows when he heard something crunch underneath his feet.

Oh god if it's a bug I swear—

Jungkook moved his foot out of the way and looked down at the ground. He furrowed his eyebrows when he saw an ID card attached to a lanyard.

Jungkook bent over and picked it up, walking into the building so he didn't look like an idiot standing in front of the door. He walked to the room where he'd be doing his classes and plopped himself on the floor, looking intently at the ID card.

It belonged to Kim Taehyung. Whoever that was. Jungkook will admit that this Kim Taehyung looked extremely attractive, even for a work photo. Wait, Sehun wouldn't like that.

Jungkook stuffed the ID into his bag when little kids began to file into the room. He stood up and began to greet them all, giving a basic introduction of what would happen in the class and trying to act as nice as possible.

He said this all while thinking of who Kim Taehyung was. Would he see him again? Hopefully he could give him his ID back.

Kim Taehyung.

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a/n: ap classes are gross

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