Chapter 10

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A/n: I'm writing this at 2 in the morning and I'm really sleep deprived so if it's absolute nonsense or there's spelling errors just blame my anxiety. This world is fun.

We all sat down to play my favourite game of all time, truth or dare, the game where you can uncover secrets of your friends or dare them to do embarrassing, funny, stupid or even deadly things. You can change their lives with a simple question or challenge. Wreak havoc on everything they have known or loved. Destroy their sanity. Everything. Okay, this is fine, this is normal, I am fine. Back to the game. "I go first!" I called out, hoping that my first victim would fall into the trance of anything I could command them to do or say, crushing hearts and shattering dreams. Death shall reign upon us all one day. "I pick... Jack! Truth or dare?" I see him recoil into the depths of his mind, fighting over the choices that could cause endless amounts of pain for one wrong move. He chooses a decision. "I'll go with dare! I'm no wuss!" I smirk to myself, my mind filled with endless possibilities of torturous questions to scare the young man into doing whatever we say. I'll go easy on him because he's nice. "Okay, I dare you to make out with Mark." With that said, I let the casual smirk slowly spread across my face as I look over to Ethan and we share a victorious high five. The make out session lasted a little longer than me and Ethan were comfortable with, but it was worth it to teach Mark a lesson for what they did earlier. Next it was jack's turn. "Okay, I'm gonna choose Mark! Truth or dare, choose wisely." He says with a huge grin. He's obviously planned something so Mark decides to be safe. "Truth" he answers without any hesitation whatsoever. "What is your opinion on me." Jack asks as he tries to keep a poker face, a slight smile tugging at the corners of his mouth as he somehow keeps a straight face. Mark decided to use this against him, to make him so embarrassed that he would never think to do anything like this again. "Well, you've been my best friend for years, and you mean a great deal to me, however, recently we have become closer than friends and I love you with the entirety of my heart. Your eyes make my heart melt every time I stare into them, the deep blue consuming my mind, my every thought, everything reminds me of you. I love you so much it's almost impossible, but I do, and I always will." He ends it by kissing Jack and pushing him backwards into the floor where Jack chooses not to struggle but to lay there and ponder his life. How do I know? I've been in that situation before. Enough with me, let's switch the POV.

Tyler seemed very quiet for, well, Tyler. I was watching him throughout the entirety of our game, which at the moment was about five minutes. He just stared at nothingness. Oh well, Marks turn. "Tyler!" He yells, making Tyler focus onto the red haired boy sat in front of him. "Truth or dare?" He says gruffly in a voice that I'd assume to be his attempt to sound menacing. "I think I'll go with dare" Tyler responds, slowly, as though he could change his mind at any moment but no, it was too late. "I dare you to go to the balcony and shout something weird!" I gave Mark a strange look but Tyler went with it anyway. We could hear a sort of muffle sentence seeing as he had closed the door behind him. "Female kangaroos have three vaginas!" Was all we could hear before everyone inside collapsed with laughter. He came back in and none of us even bothered to question as to why he knows this. We all calmed down and it was Tyler's turn again. He looked around at all of us before choosing his next victim. "Ethan. What do you say, truth or dare?" I gulped and tried to think of which would have the best outcome for me in the end. I decided to just go for it, a dare couldn't be that bad, could it? "Dare." I say, my voice filled with confidence but at the same time, fear. Tyler smiles deviously and I fear to even think about what he shall dare me to do. "I dare you to empty out your suitcase in front of us all, you are only allowed to hide one item if completely necessary." I smile, I had nothing to hide. He probably thought I'd be one of those kids who brings huge stashes of pornographic comics or handcuffs and stuff with me. Nah. I don't do that sorta stuff. I grabbed my suitcase and placed the items on the floor in front of everyone carefully, making sure nothing got broken in the process. I had the following; a flashlight, clothes for weeks, a candy bar, a bag of chips, a Harry Potter book (Half blood prince), my phone charger, my headphones and a spoon. "Why the hell do ya have a spoon?" Jack asked from where he was sat. "Ah, you never know when a spoon could come in handy." We all laugh and I pack everything away but my charger and headphones where I get out my phone and put some music on.

I was still confused as to why Ethan would have a spoon but everyone's unique, I guess. Ethan got out his phone and out on a playlist, starting with 'Come closer', a remix that someone made for my YouTube channel. It was Ethan's turn now. "Jack, truth or dare." He said, obviously not caring what I picked so I just said the first thing I wanted to. "Truth, I picked dare last time." He nodded and proceeded to think of a question for me. "What's your favourite food?" My mind raced at the thought of food, so many possibilities, however, my mind set on one food in particular, cookies. "OREOS!" I screamed out at the top of my lungs, forgetting that these weaklings were not used to such noise. "Oops, sorry" I said chuckling as they all remove their hands from their ears and we decide to stop playing the game because Mark pulls a box of Oreos out of his pillowcase. I tackle him and grab the box, immediately tearing it open and flinging the cookies at everyone around me before shoving one into my mouth whole. "Woah, Jack. Take it easy man, how hungry are you?" I shoot Mark a warning glare as he remembers about my parents and everything that happens at home. He lets out and 'Oh' and quietly nibbles on his cookie. I'm not in the mood for food anymore because of talk about home and, because it's getting dark, I decide to go to bed early, sleep encasing me in darkness and hopes that I won't die horribly and suddenly during the night, although it would give me a chance to escape this world like I've tried so many times before. I decide to let my mind rest so I can actually sleep and hear several 'Goodnight's' before I finally drift to sleep.

To Be Continued....

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