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I couldn't remember the last time I felt so thirsty in my life. In fact, I don't think I ever have, well, there was that one time where Mom, Drake and I went to the Grand Canyon and Mom had forgotten the water bottles. But this didn't compare at all. It was like my throat was crumbling. I turned over in Jack's bed, coming face to face with him. I squinted as I felt my skin trying to move underneath my skin, I whimpered out loud at the pain and Jack was immeadiately on his side, his arms wrapped around me.

"Are you Ok?" Jack's tone was worried. I don't think I've ever heard him like that before.

"I'm okay..." I whispered quietly. "My head's hurting though."

"Then why won't you drink human blood?" Jack asked, sounding serious. I knew he was going to ask me this, the first time he did, I didn't tell him. But I guess I had to now.

"Because...because I was supposed to be able to decide if I wanted to grow old and have a family...now, it's all gone, just like that, and I didn't even get the choice." I sobbed, my confession pouring out of my mouth as I couldn't stop it.

"Kim..." Jack lifted my face up so I'd look at him. "I am so sorry this happened to you, if I had my way I'd go back in time and I wouldn't have left you, I'm so sorry." Jack whispered, his voice faltering slightly.

"And, now, it's either I drink the blood and become a vampire and probably want to kill all my closest friends and my family, or don't drink it and die. I love you and I don't want to leave you." I cried into Jack's chest and I felt his fingers run through my hair.

"I can't make the choice for you." Jack whispered, putting his chin on the top of my head. "I didn't have a choice when I was turned, so I won't force you."

"What happened to you?" I asked curiously, shifting so I could look at him.

"I'd come home one day and there was this lady at my house, who was a witch, and she wanted to start the race of vampires, and she picked me." Jack said simply, keeping his eyes on me. "And when I turned, I didn't have anybody helping me with my cravings, so I had to do it by myself, and believe me, it was hard. I wanted to kill every single person I came across."

"I'm sorry." I whispered.

"Don't be." Jack wrapped me into his arms, my cheek pressed against his chest as he laid on his side. I put my hands on his chest and kissed it softly. "Get some sleep." Jack whispered.

I smiled weakly at him and something immeadiately crossed my mind. "What am I supposed to do about Mom and Drake, and Grace? And what about school?" I started panicking and I felt tears prick my eyes.

"It's okay, I'm trying to find you a ring." Jack whispered softly. "For now just wear black clothes and you should be alright until I get you a ring."

"What am I supposed to tell Mom when I can't go out in the sunlight, or go to school if I do drink the blood?" I asked.

"Kim... you're going to have to stay here for a while sweetie." His tone grew extremely serious. "I don't think you realize how much of a danger you could be to your family and friends right now."

"Jack, I would never hurt anyone, I-" I started panicking again.

"Shhh, we'll talk later, I don't want you getting too worked up alright?" Jack whispered in my ear. "Try and get to sleep."

I nodded and closed my eyes, feeling them burn as I did so. I heard Jack make his purring-like growl noise again, lulling me to sleep.


I woke up a few hours later, my throat had started to calm down a bit now, but it still hurt whenever I swallowed. Jack's arm was snaked around my waist, his face buried into the back of my neck, inhaling my scent.

Vampire Love (Kim Crawford X Jack Brewer)Where stories live. Discover now