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At Home

"What do you want to do, Bri?"

"I don't know, whatever you want."

"Want to have fun?" I asked, flashing my eyebrows up and down.

"Nah, not really in the mood."

"Oh please!"

"All right, fine."

He agreed, I guess that meant he didn't hate me after all, which was a huge relief.

We went into his bedroom and did the usual stuff before actually getting into the heavy deal.

"Undress yourself and we can get started."

Undress myself? Brian always did it, so why did he want me to do it this time?

"Don't you always—"

"Hurry up! Do it!" He yelled.

Now he was getting angry at me? I wasn't sure If I even wanted to do this anymore. I threw all of my clothes off in a matter of seconds in order to avoid being yelled at again.

"There you go, how hard was that?'

"Not that much."

"See? It's simple and now a quick little disclaimer. I'm the boss here and I get to make the rules. Got it?"

Oh, so he wanted me to be submissive, I'll give him that, based on the circumstances.


"Get on top of the bed."

I ran onto the bed and laid there. Was this Brian's new style of showing his love to me? I didn't know if I liked it, it kind of hurt being yelled at and being told what to do. But it was clear to me that he wanted to show his dominance over me, so I let it go. This was sex we were talking about. I didn't have a problem with it right now, unless it was actually part of his personality and grew worse, that's where it would become something of trouble. Brian came up on top of me, his warmth spreading to my body and pressed his lips against mine. The hot feeling went up inside me and I was sweating bullets. It wasn't until that sensation went away that it became prominent that something was wrong. Usually the feeling lasted a few minutes, but why had it lasted only seconds now? No passion was present in the kiss, as if Brian had put no effort into it. I pulled away, confused about the whole thing.

"Why'd you back out? You don't that unless I tell you!"

He clutched my hair into a bunch and yanked my head up back to him, kissing with aggression. This time, he put everything he had into it and I couldn't help but gag as his tongue pushed all the back back into my mouth. I struggled in his grip until he finally pushed away.

"What the fuck was that!?"

"What do you—"

"This is the lamest make out session I've ever had with you."


"Know what, let's just move on. Turn over."

I did as he said and got on all fours, waiting for him to lube, so we could get started. Get started? I didn't even want to do this anymore, I longed for this to be over and done with. Tingling in my backside went off so I knew Brian had already inserted inside of me. I expected to feel pleasure or at least gasp, but that didn't happen. What could have gone wrong? Brian had pulled in but nothing special happened. It was weak, no passion once again. He pulled out and went at it again, this time weaker as if he was uninterested in the whole situation. All I could do was go on with it and hope it would end soon. I couldn't say anything to Brian or he would get angry at me again.

"All right, that's it, I'm tired of this."

He let go of me and left the room, leaving me. I picked my clothes off from the ground and got dressed, going out to see what Brian was doing. I reached the living room and he sat on the couch, watching TV, about to fall asleep. His behavior confused me, he acted like our session never happened. I turned to walk away to avoid disturbing him but he spoke words that were a shock to the ears.

"Rog, come over here, I miss you."

What the fuck? First he's annoyed by my entire existence and now he missed me? He didn't know what he wanted anymore. If he wanted me now, might as well go for it, before he hated me again.


"Right here," he said, pointing to the spot next to him on the couch. I sauntered over to him, unsure of his real intentions and sat down next to him.

"Oh, my blondie, how I've missed you."

He ran his fingers through my hair, tousling it around.

"Mmm.." I smiled.

"Lay down here." He pointed to the space in front of him.

I moved closer to him and lay down in front of him. He wrapped his arms around my waist, coming in from the front, embracing me. His body felt nice against mine, warm and cozy. One thing puzzled me, why had his behavior switch all of a sudden? Brian had been demanding in bed, but right now he was in a loving mood. Unless, that was only reserved for bed, I didn't worry too much about it. But deep down, Brian changing forever was my worst fear, knowing I couldn't do anything about it if it ever happened.  

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