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Something that I thought I had felt before, but hadn't even come close. Not even when I went rock climbing last summer, not when my Dad used to get drunk and start fights with me. Not when I was about to be raped by my ex-boyfriend. I had never felt true fear before now. True fear. That gnawing chill that grinds down your spine, nipping at your heart, dominating your body with icy numbness. Real fear. The "today is the day I'm going to die" type fear.

Total. Utter. Terror.

The man I'd met in the power cut was standing right infront of me. My brain shut down completely and fear took over as I started shaking. I wasn't sure if the man could see me or not, but he seemed amused by something. A light smirk played about his lips, like he was up to no good. He was dressed like he was when I saw him, in black. His hair seemed more messier, but his eyes still had those same one-of-a-kind lights in them, the kind that just drew you in and seemed to hypnotise you if you looked too long.

"Who are you?" I managed to ask once my gift of speaking returned. His head tilted to the side, as if he was studying me carefully. Then a worried expression crossed his face. I though for a split second he looked hungry.

"You're bleeding." He stated, not anwsering my question. Bleeding, what's he talking about?

"Hmmmn?" I asked.

"We need to get you patched up." He said, grabbing my wrist and pulling me somewhere.

"Wait, where am I bleeding?" I asked, pulling my wrist out of his grip. It hurt quite alot now that I think about it. It was almost, vice-like I suppose.

"Under your shirt." He said, lifting my shirt up, revealing a gaping cut I didn't even know I had. I shivered as he ran his fingertips along the cut, gently wiping the blood away. I will admit, I was scared but at the same time I didn't want to move away. Another thing crossed my mind. How did he know I was bleeding?

"How did you..." I couldn't finish my sentence as I looked up at him, directly in his eyes. They were more beautiful than I remembered, they seemed deeper, like I could look into them and fall, and keep on falling forever and ever.

"How did I what?" He asked, his face inches from mine.

"Know I was bleeding?" I asked. "I didn't even know."

"It was on your shirt." He stated. "I'll see you on Monday."

"What?" I asked. Why was I asking so many damn questions, and why did I feel like an idiot?

"I go to your school now." He said. "I'm Jack by the way." He extended his hand and I shook it. I didn't need to tell him my name. He already knew it. I looked up to see where he'd gone. But he wasn't there.

I got home later that day, and as always, Mom was in the kitchen. Cleaning again. My little brother Drake bounced in and I picked him up. He was a chubby five year old, the type who old ladies come up to and pinch his cheeks.

"Hey there buddy, how was school?' I asked, ruffling his blond curls.

"Fun, Miss got chalk stuck in her wig." He laughed.

I gently put him down on the floor and he scuttled off to the living room and settled himself on his chair when Handy Manny started playing. I couldn't stop thinking about earlier today and how Jack just happened to be, wherever I was, at that time when I needed help. I don't know what it is, but it seemed like there's something about him.

"Mom, please stop cooking or cleaning all the time." I said, turning to my Mom who was frying some bacon. "I'll cook my dinner and clean up afterwards, you go get some sleep." I finished.

Vampire Love (Kim Crawford X Jack Brewer)Where stories live. Discover now