Chapter 11

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The weekend finished as quickly as it had started as Monday morning rolled around again

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The weekend finished as quickly as it had started as Monday morning rolled around again.

Liliana began the walk to school, her backpack weighing her down as she yawned. She watched as students rode past her on their bikes, speeding to school.

She rounded the corner close to the school, crossing the road to avoid Missy. She was still annoyed over what the blonde had put her through so she decided to get herself some space.

She watched as Jordan stormed into the school, looking upset. She rushed over and walked alongside him, worried about the boy who was like a brother to her.

"Jordan, what's going on?" She asked.

Jordan ignored her and continued to walk towards the entrance of the school. She assumed he didn't hear her so she lightly shoved into him to get his attention.

Suddenly, Jordan spun round and pushed her to the ground, forcing his hands around her throat. She whimpered and tried to fight back but the taller boy was so much stronger than she was.

Cory sported Jordan pinning Liliana down and immediately ran over. He pulled his brother off the girl, slightly pushing her behind him.

"Jordan, stop" Cory said "Unless of course, you want the teachers on our backs"

Jordan scoffed and walked away whilst Cory turned around and faced Liliana. He grabbed her hands, staring into her eyes and checking for any signs of bruising.

"Cory, i'm fine" She sighed "What's wrong with Jordan though?"

"He's paranoid because of dealers" Cory admitted "Its making him violent"

"Who are the dealers?" Liliana asked "Like, where do they live?"

"Most of them are Candice's family" Cory said

"Fine" Liliana said

"Promise me" Cory said "Promise me you won't try and sort this"

Liliana shrugged and walked away from Cory making the boy grunt in anger. His eyes fixed on Candice and Sam Murgatroyd who were chattering amongst themselves. Cory stormed over to them, his breathing became erratic.

"Tell your family to stay far away from Liliana Quinn" Cory said with an angry face

"They ain't gone anywhere near her" Sam stared with furrowed eyebrows

"Listen, she's gonna try and get them to stop bothering Jordan" Cory said "I just can't see her getting hurt, okay?"

"Ooooh" Candice teased "Cory Wilson has a crush"

"Whatever" Cory scoffed

"We'll talk to them" Sam nodded "I like Liliana, she's pretty sound"

Liliana was stood at her locker when Cory appeared, smiling down at her. She didn't look back at him but she rested her head against the locker door, closing her eyes.

"Tired, are you?" Cory chuckled "What time did you get to sleep?"

"About 3am" Liliana admitted "I was too busy thinking"

Cory sighed and pulled the girl into a hug. His head rested on hers as he kissed her forehead gently. She sighed as he wrapped his arms around her, staring at the wall behind her.

A rowdy group of lads interrupted Cory and Liliana as the large group surrounded them making her feel uncomfortable.

"New girlfriend, Cory?" One of the boys hollered

"He wishes" Another boy said

Liliana sighed and pushed through the crowd until the got to the girls toilet where she looked at the mirror and sighed at her reflection. She looked happy and healthy but she definitely didn't feel it.

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