Chapter 25

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Liliana woke up the next morning, her head pounding as she lifted her head up

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Liliana woke up the next morning, her head pounding as she lifted her head up. She felt like she was going to be sick. She looked around and saw she was in a bed. She was wearing someone else's hoodie and a pair of joggers that were far too long on her.

She scowled as she remembered the events from the previous night, instantly wanting to forget them. She knew she was in Cory's house and yet, she was sure it wasn't his bed.

A figure walked in who she recognised as Cory and so she smiled softly.

"How are you feeling?"

Cory sat down at the end of the bed, grasping the exhausted girls hand as she rubbed her eyes, wincing when she touched the bruised eye.

"It's 6am, you've got to go home to get your uniform"

Cory helped the girl stand, passing her some aspirin as she did. He informed her that he had put her clothes in the washing machine and luckily, they'd dried in time.

He left the room as she got changed, having to go makeup free as she tied her hair back in a ponytail, pulling wisps of hair out to make it look more messy.

She walked down the stairs in the outfit she was wearing the night before as Cory smiled softly at her. She walked up to him, as he wrapped his arms around her waist and stared down at her with sad eyes.

"I'll see you at school?" Cory asked

"Yeah, i'll be there" Liliana nodded

The girl looked up at Cory as they leaned in, their lips pressing against each other. They both smiled into the kiss as Liliana pulled away and walked towards the door, waving back at the boy who watched her leave.


Liliana arrived at school in her freshly washed uniform. She had no makeup on, her brown hair was tied up in a ponytail.

She walked through the gates, feeling eyes burning at her. She smiled softly when she saw Riz, Cory and Naveed.

"Jeez, what happened to you?"

Liliana sighed and explained that although she didn't get jumped on the way home, it was later in the day when she did. Her eye was sore but she decided to try and ignore it.

She frowned when Sam and Candice made their way over to her. Candice looked uncomfortable whereas Sam looked apologetic.

"It was definitely our family" Sam said "We can give evidence if you want, my cousin will be a witness"

"You're okay with this?" Liliana asked

"No one deserves to be jumped" Sam said "I don't think you deserved it"

"Thanks Sam, we'll go and speak to Miss Carter" Liliana said

"I don't want anything to do with it" Candice said

"Candice-" Sam began to speak

The blonde shook her head stepping back from the group. Everyone stared at her in shock, not understanding why she was refusing to help.

"They're our family, Sam" Candice said

"They're racist and assaulted someone" Sam said

Cory walked over to Candice, looking down at her with sad eyes. He put his hands in his pocket, frowning at her.

"Candice, please" Cory begged "I understand your lot being mad at Jordan but Liliana didn't do anything"

"I'm not getting involved" Candice said

"You were so willing to help earlier" Cory said

"I'm not helping you and your fucking girlfriend, okay?" Candice snapped.

Cory shook his head, anger building up inside of him as he groaned and ran a finger through his hair.

"That's what all this is about?" Cory scoffed

"Cory, chill out" Riz said

"You're jealous" Cory said "You're letting the girl I like literally get hurt because you're not over me?"

"We have a kid together, Cory!" Candice said "I don't want this to get in the way of it"

"I'll care about Jaime, but I deserve happiness just as much as you do" Cory said

"It's not fair that you just get to move on, I have to be stuck with the kid" Candice said

Sam turned to her sister, grabbing her hand lightly. She stared at her, smiling softly.

"You've got to move on" Sam said "Jaime is the best thing that ever happened to you but you deserve to move on, meet someone new"

"No one wants a teen mum as their girlfriend, it's a burden" Candice said

Liliana turned to Candice, smiling slightly at her as she inhaled a deep breath.

"Candice, you're gorgeous" Liliana said "He was a dick to get you pregnant and then tell Jordan to stay away from you when everyone thought the baby was his"

"Too right" Candice muttered

"I really like Cory, please let him move on without having to feel guilty" Liliana said "I completely get if you don't want to get involved, it's family"

"I'm sorry" Candice said

Liliana watched in dismay as Candice walked away, her head hanging low. Liliana sighed and stepped back as Sam at her with a small, sheepish smile.

"Let's go and speak to Miss Carter"

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