Chapter 26

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Sam and Liliana walked together towards the school building, their group holding back so that they wouldn't cause a scene

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Sam and Liliana walked together towards the school building, their group holding back so that they wouldn't cause a scene.

"Girls, the bell hasn't rang out. You can't come inside unless you have a valid reason"

Liliana lifted her head up and stared at Lorraine. The woman frowned as she turned around and walked into the school, knocking on Miss Carter's door.

The headteacher left her office, walking towards Sam and Liliana. She glanced at the girls, immediately asking them to follow her so that she could speak to them in private.

The girls sat down in front of Miss Carter's desk, glancing at each other with worried expressions.

"Do I get an explanation for the massive bruise on your eye?" Miss Carter asked

"I was jumped" Liliana said "My parents were arguing yesterday and I walked out. I was going down the street towards Cory's house and they appeared out of nowhere"

"Sam, what's all this got to do with you?" Miss Carter asked

"My cousin said if we go to the police, he'd give evidence and be a witness" Sam stated

"Right, i'll ring the police" Miss Carter said

Miss Carter spoke to the police over the phone as Sam contacted her cousin, asking him to come into the school to which he agreed.

"Sam, go back to lesson" Miss Carter said


Cory was sat in his biology lesson, chattering to Naveed as he wrote down the notes that Mr Hyatt had written on the board. He kept glancing at the door, hoping that Liliana would walk in at any point.

Suddenly, Alya walked over to the window, gasping. The other students followed her over, also looking shocked.

"The police are here!" Alya shouted.

Cory looked at Naveed and Riz, his face falling as he grabbed his bag and ran out of the classroom, rushing down the stairs towards the school entrance.

He shook his head when he saw Liliana being pushed into a police car. He glared at Miss Carter as Mr Bell held him back.

"She's only being taken for questioning" Mr Bell said

"Cory, calm down" Miss Carter said "The police have so much evidence against the people who assaulted her, they won't get away with it"

"Is she alone?" Cory asked "Her anxiety will get to her, she won't be able to speak to them"

"Kaneez is with her" Miss Carter said

The police car pulled up outside the station as Kaneez and Liliana got out and walked up to the entrance. Liliana inhaled a shaky breath as she followed a police officer into one of the interrogation rooms.

The police officer passed Liliana a cup of water as he smiled softly at her. She glanced over at Kaneez with a worried face, her anxiety bubbling inside her stomach.

"Can you recall the events that happened yesterday?" The man asked

"My parents were, uh, arguing and um, i was going to my friends house" Liliana started to speak.

After a few hours, the police decided they could charge Sam's cousins with assault. They let Liliana go, saying she could file for a restraining order. They questioned all of Sam's cousins and decided their alibis didn't add up well enough.

Steve Bell arrived at the police station. He got out of his car and walked over to where Kaneez and Liliana were stood.

"Do you want me to drive you home or back to school?" Steve asked

"Back to school" Liliana said

"Thing is, everyone saw you leaving in a police car so there is bound to be a lot of attention on you" Steve stated

"I wanna go back" Liliana said "I want to be with my friends"

"It's lunch so we'll just send you straight to the canteen" Mr Bell said

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