Chapter 15

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I looked up and saw Ethan who, quite frankly, scared the shit out of me. I shouted out in Swedish and leapt up, face planting the floor in the process. I slowly got up and looked around to see Mark, Jack and Ethan looking at me. "What?" I said. They all just laughed and I clutched my head, groaning with agony. That hurt like meatballs on a stick but I'm not a wuss. I stand up and walk downstairs to get a glass of water, everyone following me. "Guys! Stop following me!" I yell out and they just sigh. "We care about you Fe, we just don't want ya running off again! You scared the life out of us when we figured you were gone." Jack spoke up, Mark nodding in agreement and Ethan just looking down at his feet. "I was really worried you wouldn't come back" he spoke in a quiet voice, but I heard and walked over to him. I stopped in front of him and wrapped my arms around him. "I'm sorry" I said. "But-" I cut him off with a shirt, sweet kiss to the lips. "No buts, it's my fault, I'm sorry". I hugged him as he calmed down, eventually getting my water and heading back upstairs with the others right behind me. Suddenly I get flashbacks from my childhood with Jack, playing in the swings in the playground, that was our favourite part. And we'd take turns going down the slide together, even lush each other on the roundabout! These memories made me clutch my head in pain, sending me reeling backwards until I hit my head pretty hard on a wall. I must've knocked myself out because I woke up to. "Bloody Hell Felix. How many times- oh you're awake!" It was Mark, most likely fixing me up again because of me being stupid, as usual.

I was comforting Ethan again because, for some reason, Felix backed into a wall and knocked himself out. Again. He really is a danger to himself but we're not worrying About that now. He woke up again so I sent Ethan over to him and Mark came back to me. I pulled him in for a kiss which lasted about 5 seconds because I saw a flash. I turned around to see Felix holding his phone which was almost definitely on camera. I got up and chased him as he ran around, almost tripping over Mark who was still sat on the floor, unaware of what was happening around him. I rolled my eyes and managed to catch up to Felix eventually, tackling him to the floor as I pried the phone out of his grip and looked to see that he'd uploaded it to his twitter and Instagram whilst I was chasing him. "Felix!" I yelled out as he collapsed onto the floor laughing. Ethan rushed over, thinking Felix was hurt again but he just began to smile when he saw that the swede wasn't hurt but, in fact, overly happy. It made Ethan smile and that made Me smile. I loved to see my friends happy.

(3rd person)
Whilst Mark sat on his own on one side of the room, still confused as to what just happened, the other three were in fits of giggles, happy that all of them were okay. Mark eventually crawled over to the overs and crept behind Ethan. "Boo!"  Mark yelled out which ended up scaring Jack as well as Ethan which only caused Felix to laugh harder than he had been before. Jack looked at them both with an angered look on his face. "Mark what the hell? And Felix, you'd better shut up before I shut you up!" The Irishman's threats were enough to shut the swede up rather quickly and Mark just looked away so he didn't get threatened as well, struggling or stop laughing before he got punched on the arm by none other than that same Irishman. "Jack, what the hell man? I was trying!" Mark was rubbing his arm because Jack had punched slightly harder than he meant to. "Sorry Mark, heh, I guess I went a bit too hard." Felix sniggered and both Mark and Jack blushed, realising why the dirty-minded swede was sniggering at them. Ethan was confused at first but finally caught onto it and collapsed into Felix's lap as he laughed his little heart out. "Hi." He said, looking up at Felix after he'd calmed down from his laughing fit. "Heya bluebird." Felix said back as he smiled at the smaller boy in his lap. Jack's stomach growled and everyone face palmed. "Oh yeah! We were getting lunch earlier." Ethan said as Felix looked at him. "Well let's go get some now then." Mark said as they headed out the door, Marks arm wrapped tightly around Jack so he didn't hurt himself again but wincing slightly when Jack's jacket dug into the scars on his arm. "What's wrong Mark?" The concerned Irishman asked, directing all of his attention to the red-head. "Nothing, Nothing" Mark answered, keeping his focus on the ground so no one got hurt. Jack didn't believe him but didn't push it as he knew Mark didn't want to talk about it.

Felix had his arm around me as we walked back to the food hall. I thought of earlier with Tyler, before Felix arrived, and started to tear up. Tyler was so sweet before Felix came but then, everything turned into a nightmare. I started shaking, trying to hold back tears as Felix hadn't noticed yet. My shaking got worse and Felix turned round to me and panicked when he saw the state I was in. He found a bench near us and sat me down, wrapping his arms around me tightly as he tried to calm me down. "Ethan, what's wrong bluebird?" He asked me as I shook my head to signal I didn't want to talk about it. He understood and just put his head in the crook of my neck as he rocked me back and forth. Jack and Mark had left already. They were walking in front of us and didn't notice when we stopped. I got up and dragged Felix with me so we could get food and find those lovebirds. I wiped my tears away and we entered the building that had all sorts of wonderful smells drifting through it. I took Felix's hand and lead him to where the rest of the food was. I chose to have a lovely meal of shepherds pie and picked up a chocolate chip cookie for afterwards. Felix chose to have meatballs, typical Swedish, and picked up a bowl of jelly for dessert. We walked back to the cabin with our food and were met with a happy Mark and Jack who had already stuffed their faces. We sat down on the beds and decided to just listen to music and spend some time to ourselves, instead of playing another game like earlier. I was pretty tired so I just laid down and went to sleep whilst, I'm pretty sure, Mark was scrolling through Instagram, same with Jack, and Felix was laid on his bed listening to music. Since Tyler had been kicked out of our cabin Felix didn't have to have a separate bed, instead he was on the bunk above mine where Tyler would've been. I woke up at 3 am after having a bad dream. It was about blank, my alter ego. He trapped me in my head and he was trying to get out to hurt the others. I took this as a sign and ran away from our cabin, I didn't wast anyone to get hurt. I went to the bank where Mark and Jack said they'd found Felix earlier and sat there, just thinking about all the events that had happened since I got here just a day ago. I smiled as tears ran down my face. I took my jacket off and placed it on the sand where I curled up on top of it and shut my eyes. I hoped that blank wasn't really coming out to play but, as always, I feared the worst.

To Be Continued.....

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