Chapter 32

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Nas and Liliana walked into town as they chatted about the whole Sam drama

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Nas and Liliana walked into town as they chatted about the whole Sam drama. They peaked at different outfits in shops, having to stop themselves from their usual impulse purchases.

They both scowled when they heard and saw the EDL protestors, raging in the town centre.

Both girls gasped in shock when they saw Razia, Chloe, Zain and loads of the lower year students. They rushed up to them, frowning when they saw them holding a packet of eggs in their hands.

"What the hell are you doing?" Nas scoffed

"You don't think they deserve it?" Razia shouted

"They're the same people who gave you that black eye, look at the lads" Zain said to Liliana.

She glanced over at the protestors, her heart dropping when she saw Sam's cousins all stood with flags painted on their faces.

Nas grabbed an egg, running up to the group and throwing it at them, making it splatter all over Sam's face.

All of Liliana's anger built up as she grabbed an egg from Chloe, throwing it at one of the cousins who had caused her so much pain. The men looked angry, glaring at the teenagers as they took of running.

Liliana ran up the street and through the market, panting heavily. She eventually made it out the market but didn't stop as she could still her the EDL members behind her.

Suddenly, she collided into a body and let out a scream, thinking it was one of the protestors.

"Hey, calm down"

She relaxed as soon as she heard the voice of her boyfriend. He wrapped his arms around her, holding her tightly as Sam's cousins ran past her, missing her.

Cory stated down at his girlfriend in confusion, worried about her.

"What the hell just happened?" Cory asked

"I saw them and I just got so angry and Razia had eggs for them anyway because they're part of the EDL so I threw eggs at them" Liliana said

"You're insane" Cory scoffed "Come on, let's get you out of here"

Liliana began to walk off with Cory but was dragged back by Nas, who looked more worried that she'd ever seen her before.

"It's Simone, we need to go"


Nas, Aaron and Liliana arrived at the abandoned house. They sighed when they saw Hayley and Missy stood outside of it, with sad faces.

The group walked inside, the house. It was littered with needles and people walking around with blank and dazed faces.

Aaron looked in each room, searching for Simone until eventually, he found her. She was curled up on a sofa, her hair sticking to her face as she attempted to grab her daughters hand.

Once they'd gotten her out of the house, Simon leaned against Aaron for support. She could hardly walk, stumbling around everywhere with only murmurs coming out of her mouth.

"I'm sorry, i'm useless, I know I am" Simon said

"You're not useless" Hayley grumbled

"It's just so hard, everything I do I mess it up, i'm sorry" Simone said "You don't understand"

Simon stopped walking, as Missy stood in front of her. She looked furious, like if someone made a wrong move, she could break their neck.

"Why don't you tell us?" Missy said "Make us understand"

"I just wanted a smoke, nothing as good without a smoke" Simone sighed

Missy stared at her mum in shock, before angrily smacking her hands together.

"Nothing's changed at all!" Missy screamed making Liliana and Aaron share a worried look

"It has!" Simone shouted "I swear!"

Missy grabbed her mum's arm, dragging her back in the direction of the abandoned house.
"How many times have we heard that?" Missy scoffed "I can't do it anymore. Me and Hayley need to be able to move forward but you just keep dragging us round in circles"

Missy shoved her mum into the direction of the entrance to the house, glaring heavily at her.

"Hayley, baby tell her" Simone said "We can get through this"

"If you love us, even a little bit, you will leave us alone!" Missy growled

Missy grabbed Hayley and walked away, with Nas following closely behind.

"Hayley, please" Simon begged "Missy, Missy!"

Liliana glanced over her shoulder and saw Aaron stood in the middle of Simone and the girls. Liliana sighed, walking over to him and grabbing his arm, dragging him away from the scene.


Liliana sat in the canteen with Nas and Missy, eating her lunch and copying notes from her previous lesson.

The girls chatter quietened down once they saw Cory walk over, draping his arms over Liliana's shoulders. He smiled down at her as he nodded towards where Josh was stood, rowing with Sam.

Liliana jumped up, running over to her brother as she grabbed his arm, attempting to pull him backwards.

"Josh, stop!" Liliana shouted

"It's your stupid EDL family that got her hurt and scare the little kids!" Josh shouted "You all disgust me"

"You don't know a thing" Sam scoffed "Pipe down"

"Pipe down? Are you insane?" Josh shouted

"Why do you even care?" Sam asked "You're white!"

"My mates are the ones i'm defending!" Josh shouted

He shoved Sam, making Liliana roll her eyes as she attempted to pull him back once again. He shook her off him, glaring at Sam who shoved him again.

Kaneez shouted to Mr Hyatt, gaining his attention as he rushed over with Mr Simpson, pulling the two teenagers apart.

"She's a racist, sir!" Josh shouted "It were her cousins who beat up Liliana and now they're protesting against muslims!"

Mr Simpson sighed and dragged Josh out of the canteen, attempting to calm him down.

Sam turned to Liliana and looked her up and down, scoffing obnoxiously.

"Learn to fight your own battles next time" She said

"Leave her out of this" Cory said "You're just a pathetic little racist"

Sam rolled her eyes, walking past Liliana and nudging her with her shoulder making the girl raise an eyebrow angrily.

"I hate her"

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