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2 Months Later

Roger's POV

At The Airport

Today was Brian's last day with me, it hurt my heart but mainly my soul, knowing he wasn't going to be around for a long time. Even with the two months we had spent together, I wasn't ready to let go, Nothing could prepare me for what was about to happen.

"I-I don't know if i'm ready, but at the same time I am."

"It's going to be okay, I promise you." Brian said, trying to calm me down.

Deep down I couldn't let go, doubts raced through my mind, thinking about how the trip could go wrong in every possible way.

My biggest fear by far was that he would come back as a completely new person, one I didn't recognize. Not just returning with a little change, but the full blown out one, where he would be a stranger to me. The thought of that sent shivers down my spine and made more worried about the situation.

"But what if you come back as a completely different person?"

"No, don't say that. I'd never change who I am, I'll always be your same, loving boyfriend, now to forever."

His eyes welled up with tears as mine were. Everything was nerve wrecking, anything could happen, even my worst fear. Before I could control it, I bawled my eyes out in front of him. He wrapped his arms around me, pulling me into a hug.

"It's going to be okay." he sniffled, crying.

"I'm going to miss you so much!" I cried.

His arms around me were the only comfort in the world, I wish I could've stayed in his arms forever, not having to face the reality of life.

"Last call for flight 109."

He let go and looked me in the eyes.

"That's my flight, I've got to go. Listen, everything will turn out fine, never doubt that. Goodbye."


He disappeared into the distance and that was the last time I was going to see him for a while.

The First Day

Today marked the end of the first day of my trip, but it also signified a whole day without Roger by my side. I missed him unconditionally, without him, everything was sort of...boring. Heart ached to see him and his face one last time. I felt weird and out of place, as if something or someone was missing from my life, and it was true. Emptiness and the need for him spread throughout me and a tear fell onto my hand, holding a glass of beer. I had turned to the nearest bar in town in an attempt to drink my emotions away. Nothing was right, I was dealing with all of my problems alone.

"You okay there, bud?" A voice next to me asked.

I peeked my head up the see who had said that and turned to face one of the two guys that sitting next to me. Lying crossed my mind for a second, but I needed to get my worries off my chest, so I told the truth.

"Not really..."

"That's no good, what happened? Fired from job, money issues?" the other one piped in.

"Actually, it's more of a relationship type of problem."

"Oh, I see, love issues. Yeah, having a terrible love life really sucks, kind of makes you depressed after a while, speaking from experience."

"So what's the problem?" The other one asked.

"I'd rather not get into it.."

"It's fine, let it out, what is it? Abusive partner, clingy, controlling, name it."

"It's just that, I miss them with all of my heart."

"That's a bad sign, my friend."

I was confused. How would missing Roger be a bad sign?

"What do you mean?"

"If you miss them, it's because you're too atttached to them, they've made you weak and vulnerable to the point that they will play with your feelings."


"That's the harsh truth, they know you have that connection with them and will use it to their advantage, making you suffer to great measures."

Wow, I'd never thought about in that way, but it all made sense now, everything fit together like a puzzle. By being bonded to Roger he was able to mess with my mood and that brought me to a shocking discovery, he was emotionally manipulating me. And I couldn't let that slide.

"Well, how do I become less attached to my partner?"

He chuckled. "That's where we come in, we'll make you forget them faster than you'd imagine. You've just made business with Martin and I, Benjamin. Here's my contact information, this shall be fun..."

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