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I yelled out my pain, feeling oddly like a thousand bombs had gone off in my stomach, clenching my fists as Jack soothingly rubbed my waist. I was glad I was finally going to have my children and that I wasn't losing them again, but it couldn't have happened at a worst time. I had just saved Jack from a certain death, and he was probably still exhausted from his whole ordeal. Not to mention I'd be springing yet anotherthing on Mom, without so much as a three-second warning.

My heartbeat was starting to get faster, and the pain amplified as it shifted downward. I screamed again, and squeezed harder on Jack's arms, hearing my nails cut into his skin. He rubbed my stomach soothing, and my head shot up, scanning it. It was larger than it had previously been, how did I not notice? How did Rickynot notice? He had kissed me, and felt me up... It was probably one of the most disgusting things I'd ever had to do in my entire life.

"Alright, Grace. I'm gonna go ahead, can you meet us there?" Jack asked her.

"Wouldn't miss it for the world." I heard the smile in her voice, and her footsteps faded out of the room. The front door slammed, and I heard her running towards the car. She quickly got in, turned the key in the ignition, and the engine burst to life. The tyres squealed down the streets, and I listened until I couldn't hear her any more.

"Come on." Jack hauled me to my feet, and pried my fingers away from his arms. My fingertips were bloody, and his shirt had ten tiny nail rips in it. He lifted me carefully into his arms, and I wrapped my arms around his neck.

My breathing was beginning to get more shallow and more rapid, making me feel extremely faint. "You're gonna be alright, Kim. I promise." He kissed the top of my head, and then there was a pull at my body. Jack was rushing with his supernatural speed, and with him carrying me it felt like he was pushing against an extremely strong gale.

I didn't know how long Jack had been running with me, but the pain in my stomach wasn't going away, in fact it felt worse. Storming through me, and radiating in all different directions as the babies struggled and kicked with each other. It looked like they wanted this over with just as much as I did.

"Jack, i-it hurts..." I whimpered, burying my head into his shirt. I felt tears burn at the corners of my eyes. I squeezed my eyes shut from the pain and grimaced, two hot tears falling from my eyes.

"I know Kim, but we have to keep going." Jack whispered, stroking my hair. It took me a moment to realise he'd stopped running. I removed my head from his chest, and frantically scanned around. Jack and I were in the woods, and then I remembered that there was a cutway through here to the hospital. "It'll take longer if we keep stopping."

"O-Okay." My voice was faint and laced with pain.

"Hold on." Jack whispered, and we were off again, speeding through the trees. I was hoping nothing would go wrong with the birth, and Jack and I would end up with two healthy baby girls. I groaned as I felt one of them kick me, I wasn't sure if they were human or vampire, but they were strong for new-born-not-even-born-yet babies.

I snapped out of my thoughts as I noticed Jack had started walking, and then I saw the large white building of the Seaford Hospital looming over us. Cars pulled up left right and center, but I was on the lookout for Grace's. I saw it speeding down the gravel, kicking up bits of flint and stones. Jack snickered as she almost ran an old lady over, I would have laughed too, given the way she was shaking an angry hand at Grace's windshield, but I was in too much pain.

Her tires squealed as she skidded into a parking space with an abrupt stop. She got out of the car, and ran towards us as fast as she could, almost getting hit by a car. It's horn beeped at her, and she gave the driver the finger, continuing towards us.

Vampire Love (Kim Crawford X Jack Brewer)Where stories live. Discover now