Chapter 38

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"I could get used to this" Cory smirked

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"I could get used to this" Cory smirked.

Liliana rolled his eyes at his croaky, deep morning voice as she smiled at the boy, sitting up slightly. She pulled her hair out from its ponytail, picking up a brush from the floor as she made it look neater.

"It's so early" Cory groaned

"It's school trip day!" Liliana beamed

"We're going to a country park" Cory said

"It'll be fun!" Liliana giggled

She smiled at her boyfriend as he grinned back, kissing her on the forehead as she giggled and began to stand up, throwing on one of Cory's tops.

She walked downstairs, opening the fridge and grabbing two glasses from a cupboard. She poured the orange juice into the glasses as she walked into the living room, giving one to Kevin who smiled gently.

"Morning, Liliana" He smiled

"Morning Kevin" She grinned "How are you?"

"I'm well, thanks" He nodded

Liliana stood up, walking back upstairs and back into Cory's bedroom. She grabbed her toothbrush and toothpaste out of her bag, glancing at the boy who lay in his bed with an amused face.

"I don't even get a good morning kiss?" Cory scoffed

"I've got morning breath" Liliana said

Lilliana walked into the bathroom, turning on the shower and climbing in. She let the hot water scald her skin, immediately feeling more refreshed.

Eventually, she finished in the shower and changed into her uniform, brushing her teeth.

She walked out, smiling softly at Cory who winked at her, taking his shirt off and grabbing a towel from his cupboard.

"I left my makeup at my house" Liliana said

"Good, you don't need it" Cory shrugged as he kissed the girl.


Cory and Liliana arrived at the school talking about whatever came to their heads. Liliana squealed in delight when she saw Naveed, hoisting herself up on his back. He laughed loudly, running through the gates and racing Riz who had Hayley on his back.

Suddenly, Riz bumped into Naveed, making him lose his balance and therefore, tumble down with Liliana falling next to him.

Cory scoffed and ran over, with a new teacher appearing behind them following closely.

"Naveed, you twit" Cory scowled

"Acting like children, the lot of you!" The teacher shouted making the students jump

Liliana took Cory's hand, standing up as she giggled with Naveed, lightly shoving him into people walking past as the boy apologised.

Liliana's smile fell when Sam walked past, glaring at her. She watched as Sam said something to Nas, making the girl nod and blush.

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