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I tossed and turned all night. My body was tired, but my brain was wide awake. Swimming with thoughts. It can't be possible. How can Jack be a vampire?, Would he try and hurt me?, Was he responsible for the 'animal attacks'? I didn't know, but the other thing was, how was I going to ask him. 'Hey Jack, I know you're a vampire, by the way did you want to go bowling after school?' No, somehow, I don't think that idea would work.

Ever since Jack had came, I'd quite often found myself falling asleep in lessons, or getting dizzy around him, and my latest one, my eyes wandering of their own accord and settling on Jack. By now I knew every detail of his face, his chiseled features, his lips which where often held in a smirk or devilish grin. And it scared me, but in a good way, it made a warm feeling bubble furiously in the pit of my stomach.

I couldn't believe how strangely calm about the whole thing I was being. Because really the only movie I can relate to is Vampire Diaries, but no real vampire eats bunnies for gods sake.

Taking a deep breath, I quietly got out of bed and got a piece of paper and a pen and began to write.


I stared at the word, still holding the pen.

Jack is a vampire.

I kept writing.

Jack = Fangs and blood.

There, I'd admitted it, and it made me feel alot better to get the weight off of my chest. It was like I was trying to ignore what's right infront of me. The Truth. I gripped my pen tighter one final time and wrote:

I love Jack Anderson who is a vampire.

I put the paper and pen on the floor, and snuggled into the blankets, letting sleep take me when I'd closed my eyes.


I stood outside the Maths classroom, waiting for the other class to finish up. I walked inside and sat down. I took a deep breath and put my head in my hands. I had no idea how I was going to do this. I couldn't just come out and ask him about it. Speaking of the devil, he came in and sat next to me. I almost passed out, the metallic smell seemed much stronger. Could it be because he had just gone hunting, or I was more aware of it now?

"Ok, class take out your exersise books and open your textbooks to pages 876 and 877." Miss Vildman said to us, walking over to her desk. I really couldn't be bothered with the work, I put my head in my arms, I knew I'd be eating detention flavoured pie later, but I didn't care anymore.

I was walking through the same woods again, the wet leaves still clinging to my shoes, stepping into the center of the forest, I spotted a figure in the moonlight. I could tell from behind, it was Jack. He was wearing a different outfit this time, a red shirt and black jeans, and I noticed his ring this time.

"Hi love." He whispered, tangling his hands into my hair as he saw me walking towards him.

I wanted him as much as he wanted me, only the desire seemed stronger now I knew what he was; my lips burned for the touch of his on mine. Not wanting to resist the temptation anymore, I pressed my lips to his and he kissed me back, his hands fell to my waist and mine trailed up his shirt, unbuttoning it and slipping it off his shoulders, tangling my fingers in his hair. Jack ran his tongue along my lower lip, begging for entry, I smiled before I gladly opened my mouth, he slipped his tongue inside, tasting me, running it along each of my teeth, leaving nothing unexplored. I moaned as Jack pulled me closer to him, fully pressing us together.

God it was amazing, we paused long enough for Jack to pull my shirt off. My head fell back as he began rubbing circles on my stomach, sucking on my neck. I felt my body relax in his hold, my state somewhat dreamlike as he kissed my chest, gently biting into the softer skin. I trembled as I felt his tongue graze against my collarbone, followed by his teeth as he sucked lightly, biting every so often. I let him back me up against a tree as he was still sucking on my neck. I whimpered quietly as his nails dug into my side. I squirmed as we kissed heavily, Jack pulling me to the ground, pinning me firmly underneath him.

Vampire Love (Kim Crawford X Jack Brewer)Where stories live. Discover now