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The door slammed from downstairs. My eyes shot open at the sound and I tiptoed over to my staircase, shadows flickering from each wall. I couldn't be sure where they were coming from. I walked down the stairs, shaking with every step as I landed on the creaky step and the shadows stopped moving.

I saw a light come on in the living room, curious, I walked over. The TV was on, the BBC news. The screen flickered to my image and the words 'Kim Crawford' appeared underneath it and the reporter started talking.

"Kimberly Crawford was the unfortunate victim of a deadly animal attack, further investegations are being held and the family will be notified."

Animal attack? Dead? Victim?

Those words swam around in my head. My emotions were running wild. I was scared beyond belief, and I was worried. Someone was in the house. It felt like the power cut all over again. And worst of all, my five year old brother and my mom were in the house. And someone was here.

"You know what's coming next." A velvety voice broke me out of my thoughts. No...it couldn't be. No! It was Jack. I spun around and saw a shadow. It vaguely resembled Jack. His sleek hair was visible from a streak of moonlight coming from the kitchen. His lips were curved into a devious smirk. I was shaking uncontrollably, I bit my lower lip and ran towards the front door, Jack appearing infront of me, grabbing my throat and pinning me to the floor.

"Jack...please." I choked out, gripping his wrist with my hands and hard as I could. His grip wouldn't falter and tightened, my struggles redoubled and became frantic. I screamed in pain as I felt my neck being ravaged by something sharp. I looked down at my throat as best I could, my nose brushing something soft. It was Jack.

He pulled away after a few minutes, his mouth stained with my blood. My brain shut down and fear took over, his eyes were black, with veins around them, and...fangs glinting in the moonlight. No, it wasn't possible, Vampires don't exist. Do they? I shrieked again as his fangs pierced my neck. The pain was almost unbearable.

I shot up in bed, clapping my hands over my mouth to stop me from screaming. I gingerly ran my fingertips along my neck. I sighed in relief at the feel of skin. Just skin. I couldn't even begin to describe what that dream had been like, it had seemed so real. And Jack was a Vampire. But they don't exist, it's impossible if anything else. They Don't Exist. I repeated over and over in my head. I turned on my side and snuggled into the pillows, closing my eyes when I felt sleep take over. I didn't have to worry about being late tomorrow as we had a day off.


I got up the next morning, doing everything I always do. Brush my hair, get dressed and brush my teeth. I went downstairs and for once Mom wasn't cleaning or cooking, she was relaxing on the couch with Drake. I walked into the kitchen and I poured myself out a bowl of mini weetabix. I always got really bored on no school days, there's nothing to do and I really wasn't keen on going back to the mall in case those guys showed up again.

The thing I find most strange, is how Jack's always around whenever I'm in trouble, I can't work out how. Yesterday, the mall was practically empty and then Jack comes out of nowhere when these guys were thinking about...raping me.

I snapped out of my thoughts as my phone rang in my pocket. It was Grace.

"Hey." She greeted on the other line as I pressed the green button.

"Hi." I said.

"Do you want to go shopping?" She asked.

"Sure, why not?" I shrugged happily. I needed to get my mind off of my dream anyway, and I'm sure those guys won't try anything to me again, thanks to Jack.

Vampire Love (Kim Crawford X Jack Brewer)Where stories live. Discover now