Chapter 9

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I turn around to see both Ethan and Tyler very red in the face. I nudge Jack and he notices as well. We both exchange the same look as I go to stand behind Tyler and Jack behind Ethan. We both slowly push them forwards until they're right in front of each other, still trapped in their trance. "Tyler!" "Ethan!" Me and Jack shout their names at the same time as they jump and look at each other again before turning around. Tyler looks at me and I just smile. "Food time?" I say. He laughs and turns to Jack and Ethan. "Food time." He confirms before stealing Jack's place in line so I go and pick Jack up to carry him back to where I was. "Okay, lovebirds!" Tyler laughs before I give Jack a quick kiss on the nose, making him turn as red as my hair. "So if that made Jack go red then what made you two go red?" I questioned as Jack blew a raspberry at me. I just licked his tongue which pretty much shut him up and made him go even redder. I laugh as he hides his face in my chest, I can almost feel the warmth radiating from his face! I'm stopped from annoying Jack any more as Tyler answers my question. "I- (inaudible)" He says so quietly I can't hear him. "Again? Any maybe a bit louder?" I ask as he turns to a deeper shade of red. "I, umm, k-kissed Ethan." He says , lowering his gaze to the floor. He looks back up and Ethan positions himself (STOP WITH YOUR SINNING MINDS) in front of Tyler and leans up to kiss him again. "I think I like you" is what I can hear from Ethan before he turns around and steals Tyler's pace in line. "Now you're a potato" he says laughing but still not moving. Tyler just looks down, trying to hide his blush. I laugh.

I take my head away from Marks chest as I feel him shaking, which turned out the be a laugh, and he slowly put me back down. I gave him a sort of 'what did I miss?' look and he told me what happened. I turned to face the two behind us and asked "so are you two a thing now or what?" Ethan turns to Tyler and says something I can't quite hear but turns around, noticeably happier and he chirps out a 'yes' before leaning up kissing Tyler again. I'm spun back around by Mark and he begins to talk to me again. "Yknow. We aren't exactly a thin-" he gets cut off by the lunch lady. "And what would you like dear?" She says in a sweet voice. We all end up getting macaroni cheese as it's the only thing that looked edible there. I remember what mark was saying so I get a little piece of paper out my pocket and ask Ethan for a pen. He gives me a weird look but manages to produce a pen for me. I mouth a thanks and start to write my little note 'Hey Mark, I love you so much and have for a while now so I wanted to ask you, will you be my boyfriend?'  I handed the pen back to Ethan and he still seemed confused so I handed him the note. He red it and I saw his eyes sparkle. He nodded, meaning he thought it was a good idea but now Tyler was curious as well. I handed him the note and he had the same reaction as Ethan. Mark, at this point, was getting a little upset I was ignoring his pleas to let him see the note so I just shook my head at him and stuffed the note in my pocket. "Patience Markimoo~" I said as he blushed again and went back to eating. I waited until we were all back in the cabin to give him the note but even then I took the chance to tease him. I took the note out of my pocket and waved it in front of his face as he tried to grab it, growing frustrated when he couldn't quite reach every time. I took it to the next level and out it in between my teeth, waiting for him to grasp the concept of it. I was hoping he'd see it like the pocky game but he took the opportunity to snatch it from me before I could stop him. He fist-pumped the air when he realised he'd actually gotten it but I just stood there waiting for him to read it. He read it through and looked at me before rereading it to make sure he'd read it right. He looks at me again and starts to try to speak "I-I, J-Jack w-what, I'm, w-what?!" He says. I just stare directly into his eyes as I ask the question again. "Mark, will you be my boyfriend?" He stares up at me and too afraid to even talk he just nods slowly as I walk up to him and kiss him again. I push him into the bed we made earlier which caused the cover to fall down on him and, with him struggling, he somehow wrapped himself in it. 

I'm sat on my bed as I watch Mark and Jack laugh about Mark somehow getting tangled up in covers. I can't stop myself from laughing as Mark tumbles off the bed and onto the floor with an 'Oof' as he hits the ground. I end up on the floor myself, in fits of laughter, and struggling to breathe my sides hurt so bad. I eventually get up, using the bed to help me and collapse on top of Tyler, using this to my advantage to kiss him again. He struggles to push me off of him but when he does he just grabs a pillow and screams into it which only made me laugh harder with him trying to hide it. He uncovers his face and instead launches the pillow at me, making me fall off the bed this time. Jack erupts into laughter along with Mark whilst Tyler gets concerned and flustered at the same time, which I didn't even know was possible by the way, and leaning over the side of the bed to make sure I was definitely okay. After that was all dealt with I picked up the pillow he threw at me and threw it directly at his crotch, therefore starting the pillow fight that lasted for and hour and left all of us exhausted. Tyler and Mark couldn't be bothered to Climb up to their own bunks and instead decided to flop down onto the bottom bunks with me and Jack. Big mistake. They both got attacked with kisses the second they layed down and it soon turned into truth or dare.

To Be Continued.......

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