Chapter 16

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(3rd person)
Jack woke up first, naturally. He had been the first to go to sleep and knowing the others they probably stayed up into the early hours of the morning. He was right. Mark and Felix had stayed up until about 1 in the morning and then passed out in their beds after screaming the lyrics to multiple songs in a row. The Irishman looked around to see if anything was wrong in the cabin and he only noticed that Ethan wasn't there. 'Where's Ethan?' He wondered to himself before wandering down to the bathroom, doing his stuff, walking back upstairs and climbing up to Marks bunk to cuddle him. Mark didn't wake up so Jack decided to stay there for a bit. Felix is the next to wake up. He sits up in his bed and sees Jack in Marks bed and can't help himself. He snaps a picture and posts it on Instagram. Jack sits up once he feels his phone vibrating in his pocket so he pulls it out to check why it's going crazy. He turns around to face the swede and slowly walks up to his bed. "You're lucky marks asleep or you would be dead" Jack spoke slowly and quietly so he wouldn't wake Mark but he would still make his point. Felix nodded quickly and went back to scrolling through his phone whilst Jack went back to cuddling with Mark. "Oh yeah! Your boyfriends missing by the way." Jack says casually. "HE'S WHAT?!" Felix shouts out, waking mark before he rockets out of his bed to check if Jack was joking. He wasn't. Ethan, on the other hand, had been awake for a while. He was just sitting, staring out at the lake before he saw a little island not very far out in the lake. He decided to go over there but he was worried about his phone. He found a large piece of driftwood, placing his phone safely on it before paddling with one hand pushing it along as he kicked with all his might. He eventually reached the island, cold and tired, took his shirt off and set his phone a safe distance away from the water after removing his shirt. The morning air was crisp and fresh but mostly warm. Back at the cabin Felix was still panicking. "Jack What the hell man! How long has he been gone? Where is he? Why? How? I don't understand!" Felix yells out as he curls up in the floor, Jack knelt beside him trying his best to comfort the angry meatball. "It's okay, we'll find him" Jack helped Felix up off the floor and Mark followed them outside as they began to follow muddy footsteps that lead outwards from their cabin. It lead them to the same clearing that Felix had been at the day before, Felix started tearing up. "He's not here and there's no more footsteps! Where is he?" Felix cried out. He was loud enough that even Ethan heard him from where he was. Hearing Felix in this much pain hurt him but he couldn't go back, he was scared he'd hurt them. Instead he stayed where he was, sat on the shore of the island and watching the other three from where he was. Mark and Jack were looking everywhere whilst Felix just collapsed onto the sandy bank. He muttered the same thing over and over. "He's gone. He's gone. He's gone-" He buried his head in his knees and just cried. His whole world was gone, just like that, he didn't even get to say goodbye. Ethan was in tears, watching as the one he loved was hurting, and it was all his fault. Ethan picked up his phone, looking guilty, and dialled Jack's number. He picked up almost immediately. "Ethan! Where the hell are you! We're all so worried, especially Felix!" Ethan was silent. "Ethan?" Jack repeated before Ethan spoke. "I'm alright, Jack. I'm just- somewhere. I need to be alone right now..." "Okay but I'm giving you to Felix first. If I don't he'll probably try to do something he regrets." Ethan gulped, hundreds of situations flooding through his mind. A shaky voice came from the phone. "H-hello?" It was Felix. "Hey buddy." Ethan tried to sound enthusiastic, but failed. "Ethan! Oh my god! Where are you? Why did you leave? Please come back! I'm begging you! Please!" Felix sounded so desperate. It only made Ethan cry harder. "I-I-I can't Fe. I need to b-be alone right n-now. I-I'm s-s-so Sorry." Ethan ended the call before Felix could guilt him into coming back. Ethan looked up to where Felix was sat. He was called back immediately but Ethan just dropped his phone into the sand, letting it go to voicemail. He saw Felix try multiple times before Jack took the phone from him. Felix started yelling so loud that Ethan could hear it clearly. "NO. GIVE IT BACK. I NEED TO TALK TO HIM! I NEED HIM!" Felix was yelling for a good couple of minutes before he just broke down completely. Mark helped him up and they all headed back to the cabin. They got back and Felix had stopped crying and just laid in his bed, completely emotionless. Mark and Jack tried endlessly to cheer him up but nothing would. He would just turn so he was facing the wall and wouldn't talk to anyone. Ethan decided on his mistake and swam back to the shore, again making sure his phone was safe. His shirt was drenched but that didn't matter right now, Felix did. Ethan ran as fast as he could, dodging trees and reaching their cabin. He ran up the stairs and into the room. Mark and Jack turned around but there was no movement from Felix. Jack nodded at the swede, signalling for Ethan to go to him. He rested a hand on the blonde. "Mark, Jack just stop. He's not coming back" Ethan sighed. "It's me Felix." Felix just sniffed. "This isn't funny guys" Ethan just flipped him over so he was on his back and kissed him. Felix shot upwards and looked at Ethan. "ETHAN?!" The blue-haired boy smiled and waved jokingly. "That's me." He smiled. Felix tackle hugged him and started crying tears of joy. Mark and Jack came over and joined the hug. Before long this turned into a wrestling session. Ethan somehow pinned Mark down whilst Felix pinned Jack. They smiled at each other and pulled their victims away from each other. "Jack nooooo" Mark wailed dramatically. Jack pretended to faint. Then when they let the two go Ethan whipped out his phone and recorded the lovebirds. They ran towards each other and hugged, pecking each other on the lips before sinking down to the floor. Mark pressed their foreheads together. "I love you" Jack said. "I love you more" Mark said smiling. Ethan ended the recording and chuckled. He quickly posted it to twitter before getting tackled by Mark who had figured out what was going on. "You better delete that!" He says, Ethan shaking his head. "I already uploaded it" Mark raised his eyebrows. "If you don't believe me, go find your phone." Mark left to find his phone and screamed out when it was blowing up with notifications consisting of 'SEPTIPLIER AWAY!' Jack just laughed.

(Time skip to the last day of camp)
The group shared their goodbyes as they vowed to stay in touch. Jack was going home with Mark, obviously, and they'd arranged for Jack to stay round for a week! Mark told his mum that him and Seán were dating and she just nodded. "I assumed you two would get together at some point" she said as Jack turned red and Mark just cuddled him close. Felix waited with Ethan as they were waiting for their parents to arrive. Felix's mum arrived but Felix asked if he could wait until Ethan was collected. She agreed and they waited for an hour but no one came. Ethan was in tears but Felix's mum spoke up. "Hey, don't worry sweetheart! You can come home with us, stay a while. Well leave our contact info at the front desk so if your parents do come then they can ring us and collect you!" Ethan looked surprised, Felix smiling at him, same with his mum. "I'd love to!" He cheered. They all bundled into the car and they drove to Felix's house. Ethan's parents never did call, instead Ethan stayed with Felix and they continued their relationship happily. Tyler got in contact with Ethan once but it was to apologise. Ethan forgave him and the three became close friends again. Mark and Jack didn't live far away so the five met up a lot and continued getting up to no good. This is the end, but sometimes and ending is all you need for a new beginning.

The end.

-COMPLETED- Shipped away. A septiplier and crankypie fanficWhere stories live. Discover now