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Brian's POV

Everything was going great today, much better than most days. The band and I had just finished recording the last song for the album "A Day at the Races" and I was proud of us, it took a long time to finish the whole thing but we did it and it was worth it all the way. Hard work that had been put in paid off. Practice ended minutes ago and I sat on a couch in the lounge room, getting lost in my own thoughts. The rest of the boys where elsewhere, doing who knows what. I've always been one of the more quiet ones in the group, not really getting involved in any type of business. John was a lot like me, kind of shy and reserved as well, so I felt like we could relate.

"Hi, Bri," said a voice in front of me.

I snapped back into reality and turned in the direction of where the voice came from. Eyes scanning the place, my gaze landed on the doorway where the familiar person stood. Roger, a smile on his lips and the bright shine in his eyes present. He never failed in looking so lively, he was always full of life and I admired that. It was inspiring.

"Oh, hi Rog, what's up?" I replied.

"Not much, I just decided to come over here with you since the rest of the boys are getting a bit too...riled up, too much for my liking anyway."

"Let me guess, they're pranking the poor staff."

"Nah, they're riding each other like horses and other crazy stuff."

"They never grow up, those silly men!" I said chuckling.

Roger ambled towards me, his sweet little smile never fading. He was about a foot away when he stumbled on something and fell in my direction.

"Woah, there!" I said, catching him.

Our faces were mere inches apart and lips nearly touching one another. Another push and we would've kissed.

"Sorry about that!" Roger sat down the couch next to me.

I burst into laughter about the situation, snickers leaving me and coming to Roger's knowledge.

"C'mon, it wasn't that funny!" he chuckled.

"You were walking so peacefully and then BAM! You trip on something and fall on me!"

Pink flushed to Roger's face, turning redder by the second and he dug his face into his hands avoiding the embarrassment he got himself in.

"Okay, I'm sorry!" I said, my laughs calming down.

He looked up at me his expression faltering and forming an accepting face.

"It's alright, I am a very clumsy person after all, things like this aren't unusual. Remember that one times where I tripped over my drums and caused a full blown out clatter?"

Going back to my own world, I looked back through memories and the one Roger was talking about came along. I would never forget that day. Practice session had ended and Roger was walking out of the room when his foot had gotten caught in one of the drums and he tripped, a chain reaction going off and the whole drum set crashing to the ground. I couldn't remember much else, except the way i  was dying of laughter with John while Freddie went over to the fallen Roger on the ground to help him.

"Yeah, it was absolutely hilarious at the time until I realized how embarrassing that must've been for you."

"You can't imagine.." Roger lingering on his words.

We sat there is silence, enjoying each other's company. I turned towards him, both locking eyes. I took a really good look at him, noticing all the small details of his face, Those big and beautiful, they radiated whatever emotions he was feeling. His lips too, plump, probably the softest thing ever and the perfect shade of pink. How nice it would be to kiss him..No, he's my best friend, I can't do that. I've never thought about him in that way before, but why now? Besides, he doesn't like me in that way, we're just friends.

Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoy the rest of this story. This is one of my newer fics, so it's not like any of my earlier ones. If you are new here and are enjoying so far, stay tuned because this is going to be a finished story, so I won't leave you hanging. Updates will be at random, no specific times, only when I have the chance.

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