ok i am going to do this, i perfected and experimented before this.
here is the best prototype so far.
i call it
The 15 Day Realistic Challenge
basically i try this ' diet' i found called the coffee diet, (found on tumblr.)
drinks > green tea, water
foods > apple 2tbsp of PBTuesday:
drinks > water, green tea
foods > 1 bread & butter 1/2 appleWednesday:
drinks > green tea, water
foods > homemade vanilla ice cream (recepie coming soon) apple?¿ (maybe)Thursday:
drinks > water, green tea
foods > yoghurt, 1 bread & PBFriday:
drinks > green tea, water
foods > 1/2 tbsp PB, 1 bread & butterSaturday:
drinks > water, green tea
foods > 1/2 bread & cheese, 1 appleSunday:
drinks > green tea, water
foods > yoghurt, bread & butterPOINT SYSTEM
+1 point for staying under/meet cal goal
+1 point for following rhe excersice plan for the day
+1 point for xeinking eniugh water for my weigh (130lbs, about 9 stone and 58.9 kg)
+1 point for talking and socializing (i struggle with this, you can personalize this!)
-1 point for not excersicing
-1 point for going over your cal limit
-1 point for each sugary drink/ alcohol
add up points on Saturdays.
10+ points = one small snack9- points = nothing
Monday: 100 jumping jacks, 60 sec wall sit, 50 lunges each leg, 100 toe touches, 50 leg lifts each leg.
Tuesday: 100 jumping jacks, 60 sec wall sit, 1 min plank, 20 leg raises, 30 crunches, 40 sit ups, 50 jumping jacks.
Wednesday: 100 jumping jacks, 60 sec wall sit, 5 push ups, 20 arm circles, 10 wall push ups, r5 sec plank, 5 push ups.
Thursday: 100 jumping jacks, 60 sec wall sit, 40 squats, 20 leg raises, 50 sec plank, 40 high knees, 300 pillow squeezes
Friday: 100 jumping jacks, 60 sec wall sit, Just Dance for 30 min at least.
Saturday: 100 jumping jacks, 60 sec wall sit, run, JD, walk around (choose)
Sunday: 100 jumping jacks, 60 sec wall sit, 40 sec plank, 50 donkey kicks each side.
i like to mix and match these because they're not extreme or super burning workouts.
drink water and take breaks!