Chapter Seventy-Five

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I stopped breathing. He didn’t need to have someone else taken away from him. I tightened my hand around his and he squeezed my hand.

‘are you .. Are you here to take her away?’ he said shakily but her held it together.

‘well not exactly, please take a seat.’ Mr King said politely.

‘No! I don’t wanna take a seat!’ I pulled Justin over by his hand and looked at him, as if to say ‘ calm down’ as we took a seat.

The young couple sat opposite us.

‘This is Marie and Ross. They fit the entire criteria that you submitted to the agency’ They both held their hands out for us to shake as King talked. I shook them first and then nudged Justin to. Grudgingly he did.

‘Now, Marie and Ross are happy to take her right now’ Justin clenched his fists, ‘or whenever suits you, as long as it is within 2 weeks’ Mr King nodded. Justin released his fists.

‘Is it okay if I ask them a few questions?’ I asked politely. They all nodded. I turned to Marie and Ross.

‘so where do you guys live?’

‘we live up here in Canada’ they smiled. I felt mine and Justin’s hearts sink. We Didn’t live here any more, we lived in Atlanta.

‘so would you be happy to set up an arrangement for Justin to be able to see her sometimes?’ I smiled pleadingly.

They both nodded their head’s vigorously.’ oh yes of course! And we understand that you two live in Atlanta? Because we would be totally fine with her coming down maybe for a week in the summer sometimes?’

Justin face lit up. ‘really?’

They nodded laughing. I looked over at him grinning, he grinned back.

‘well, you see my Mom just … she just died like 2 hours ago’ all of their faces dropped. But Marie and Ross smiled sympathetically. ‘we’re so sorry’ Marie said softly patting Justin’s shoulder. I liked these two. They seemed like really nice people.

‘thank you, but well I don’t really want to have her lying in this hospital for ages. She hated hospitals, so I was planning on holding the funeral tomorrow afternoon and then scattering her ashes at one of her favourite places. Would it be okay if I got to take Lexi with me to the funeral and spreading of the ashes, since was her Grandma?’ he asked shyly.

Woooah he wanted to plan a funeral in like 4 hours? I mean it was already 5 in the morning, don’t you have to give people notice for these kinds of things? I suppose everyone loved Pattie, the funeral would be huge.

‘I think that’s a wonderful idea’ Marie smiled.

‘Alright then, Mr and Mrs Green will come pick Lexi up tomorrow at your house Molly’ Mr King smiled. We hugged them all goodbye and put a sleeping Molly in her crib. I turned to look at Justin. He was lying along the bed on his phone.

‘whatcha doing?’ I said softly as I sat down next to him.

‘planning my Mom’s funeral’ I didn’t exactly know how to respond to that. ‘sorry that was a little uncalled for, you can’t really reply to that can you?’ he laughed.

I shook my head smiling. ‘are you okay?’ I asked him gently.

He nodded, ‘yeah, saying goodbye actually helped. It was kinda like closure’ he smiled.

‘it was really nice, you know everything that you said. I liked the bit where you basically gave me permission to pelt you with ping pong balls when you’re sick’ I laughed resting my head on his shoulder. He put his arm around me laughing.

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