Chapter 12

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A/n: okay so before we start in just gonna say. This is rated 22 on septiplier!! I'm so so so happy! Thank you to everyone reading and let's continue!

We'd just got to the food hall and we all turned to face each other. There was a massive cut right across Jacks forehead, probably from when he fell earlier. It was bleeding heavily and I was concerned. Just when I was about to ask him if he was okay he collapsed. I jumped and instantly rushed off to find help. Immediately a crowd started forming around Jack but, I couldn't focus on that right now, I needed to find help. Rushing through the hall I found the adult who runs the camp and was quick to explain the situation to them. They got out their walkie talkie and began to bark out orders, sending the first aid team straight here as a code red emergency. I lead her back to where Jack is, the crowd parting to let us through. Mark and Tyler were knelt next to him, trying to get any sort of response from his unconscious body. I kneel down next to the two and we wait. Soon enough, the first aid team arrives with a lot of medical supplies. They instantly begun to clean the wound on his head so it doesn't get infected, it's pretty deep as well, I don't know how we didn't notice it before. They then wrap it in a bandage and tell us to bring him back to his cabin. Mark doesn't hesitate to pick Jack up and begins to, slowly and carefully, walk back to our cabin with Jack lying limp in his arms. We reach the cabin and Mark lays Jack on my bed seeing as it's the closest bed. We're all really concerned so Mark sits on the bed with him whilst me and Tyler sit on the floor, cuddling because we both need this right now. At this point, Mark has broken down and is crying out the same word over and over with sorrow in his voice. "Seán!" He said. "Seán..." He says it over and over, as if pleading it'll do something. "Seán..." One last time and he gives up, not doing anything but crying. I wish I could console him in some way but I'm not good with these sorts of situations, I can hardly control myself when I'm upset. All we need to do is keep him in our sights so he doesn't do anything stupid, again. I feel so bad, I can't begin to imagine how it feels for his best friend, his lover, to be so hurt and him not being able to do anything to help.

I'm crying. Just crying and crying, my body unable to do or feel anything else. Just sadness. My whole world just fell apart in front of my eyes and I couldn't help him. I try shaking him, gently so I don't hurt him but also roughly so I have a chance of waking him up. "Seán..." I start repeating his name again but he doesn't wake up. I look over to Ethan and Tyler who are just cuddling on the floor, they're scared too, none of us know what sort of condition he's in and it hurts. I sigh and walk over to my bunk, lying down and closing my eyes, trying to block out everything that's happened today. I feel so insecure, like my feelings are on display for everyone to see, vulnerable, just a few words could make me snap. Just a single sentence could break me, broken beyond repair. Sighing, I turn over and try to fall asleep, eventually being surrounded by darkness. A few hours later I'm shaken awake. I roll over and come face to face with Ethan. His eyes are filled with happiness and a shimmer of hope, I hope for the best. "Jack's awake!" Was all he said and that was all I needed to hear. I shot out of bed and I was across the room in seconds, hugging him tightly. "Woah woah, Mark, calm down!" He says as I squeeze him happily. "Seán, you're awake! You're okay!" "Of course I'm okay ya doof!" He reaches up and pulls me down by the back of my neck, kissing me softly, making me feel safe again. I smile into the kiss and pull back for air. "I love you Jack" I say. He smiles up at me and I grin back, causing him to giggle. God, I love his laugh, it's so cute. He's so cute. I don't know what I would do without him. I figured that we're all probably hungry so I got my suitcase and got us all a bag of Doritos, grabbing an extra cookie for Jack as well. I handed everyone the food and Jack instantly devours the cookie. I laugh as I open my bag of crisps and the rest of the day goes by in a flash, knowing Jack is okay and safe made everything better.

(Felix) (bet you didn't see that coming!)
I arrived at camp a day late. All the cabins were full so I'd have to choose a cabin. 'Well 7 is supposed to be lucky so I'll go with that' I thought as I asked the lady at the front desk if I could join cabin 7. She smiles "Of course! There's already 4 other boys in there so remember to be nice. I'll head over later with the spare bed and we'll set it up for you then!" "Okay thank you, bye!" I say happily as I wave and head towards to cabin I chose. I reach the cabin and remember what she said "4 other boys" I mutter to myself. I nervously walk up the stairs to see what I assumed was the other 4 I'm staying with. They hadn't noticed me so I decided to speak. "Hi!" I said cheerily, hoping that they were nicer than the cabin mates I had last year. They all turn to face me. The blue haired one is the first to speak. "Hello! I'm Ethan. This is Jack, Mark and Tyler." He says, gesturing to each of them as he says their names. They all wave and I shyly wave back. "My names Felix, I'm moving into your cabin" I say whilst rubbing the back of my neck. "Awesome!" Jack shouts out. "New buddies! That is, if you want to be buddies?" He asks. My eyes light up and I smile widely. "Do I!" They all laugh. "Well if you're friends with one of us then you're stuck with all of us!" Mark laughed as everyone else, including me, joined in. I was glad I chose this cabin out of any of the others. I can tell this year camp is going to be amazing.

To Be Continued...

-COMPLETED- Shipped away. A septiplier and crankypie fanficWhere stories live. Discover now