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I sighed in frustration as I pounded my pillows, trying to get myself comfortable. I looked at my clock. 5:23am. I slumped back down as I couldn't fall asleep. I stared up at my ceiling for a while. It was a poster of Damon and Elena from Vampire Diaries. I'm a bit ashamed to admit this, but I'm a fan, I've got both box sets, and I'm waiting on season three to come out, and I've got an art book with the same poster on the front, and I own all the books that are out.

I bolted upright, shattering myself out of my thoughts as I heard an eerie whispering sound. It was the same one I'd heard during the power cut, before I met that man. Pulling the covers over me, I tried to calm my heartbeat down, if anything it just got louder.

After a few minutes, I steeled myself to peek out from under the covers. I tried to adjust my eyes to the dark. I let out a loud gasp at what I saw. The man from the hallway was in my room. In my room. I froze up competely. I didn't know what to do. How'd he know where I live anyway?

My hand darted out to my lamp and I turned it on, and the man was gone. It was probably only a dream, even so, it was really vivid. I looked at my clock again. 7:00am. Time couldn't have gone that fast, could it?

I slowly sat up in bed, stretching my arms in the air, swinging my legs over the bed. I walked over to my pile of clothes and picked up a red slik kimono, slipping my clothes off, and draping the kimono around me, tying the band up.

Grabbing two towels from the radiator and then my hairbrush, I quietly tip-toed past my Mom and Dad's room, and down the hallway and went into the bathroom, locking the door behind me. I turned the shower on as I roughly pulled my brush through my hair, wincing slightly as she pulled on a knot. I was hurrying because I really couldn't be late to school.

I pulled the kimono off, letting it fall to the floor, I stepped in the shower, sighing in relief as the warm water pelted down on my cold body, relaxing my aching muscles. I rubbed the water into my hair with one hand, grabbing the shampoo bottle with the other, and squeezing some into my hands, inhaling the scent of blueberries as I rubbed it into my scalp, closing my eyes as the water washed over my hair, the lather spilling over my body, washing down the drain.

After relaxing in the hotness of the water for a while, I got out of the shower, turning it off, wrapping one towel round my damp body, and the other around my hair in a turban, walking back to my room, leaving damp footprints on the carpet.

I walked over to my cherry wood dresser and pulled the doors open, my eyes scanning the array of clothes in front of me, before they settled on a dark blue long-sleeved V necked shirt and a pair of black jeans. I pulled them out and set them on my bed while I busied myself with rubbing the water off me and my hair.

i looked over at my clock once I'd dried off, reading the digital letters. 8:20am. I had ten minutes before she had to leave for school. I quickly tugged the clothes on and pulled out a pair of trainers. When I was done, I grabbed my bag and pulled my timetable out, scanned it and got the right books I needed, cramming them into my bag, which was bursting slightly at the seams under the weight of the bulging books. I need to ask for a new one.

"Kim?, Kim are you up sweetie?" Mom's voice drifted from underneath my feet.

"Yeah I'll be down in a minute Mom." I called back, hoisting my bag onto my shoulder and walking down the stairs.

As I walked into the kitchen, the smell of pancakes flooded my nostrils, as well as cleaning fluid. My Mom, Anne, was the kind of woman who loved everything to be in good working order, including her hair; Like her personality, Mom had neat blonde hair, slicked back into a ponytail, and was forever cleaning things in the rare moments of spare time she had. Despite this she always had a bright smile plastered on her tired face.

Vampire Love (Kim Crawford X Jack Brewer)Where stories live. Discover now