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Roger's POV

Nothing was going to stop me now. I couldn't let Brian find me, he would hit me again. I ran for my life away from him, as far away as possible. Adrenaline moved and surged through my veins, head pounding with anticipation, sweat drenching me and heart beating fast, out of my chest as I dashed through the hallways.

 I kept going, everything going by as a blurb. I didn't know where I was heading to, I was just...going. Storage room, perfect. I crept inside, looking back to make sure no one had been following me. Once the coast was clear, I ran into the room, Boxes and instruments filled it with multiple drumsets at corners. Where should I hide? The drumsets. If I hid behind one of them, he would never see me. I tiptoed over to one, careful not to make sound as Brian could be searching for me around here for all I knew.

I reached it and crouched down behind the bass drum, leaving a little space big enough to see what was going on in the hallways and room. Nothing happened, but even with this, my heart beat hard and fast, against my ribcage, waves of fear spreading throughout my body, making me jumpy, waiting for the moment when Brian would be here ready to get me. Thud. Oh no...Out of the little hole, a little silhouetto of a man appeared on the wall, becoming clearer as it came closer. Help me...Thud.

 Thud. Steps became closer and nearer. Heart racing off the chart and beating skyrocketing. Time stopped and I became paralyzed with fear, freezing dead in my tracks. What will he do to me? Please. Help me...I turned around away from sight, crouching down as far down as I could, sinking into the ground, dreading what was to come next and all the possibilities that could happen to me. No clarity, he was an unpredictable man. Full of surprises, never knowing what he could do to you. Thud. Thud. Stronger than ever, right near me. Thud. Thud. Closer and closer. Stop. Right next to me. No! Above me stood Brian, tall as ever, towering over me with an expression of anger that could not be explained, eyes furrowed and creases all over his face.

"There you are, you little—"


I shot up, dashing to the exit, never looking back. Brian ran in front of me, entwining his arms around my body, immobilizing me. I did everything I could to break free from his grasp, kicking him, squirming around, struggling, nothing worked. His grip loosened and I fell to the ground, head crashing on impact and body falling with it helplessly. I laid there, unable to get up, I couldn't do anything, I was too weak. Pressure came onto my back, Brian stepped on me, making sure I couldn't get on my feet.

"It's time to teach you a lesson."

Freddie's POV

Something wasn't right, I knew it. After Roger ran off and Brian went after him, when they came back, what happened shook my world. Roger, on the brink of tears eyes red, welled up with them about to spill out, with a look of petrification that was a sole feeling, nothing like it. His eyebrows raised and contorted in worry, eyes filled with pain and him facing away from everybody, adrift in a world of his own. 

Brian on the other hand, had the utmost disgusting grin on his face, plastered all over it as he continued to torment and make Roger's life as miserable as it could get. Roger didn't say a word to anyone after the incident, he kept to himself, as he suffered all alone and in silence. John and I kept asking him if he needed something, but got nothing, he remained quiet, no matter how much we asked.

 Recording session ended and he got up from his drumset as limp as anyone could and trudged over to Brian, who pulled him in, yanking him by the arm and leaving the room. Roger's sad sigh pained my ears as they left, I thought about asking again, but they were out. I didn't like where this was headed to. I feared for the future of both of them, but there was no way of knowing what would happen, everything was filled with uncertainty, anything could happen. I had to figure out a way to fix this, their future depended on it. This situation could not go on any further, it couldn't. It had to be the last thing I did before my uncertain death came. I wouldn't leave with people I love suffering, I simply couldn't.

Roger's POV

Things were only getting worse and worse. Brian turned more into a monster by the minute. Nothing could ease the pain inside and out of me as long as he kept beating down on me with his hurtful words and actions. The very thought of Brian sped my heart up and horrible trembling to happen.

 I had to get away from him. I was genuinely terrified of Brian and more importantly, what he could do to me. Back ached and body throbbed from what had happened earlier today. The marks, red and swollen. When Brian found me hiding from him, he beat me...Eyes burning from the tears, shrill screams leaving me only to be cut-off by him hitting me harder and harder. (A/N) His screams aren't heard because this happened in a sound-proof room-hence this being a practice room

Hair covering my clammy face, shooting pain spreading and it being too much for me to handle and became numb, only feeling the sharp tingles of each hit. At the end, him leaving me on the ground, in agony, before coming back for me to make life more of a hell than is already was. All hope, lost. 

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