Chapter 8

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Mark was taking a long time so I decided to come down and check on him but instead froze at what I saw. Mark had many scars trailing down both his wrists, some you could tell were quite deep but others not as bad. I felt myself starting to cry, how did I not notice this before. He was frozen too, eyes locked onto me, he knew I'd seen them. "M-Mark?" I whispered "Why would you do this?" My voice was shaky and full of fear as I asked him this, I didn't expect to get an answer. "I-I couldn't cope Jack. Dark, h-he always tells me I-I'm not good enough. I believe him. I-it's hard for me Jack. I-it truly I-is." He looks down at his feet as though it's somehow his fault. I sense that he still feels that way so I walk up to him and make him look me in the eyes. "Mark." I begin, suddenly filled with confidence. "You are not alone. If you ever, and I mean EVER, need anyone to talk to, I am here. You ever need a shoulder to cry on, I'm here. Ever need to just ramble on about anything and everything, I'm here for ya, just please, for the love of the potato gods, do not keep it bottled up inside. I'm begging ya Mark." He nods his head and breaks down into tears and I hug him close to my chest, feeling him clench and unclench his fists against me. I take his hand and lead him upstairs. Thankfully this is the smallest cabin so it'll only be us four but Tyler and Ethan still look over at us confused. I just shake my head and they turn away, still concerned about Mark but they decide it's best to let me deal with it. I take the cover off Marks bed and hang it over the railing so that my bunk is covered completely. I then lift it up and gesture for him to climb in, he smiles at me gratefully and lies down, shutting his eyes and drifting to sleep.

Jack turns around from building Mark a makeshift den to tell us about what happened, although, he seems very nervous the hyper boy we saw just a couple of minutes ago. He looks us in the eyes, his full of regret and sadness but still a spark of hope. I turn to Ethan, his hair slightly falling over one eye as the other stares at Jack, trying to figure out what could've happened to Mark. I look back to Jack and nod to show him that I'm listening, Ethan doing the same. Jack sighs and sits on the floor in front of us whilst beginning to tell us what happened. "So, I went downstairs to check on Mark and I looked about to find him but he was just stood in front of the mirror looking downwards. I was scared but still looked, I wish I hadn't. Mark had rolled up his sleeves and was looking at scars. He had tons scattered across both arms and they all looked really deep." He slowly walked over to where Mark was, folding up the cover so we could see him before carefully rolling up his sleeves to show us the scars. I heard Ethan gasp beside me. The scars were very visible, even from halfway across the room. Mark turned in his sleep and the sleeve caught one of his cuts, he helped and shot up in pain. Jack retreated and panicked as he saw the cut start to bleed. Ethan fainted and I flew downstairs to the first aid kit. I flung it open and eyed the contents, bandages, plasters, cream, chemicals, cotton pads and some sort of cleansing ointment. I grabbed the ointment, a bandage and some cotton pads. I rushed back upstairs and poured some ointment onto a cotton pad. I cleared away the blood before putting some onto a fresh pad and strapping that to the cut with the bandage. I hear a loud noise from outside and head to the balcony to check it out. It was the dinner bell, lunch time! I try to wake Ethan up as Jack explains it to Mark. I manage to get him to open his eyes and give up trying to get him to stand so I haul him onto my back and start to carry him down that way, Jack and Mark soon following hand in hand. We get to the food hall and I feel Ethan's hair starting to tickle my neck. I place him on a bench at a table in the corner where we all agreed to sit, well, except Ethan. I poke him hoping that it'll wake him up so when  I don't get a response I decide to just whisper in his ear. "Ethan, wake up!"  I still get no response so I try something better. "Ethan, food." With that said he flies off the bench, almost knocking himself into multiple tables whilst still not being completely aware of where he was.

I'm not even properly awake when my body flings me around, desperate to reach a goal that I am unaware of. I wake myself up and gain control, heading back over to the others. "What did you guys do?" I ask, trying to act as though I was angry. Mark and Jack just laugh and point at Tyler as if that would help the problem. I turn so I am facing him and only him. "Okay Tyler, what happened?!" I say a tiny bit louder than last time. "I just said food!" Was his answer whilst he tried to shield himself from whatever he thought was going to happen. I stop. "Did you say-" I'm cut off by Jack. "Last one there is a rotten potato!" As him and Tyler fly off to what I assume is the food, leaving me and Mark to figure out where to go. We look at each other and nod before flying off after the other two. We reach them easily and I glance over at Mark, sending him the signal. We both jumped forwards, tackling Tyler and Jack as they fell to the floor. I blushed as Tyler rolled over and I realised the situation we were in. He must've saw me blushing because whilst Mark and Jack were getting up like normal people he decided to start wrestling me and easily pinned me to the floor. (Stop you sinners!) I blushed even harder as he leans down to my ear and said three words. "You're really weak". I stop struggling and immediately flip him over, unconscious that I straddled his waist whilst doing so and got up, still pinning his wrists and nodding at the other three. "Last one there is a rotten potato" I say as we all launch off again, Jack leading as he's the only one that knows where the food is. I'm stopped by someone grabbing my waist and turning me around. I'm shocked as I'm met face to face with Tyler, he can't be that quick surel-  My thoughts are cut off as his lips meet mine, freezing me to the spot. He laughs and joins the back of the queue just ahead of where I am and just behind Mark and Jack. "Look who's a potato now Ethan!" He laughs as if nothing just happened. I raise a hand to my cheeks and feel them burning. Tyler gets the hint and flushes a deep red as he recalls what he just did. We lock eyes

To Be Continued....

-COMPLETED- Shipped away. A septiplier and crankypie fanficWhere stories live. Discover now