15- A new start.

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It was finally here. You have worked up some money and just your overall savings your parents helped with was all here. Moving day was today, you had gotten a few family friends to help. Your roommate wasn't all that bad, but you had only just met her.

As for you and Beetlejuice though, you had to admit it was going to be hard. Who knows who could see him here so he stayed at the house while you were in classes.

"Hey thanks again!" You said to one of yours dad's friends before he left.

You both waved your goodbyes and you took the elevator back up. Your roommate was here so you called Beetlejuice.

"So you still have to unpack?"

"No, I'm just gonna leave it all in the boxes" you rolled your eyes as you made your bed up.

You had taken one box and told Beetlejuice to help. He eventually put up some of your posters on your wall while you put your clothes up. After you were all finished you got rid of the boxes and laid on your bed and sighed.

"So what are all the courses you're taking"

"Well, I have to take the normal courses as Math, English, social science... I'm taking the others next semester." You smiled as you looked at your paper.

Soon your door opened to your roommate as she looked in Beetlejuice's direction.

"Uh, who's... This?" You curiously asked.

"No way, you can see me ironic." Beetlejuice laughed "well I'm a demon who's friends with Y/n."

She looked at Beetlejuice then back at you. So she just continue to unpack and ask about it later.

You decided to go out to a more private area to see if you could talk. The campus was really nice, it had a lot of trees and very shady. There's a lot of places to sit and study, both inside and out side. The campus was easy to remember where all of your classes will be.

You two ended up going to one of the more private benches to sit and talk.

"So what're you gonna do without me" you laughed as he wrapped his arms around you.

"I dunno, haven't thought that far." He looked away.

You two stayed there as the wind blew through the trees. Truth was you wish he could just stay, but your roommate already seeing him was bad enough. Sadly he couldn't stay, you two would just have to visit.

"Hey, I should probably get and talk to my roommate." You stood up.

"Probably will be best..."

You held on to him as tight as you could and looked up at his brown eyes. You let go and started to walk back to your room. It was a pretty short walk so you didn't mind it.

"Oh, you're back" your roommate smiled.

"Yeah, by the way I'm Y/n."

"I'm Caitlin, but call me Candy."

Her blonde hair was down and straightened and her blue eyes were shining in the din light of the dorm. Her side of the room has some band posters you've never heard, she had a lot of purples and yellows on her side. She was quite happy but no too happy you hated it.

"Hey!" She laughed as she got up "Let's throw a party, and we'll go get the alcohol first."

You laughed and nodded, and invited everyone on your floor. You went and got the alcohol because her brother worked at the store. I mean it was illegal but hey it's our first night here.

You came back and everyone was already there and read. You grabbed a few shot glasses too so you and Candy grabbed with and few others.

"Come in Y/n, make a toast!"

"Uh, to a new start and a new chapter in our life!" You laughed as you took the shot.

It burned a little going down but you could care less. Candy went and hooked her phone to a speaker to get some music playing.

"Hey, I'm Ryder." A brown headed boy walked up to you with some glasses "want one?"

"Sure, and I'm Y/n" you accept the glass and took a sip.

You and Ryder talked the whole night drinking. You were to the point where you were drunk out of your mind. He grabbed your hand and led you to his room, you got there and he closed the door. You weren't thinking straight so you wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him. You realized what was happening and you pushed him away and ran out the room. The music still blasting and people dancing drinking and making out was seen everywhere.

"Hey! Y/n, there you are!" Candy yelled from the hall over to you.

"Ugh, I feel like I'm gonna be sick" you said back to her as she ran over.

You ran to the bathroom and in a stall that didn't have people making over or having sex. Jeez your first night here and it's just like the movie... Oh wait, it's a fanfiction... Nevermind.

Candy followed you into the stall and helped and held up your hair. After you were done, you sat there for a minute with your eyes closed. You were so glad you didn't go any further with Ryder, but you still made out with him.

'Beetlejuice can't find out' was all you could think of.

"Come on Y/n let's get you to bed." Candy said sweetly.

You both walked back and Candy turned off the music and told everyone to go. Surprisingly your guys room was clean. You changed and got in bed while Candy got you some ibprophan and water. You took your medicine and laid back and fell asleep.

You woke up the next morning with a headache, good things classes don't start yet. You grabbed your phone and you had some texts and missed calls. Some were from Lydia but most were from Beetlejuice. You opened them and the guilt came back as you didn't have any words to say.

Bj 😍💕


Bj: hey I just wanted to see how you're doing, I miss you...

Bj: hey, what's the Netflix password... I accidentally logged out

Bj: baby please, I need to finish breaking bad

Bj: okay I understand if you're busy but I need to know if you have hulu...

You looked at them and sighed.

'how does one accidentally log out of Netflix' you tried to laugh.

Bj 😍💕

Bj: okay I understand if you're busy but I need to know if you have hulu...

Me: hey sorry we threw a party, and I do... But my question is how tf do you accidentally log out of Netflix???

You decided to fully get up and get dressed for the day, walk around campus again to see everything. Candy must have woken up and saw you leave.

"Wait Y/n" she panted "wanna go get breakfast"

You nodded as you walked to find a near by cafe on campus. You eventually arrived and walked inside.

It was a cute little cafe, lots of band posters in the wall and it was mostly dark woods or gray. They had a lot of their own specials and way cheaper than Starbucks, since y'know you're a poor college kid.

You and Candy both sat down at a table next to a window and gazed over the menu.

YeEt- College! Lol I had to, I can't wait for college 🙄

Well hope you enjoyed... I've been liking all the time I've had for writing... Y'know, before school starts again.

But y'know...


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