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Moonlight shone through everything in its path, illuminating my way home. Something about the way the moon shone even through the darkest of nights brought me a sense of comfort and hope. Maybe I could still help fix all of this. I arrived at my house and the lights were off, strange...The front door was locked and I had forgotten my keys, shit, what am I going to do? The backdoor! That door was always open, I'm sure about it. I went over to the back and opened it quietly, making sure not to make a sound. For all I knew, Brian could be sleeping and the last thing I wanted was to wake him up and do something to me. Light from outside made it so that I could still make it to my room, despite the rest of the house being dark.

"Yes, come at me!"

A girl's voice, oh no...Heart raced and mind freaked out with all the negative outcomes, I flicked the light switch on out of desperation and oh my god...


Heart sank and the flood of tears stinging and hurting inside of me, I couldn't keep it in anymore. A tear rolled down onto my cheek as the sight of Brian and a girl making out in bed shoved into my face.

"Get out of here, you worthless piece of shit!" Brian screamed.

Everything crashed down inside of me, dull pain in my chest building up. All thoughts of hope went out the window, it became clear that now, there was no going back. The immense amount of tears I've been holding in for so long and trying to fight them back finally broke out and fell down onto cheeks, streaming down my face.

"You have a partner? Why didn't you say this to me!?" The girl jumped off the bed, getting dressed.

"I don't even love him, so it doesn't count!"

He...didn't love me?"

"You fucking asshole!" She turned to me."I'm so sorry, I didn't mean for this to happen, everything is a misunderstanding." She faced back, stepping towards the door.

"No! Come back!" Brian screamed.

"Fuck you." She looked at me once more. "Again, I'm sorry for this." She turned on her heel and charged out the door. I couldn't take it, I had to go to unleash my emotions. I went out the doorway, about to find a place to cry when something pulled on my arm.

"You're not going anywhere!" Brian pulled me inside and slammed the door shut.

"What are you—"

He pushed me with abrupt force and crashed to the ground. I tried to get up but he threw me back onto the floor. Before I could see it coming, a speeding belt came into view and whipped my body. Shrilling scream left my mouth along with the snapping pain from the impact. Whip!


It was too much for me. The burning of the hit spread throughout me, boiling my blood and body turning hot and rubbery. Feet twitched, sprawling across the floor, moving more with each hit. I threw my hands over my face and curled up into the fetal position in an attempt to block Brian's whips.

"Fuck. You." He said between hits.

"Aah! S...Stop!"

He continued.

Nothing helped, everything hurt. Sharp stings of pain, going into my heart, making it ache far worse than it already did. Numbness flashed in and out of me, with every whip. I became paralyzed with numbness, only to come back to a world full of pain. It stopped. Did it really stop? Brian wasn't hitting me anymore, but I lay on the ground, unsure of what to do. The moment I believed it was over, a hand clutched a clump of hair and yanked it upwards. My goodness, scalp burned like fire and head felt heavy.

The Love I Never Gave-MaylorWhere stories live. Discover now