Chapter 33

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Liliana walked into school with Naveed, Cory and Riz

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Liliana walked into school with Naveed, Cory and Riz. They all chatted amongst themselves as Naveed gave Liliana a piggyback. She laughed loudly as he ran off ahead, with Cory chasing closely behind.

Riz smirked as he saw Razia, Hayley and Chloe eyeing him up. He ran over to Hayley, pecking her on the lips making their group erupt in shrieks as he ran back.

Naveed carefully lowered Liliana back down to the ground as the group nudged Riz, making the boy blush and roll his eyes.

Liliana leant over, grabbing the coffee cup out of Cory's hands as the boy laughed, watching her run off with Naveed.

"The three musketeers" Mr Bell chuckled

The boys stopped and Naveed walked back to join them, as Liliana stood on the steps, chuckling at her friends.

"Why did you miss training this morning, Cory?" Mr Bell asked

"Something came up, sir" Cory said

"Something came up" Mr Bell scoffed as he repeated the student "I've organised a training session this Thursday after school. A mate of mine's a scout, he's coming to see you"

"Is that for all of us, sir?" Riz asked

"Yeah, of course" Mr Bell nodded

The boys nodded and walked away, but Mr Bell grabbed Cory's arm. The boy looked at his teacher in confusion before his eyes fell upon Liliana who was pretending to tackle Mr Simpson as Naveed and Riz laughed at her.

"Cory" Mr Bell said "If you impress this scout it could be really good for you. You might get into an academy"

"Yeah, whatever it takes" Cory nodded


Liliana ran up to Cory, as he pulled her in for a tight hug, swaying her from side to side. She giggled, staring up at Cory.

"You're gonna ace this rugby trial" Liliana smiled softly "I'll be proud of you, no matter what"

"If they don't sign me, I don't know what i'm gonna do" Cory confessed

"You're gonna be upset; and then, you're gonna get right back on your feet" Liliana said "You're putting too much pressure on yourself"

"You're gonna be there to watch me?" Cory asked

"Of course" Liliana said "I'll be cheering you on"

"I don't deserve you" Cory said quietly

"No, you don't" Liliana said "You deserve someone so much better but you're stuck with me, so deal with it"

Liliana left Cory to go and get changed. She walked down the corridor, making her way outside of the school building towards the Rugby pitch where everyone was stood.

Liliana immediately stood by Naveed. She smiled at her friend, watching him smile at his phone and then eventually, look up at her.

"His names Matthew, he goes to the drama school i'm going to" Naveed chuckled

"I didn't even have to ask" Liliana giggled "I'm happy for you"

"How's Cory holding up?" Naveed asked

"Mr Bell is putting way too much pressure on him" Liliana scoffed

"God, I hope he doesn't screw it up" Naveed sighed

Cory walked towards the field. He could feel his heart in his throat as he listened to people's conversations. He heard phrases such as "Riz is way better than Cory" and "The scouts here for Cory".

Liliana saw Cory cracking his neck and warming up. She ran over, ignoring Naveed who tried to hold her back.

Cory smiled at his girlfriend, grabbing her hands and staring into her eyes.

"Cheer me on, loudly" Cory joked

"Always" She nodded

Liliana kissed him on the lips and began to run off but not before uttering the sentence that would change the whole game.

"I love you, you've got this!"


The whistle sounded out as Riz kicked the ball in Cory's direction. The tall brunette unsteadily caught the ball, making all the spectators groan.

Liliana held Naveed's hand, immediately regretting telling him what she was feeling right before this important game. The guilt was eating her up inside as she watched Cory fumble the ball, whilst everyone else played to their best ability.

Cory ran at Riz, increasing speed making everyone's shouts become louder and more intense.

The sound of Mr Simpson's whistle made the game come to a standstill, as all the team players crowded around Riz.

"Why isn't he getting up?" Alya asked as she walked over to her brother.

Liliana ran over, glancing at the boy who lay on the floor, clearly in pain. Her eyes drifted to where Cory was as she shook her head, feeling even worse.

"I can't feel anything" Riz cried out.


The ambulance arrived as Mr Simpson helped the paramedics lift Riz onto the stretcher and then into the ambulance.

"What happened?" Miss Carter asked

"It was a high tackle" Mr Bell shrugged

"It wasn't my fault!" Cory shouted "He told me to do it, he told me to wipe him out!"

"I didn't mean that, Cory!" Mr Bell shouted

The students departed as Alya followed Miss Carter and Mr Bell stood in shock.

Cory walked over to Liliana, reaching to grab her hand but she shook her head, pulling her hand away.

"I told you, it weren't my fault!" Cory sighed

"I know, Cory" Liliana said "I shouldn't have said I love you; I know stuff like that is a massive thing for you and you already had too much pressure on yourself"

Cory frowned, staring at Liliana who looked as if she was going to burst into tears any minute.

"I let you down, I failed you" Liliana said "I should've just waited. God, why didn't I just fucking wait?"

"Lil-" Cory said but the girl ran off without another word.

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