Chapter 11

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When Jack decided to go to sleep, so did the rest of us. We knew it wouldn't be as much fun to continue with our games if a member of our group was missing, and none of us were gonna take the risk of waking Jack up again. We all changed into out pyjamas and climbed into our beds. I flipped over my pillow and duvet so I could have the cool side for when I sleep and I heard one of the others do the same. We'd already turned out the light so I turned to face the wall and drifted off into a dreamless sleep. I woke up to someone shaking me up in what I assumed was the next morning, however, once I'd opened my eyes I only saw darkness which hinted that it was still very early. Rolling over so I could face who woke me I was met with bright blue eyes, it was Jack! "Heya buddy!" I said, yawning and stretching. "Whatcha need at this time?" He nervously shifted and pointed at my bed. I tilted my head, confused, so he decided to say it instead. "I'm lonely Mark. Can I please sleep in your bed?" Giggling a little as he said it, trying to cover up the obvious fear in his voice as he asked. "Of course Jack! Come on up buddy!" With that said he began to climb the ladder, sliding under the covers beside me. I felt him snuggle up to me so I turned and wrapped my arms around him. He yelped a little as my hands were cold but soon got used to it. I stared at him in silence until he spoke again. "Mark?" He questioned, probably to see if I was still awake. "Yeah buddy?" I answered. "I love you." He said, rolling over to face me again. I smiled. "I love you.p too Seán". He shuddered upon hearing his real name but shook it off, choosing to cuddle with me instead. We both fell asleep listening to the others heartbeat and soft breathing. I woke up of my own accord the nest morning and got out of bed carefully, so as not to wake Jack or the other two. I went to my suitcase and grabbed my wash bag before heading downstairs to the bathroom. I did what I needed to and then brushed my teeth and combed my hair, making sure to floof the hair for power. I walked back upstairs to see Ethan awake and lying on his bed with his phone. "Hey Ethan!" I could see him jump, even from all the way across the room. "Sorry! Didn't mean to scare you!" I laughed out as he figured out that it was me and not some random intruder.

I calmed down once I realised that it was only Mark. I waved at him as he walked over and sat at the end of my bed, ruffling his hair so it was a little messier than before. "So, whatcha doin?" He asked, smiling, as I showed him my phone. I was scrolling through my twitter feed and answering some of the comments my fans put on my most recent post. The post was a picture of me and Tyler when Mark and Jack had gone downstairs the day before. Some of the comments were really supportive, others... not so much. I didn't say anything about me and Tyler possibly being a thing but I guess people just started to catch on anyways. Mark just nodded and got his own phone from the floor next to the plug socket, where his phone had been charging for the night. After he put his password in I grabbed his phone and gave him mine with a sly grin. He looked at me confused. "We get to do anything in each other's phones for 30 minutes" I set a timer. "3... 2... 1... GO!" I shouted as I went to his home screen and first looked at all the apps whilst Mark went straight to YouTube. I decided on Instagram and checked out his account before taking a picture of me and posting it with the caption 'Markimoo left his phone so go follow @crankgameplays whilst you're here!' I laughed and glanced over at Mark who was now scrolling through my liked videos. I waited for it to post before watching thousands of likes coming through straightaway and then looked at the picture more closely. My acne was clearing up pretty well but what the hell was that? In the corner of the picture you could just see Tyler's head peeking over the railing of the bed. I looked up and sure enough, there he was. "Morning!" I say cheerily as he just groans and smiles back at me. Mark jumps beside me, not realising that Tyler was already awake. I return to the home screen and decide to change his screensaver. I walk over to Jack, who was still asleep, and snapped a picture of him with his hair slightly falling over one eye, looking completely peaceful. I immediately set that for both his lock screen and home screen wallpaper. I sit on Marks bed and decide to go to Twitter and post a tweet that he would surely get revenge on me for, but hell was it worth it! 'SEPTIPLIER AWAY!" Was all I tweeted and within seconds there was major fangirling and tons of likes, shares and reposts so I quickly climbed up to Jack, took phone and, surprisingly, there was no password. I was surprised that Mark hadn't noticed me doing any of this either whilst Tyler was just watching, obviously amused. I quickly went to Jack's twitter and posted the same thing as I did on Marks and climbed down. We had 15 minutes left so I gave Tyler Jack's phone and I just played games on Marks.

Ethan headed back over to me from taking Jack's phone and doing something on it and gave it to me instead. I copied Ethan and just sat playing games until Marks phone started vibrating, causing Mark to jump up and snatch his phone, eager to see what Ethan had done, not upon grabbing his phone he froze, staring at the screensaver. He stared up at Ethan. "How did you get this?" Mark asked as Ethan just laughed. "How did who get what?" A sleepy Jack asked from his bed as Mark looked over. "Umm, Nothing!" Turning back to Ethan he said. "You better have answers later or else!"  Jack had now climbed down from his bed and was making his way over to the rest of us. He instantly leaned on Mark and snaked his hands around his waist as he kissed Mark on the neck. "Morning Markimoo~". We all laughed when we heard that and Ethan told them to check their twitter whilst climbing down and giving Jack his phone. "Oh and Jack?" He turned towards Ethan with an eyebrow raised. "You should learn to use a password." I smiled and walked downstairs, following the blue boy in front of me. "What did you do?" I asked as we walked outside and Ethan began to climb up the nearest tree. "You'll see" He said as he began to hoist me up after him. I waited, staring at the cabin. All was silent for about a minute before I heard screaming. "ETHAN!" They both screamed at the top of their lungs as they raced outside and, luckily, neither bothered to check up the tree and they both began to tear off in the direction of the forest. I laughed and Ethan high fives me as I ask him what he did now. "I just posted septiplier away on both their twitter accounts." He shrugs and we both burst into laughter, almost falling out the tree. We climb down and head back inside the cabin, waiting for Mark and Jack to come back so we could go to the big cabin which happened to be the food hall. We heard then angrily coming back up the stairs but they couldn't keep it up for long as they both ended up dying from laughter and we headed to the food hall. On our way there Jack tripped on a stick and faceplanted the floor, hitting his head in the corner of a rock. He gets up and shakes it off, insisting he's okay, and he looks fine until we reach the food hall. That was when we noticed a massive cut bleeding all down his head and then.... he collapsed.

To Be Continued....

-COMPLETED- Shipped away. A septiplier and crankypie fanficWhere stories live. Discover now