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Taehyung smiled as he watched his son dancing around gracefully. It was the first time Taehyung had been able to attend one of Minhyuk's classes and Taehyung had never felt happier. 

He was doing his best to ignore the weird looks he was getting from other parents, but they were really starting to get to him. He assumed all the moms he was sitting amongst were the ones that had made it to every rehearsal and had the money to buy everything their kids needed.

Taehyung wasn't like them. But he had accepted that.

Classical music flowed out of the studio and into the hallway--where everyone was allowed to watch--when Minhyuk opened the door smoothly and hopped outside. He waltzed up to Taehyung with the biggest smile on his face before giving Taehyung a little pink ticket.

"What's this for?" Taehyung asked, looking at the little ticket with a fond smile on his face. Minhyuk giggled and shook his head at his father's ignorance. "Read it!" he said before walking back into the studio.

One of the mothers looked over his shoulder, down at the ticket before smiling. Taehyung still didn't understand what it was for, and the writing on it was a little messy--no offense to Minhyuk.

"It's for their performance Friday night," the mother said, catching Taehyung's attention. Taehyung quirked an eyebrow and looked at her in confusion.

"Performance?" he asked quietly, not wanting to disturb the other hardcore ballet moms. The other mother laughed and gestured towards what all the little kids were doing in the studio.

"It's what they've been practicing for this entire time!" the mother said, rolling her eyes at Taehyung. Taehyung's lips took the form of a small "o" and he nodded along, focusing his attention to Minhyuk.

"I'm Nayeon, by the way," the mother said, smiling sweetly at Taehyung. "Taehyung," he responded, smiling back.

"My son is Kyuhyun. He and your son have been getting along really well," she added. Taehyung let out a sigh of relief, glad that Minhyuk was making friends.

"Oh, Kyuhyun?" he asked, suddenly remembering everything that Minhyuk was talking about. Each day over dinner, MInhyuk would rave about what happened in his ballet class. Every story seemed to revolve around "Kyuhyun".

"Min Min talks about him a lot," Taehyung responded, noticing the small smile on Nayeon's face. He looked back at Minhyuk, watching the boy dance around with the biggest smile on his face.

Ballet was expensive, but for Minhyuk's happiness, it was worth it.

"Hyunnie tells me that Minhyuk works really hard. He's always the best at everything in that class," she added and Taehyung smiled. Nayeon seemed like the type of person to not be upset about her kid not being the best in the class, which was rare. 

"He does. He's always practicing at home whenever he gets the chance," Taehyung said. He smiled to himself, knowing that ballet was something that Minhyuk would stick with for a very long time. 

Jungkook caught his attention from inside of the studio when he gathered all of the children, making them do a cute bow together before dismissing them all. Taehyung stood up from his seat, watching Minhyuk hustle to get his things and run out of the studio, immediately running towards Taehyung.

"Dad! What'd you think?" he asked, hugging onto Taehyung's legs tightly. Taehyung smiled and ruffled the boy's hair, grabbing his bag for him.

"You did so awesome, Min Minnie!" Taehyung praised, smiling at the cute grin that spread across Minhyuk's face. Taehyung ruffled Minhyuk's hair and looked up, finding himself staring at Jungkook.

"Oh, hey Jungkook," Taehyung said. Minhyuk shifted around and let go of Taehyung, instead turning and facing Jungkook as well.

"H-Hi!" Jungkook responded, looking a little shyer than usual. Taehyung hesitated for a moment, waiting for Jungkook to speak up and say what he came to say before speaking up himself.

"What do you need?" Taehyung asked, shifting Minhyuk's bag to his other shoulder because the strap was digging into his back painfully. Jungkook bit his lip and shifted around from foot to foot before taking in a deep breath.

"I-I wanted to invite you and Min Min to my performance!" Jungkook said, happiness and excitement flowing out of him. "I-It's not for a few months, but I just thought that Min Min might enjoy something like that..." Jungkook mumbled, suddenly feeling embarrassed for ever bringing the topic up.

"We'd love to go," Taehyung responded immediately, not needing to consult with Minhyuk because he could already see the sparkles in the boy's eyes. Jungkook's eyes widened and his face brightened up dramatically. "Really?" he asked, staring at Taehyung in disbelief.

"Of course! Just text me the details as soon as you get them, of course," Taehyung said, remembering that he and Jungkook had exchanged numbers not too long ago. Jungkook nodded eagerly and seemed to ponder for a moment.

"I assume you already know about the performance this Friday? I had Min Min give you the ticket because he told me that he hadn't yet," Jungkook added, desperate to keep the conversation going. Not that Taehyung could tell.

"Yes I do. I just need the location, but you can text me that right?" Taehyung asked, glancing at the pink ticket and squinting to read the scribbly time that was written on the ticket. "It starts at 7, right?" 

Jungkook nodded, whipping out his phone to send Taehyung the location so he wouldn't forget later. "Thank you!" Taehyung said, glancing at the time and realizing they should leave.

"Of course!" Jungkook responded, waving at the two as they walked out of the building. Jungkook turned around to head back into the studio and clean up a bit, walking in with a cheesy grin on his face. 

He caught himself in the mirror and frowned, noticing a pink blush that had spread across his cheeks. He suddenly becoming aware of the fuzzy feeling that was growing inside his chest. He stopped what he was doing and froze, staring at himself in the mirror.

He wasn't falling in love with Taehyung, was he?

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