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Jungkook hummed, inhaling the sweet scent of roses and opening his eyes slowly. He smiled when he saw Taehyung's sleeping face and moved closer towards him before pausing.

Jungkook froze for a moment before blushing madly. His arm was draped across Taehyung's chest and he rested himself on Taehyung's arm. His leg was thrown over Taehyung's and he was practically curled up into his body.

He sat up a little bit, looking over Taehyung's body and seeing Minhyuk curled up beside him. He smiled to himself before falling back into Taehyung's arms and closing his eyes. He inhaled deeply, smelling strawberries again. Jungkook was happy like this. He could be happy like this.

Jungkook didn't want to fall back to sleep but fell asleep anyways, not waking back up until he felt Taehyung shifting beside him. Taehyung opened his eyes slowly and looked over at Jungkook, a pink hue dusting across his cheeks.

Jungkook smiled, trying to take a mental image of an embarrassed Taehyung. But, he frowned when Taehyung awkwardly pushed him away and sat up.

"D-Do you want breakfast?" Taehyung asked, looking down at Jungkook. Jungkook nodded and yawned, curling back up into a ball and feeling the exhaustion hit him. He closed his eyes and smiled when he heard Taehyung laughing above him.

"Go back to sleep. I'll go make something," Taehyung said, patting Jungkook's shoulder fondly. Jungkook nodded and buried himself in the blankets again, feeling himself drift off into sleep quickly.

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Jungkook woke back up to the smell—and sound—of bacon sizzling on the stove. He opened his eyes and smiled when he saw Minhyuk standing up beside him.

"Jungkook-ssi! Dad made breakfast," Minhyuk whined, trying to pull the covers off of Jungkook. Jungkook whined as well, curling back up into a ball and snatching the blanket away from Minhyuk.

Jungkook opened an eye and watched as Minhyuk whined and stomped down the stairs towards he kitchen. He closed his eyes, feeling himself already begin to fall back asleep but frowned when he heard Minhyuk making a ruckus downstairs.

Jungkook heard Taehyung say something and heard footsteps coming up the stairs, but still kept his eyes closed. It felt like it was super early still, but Jungkook's eyes flew open the second he smelled strawberries.

"Jungkookie, we made breakfast," Taehyung said, crouching down to come face to face with Jungkook. Jungkook nodded and closed his eyes, taking in a big whiff of the strawberry-scent that was even in the sheets.

"Jungkook, come on," Taehyung whined, pulling the comforter off the boy. Jungkook huffed but got up slowly, following Taehyung down the stairs and into the kitchen.

"Finally!" Minhyuk whined, going up to Jungkook and giving him a big hug. Jungkook giggled and ruffled the boy's hair. He shuffled over to the counter to help Taehyung move a few plates to the table, smiling when he saw three cups of strawberry milk.

"Thank you for the meal," Jungkook said before picking up a big strip of bacon. Taehyung and Minhyuk both watched Jungkook eat with big eyes, not touching their own food and honestly weirding Jungkook out.

"Is it good?" Minhyuk asked, pretty much jumping in his seat as he awaited Jungkook's answer. Jungkook nodded with a big smile and took another bite of the bacon just to prove it.

The bacon wasn't anything fancy like the meals Sehun would have the chefs make, nor was it anything healthy like the salads he ate on a daily basis. But somehow, it tasted better than anything he had ever had before.

"Good! I helped Dad with the bacon! And the toast!" Minhyuk said with a big smile, spreading strawberry jam all over his toast. Jungkook concluded that the family must have been a big fan of strawberry.

"It's really good, Min Minnie. Thank you," Jungkook said, taking a bite out of his toast. He looked across the table and caught Taehyung smiling at him and only smiled back.

This was something that Jungkook could get used to. Not that he should. He did have a boyfriend. A very scary one, to be exact.

He finished eating with the two and helped them with their dishes again, smiling as Minhyuk jumped around and begged Taehyung to let him help to. But once the dishes were done and the food was eaten, Jungkook decided that he should probably get going.

"Bye, Jungkookie-ssi! Take care of your cheek!" Minhyuk called, waving from the apartment door as Jungkook walked out. Jungkook smiled sadly and reached up to graze the bruise lightly. He waved at Taehyung and Minhyuk before leaving the apartment complex.

His journey home was pretty much a blur. He had a bad feeling in his stomach as he stood in front of the apartment door. Jungkook took in a deep breath—not smelling strawberries this time—and opened the door quietly.

"Where were you?" was the first thing Sehun asked when Jungkook walked into the kitchen. He opened his mouth to respond but Sehun best him to it, angrily marching up to the boy and towering over him.

"Where the fuck did you get these clothes?" he spat, gripping onto the collar of Jungkook's—Taehyung's—shirt. Jungkook gulped, feeling his mouth getting extremely dry and his limbs beginning to shake.

"I-I stayed at a friend's—"

"Bullshit!" Sehun yelled, his voice contrasting the quiet in the house. "You don't have any god damn friends except for Jimin and I know for a fact that you weren't at his place last night!"

Jungkook froze, feeling fear practically consume him whole. He braced himself for the hit he knew was going to be aimed at his stomach, and bit his lip to stop him from crying out in pain, not noticing the blood that he drew from it.

Sehun let go of him and Jungkook dropped to the floor, waiting for what was going to come next.

Sehun dropped to his knees and held Jungkook's face in his hands, tears brimming the corners of his eyes. "Oh, princess. I'm so sorry. I... It won't happen again..." he began, trailing off apologies.

But Jungkook was fed up with him.

"That's what you say every fucking time!" Jungkook screamed, pushing himself away from Sehun. He grabbed his shoes and opened the apartment door again, staring at Sehun from the door frame.

"I'm going somewhere where people actually respect me. Don't you dare come looking for me," Jungkook snapped, slamming the door behind him.

He ran to the subway station, hopping in the next train before everything hit him at once. The pain in his stomach grew in intensity and he clutched onto the shirt Taehyung gave him, a sense of pride and fear running through his veins.

Next thing he knew, he was knocking on the door to an apartment. The door swung open, and he was hit with the smell of strawberries.

"Back so soon?"

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