not many can say they were in the Battle and survived
not many can say they survived a bomb explosion
not many can say they've been to spaceI can say all those things
they're not as glamorous as you might think
"you survived the Battle???
how did you do it!"I broke my ankle the first time
I almost drowned the second
I was smart for the third
and the fourth cut it to a complete stop
so that was out of my control"you survived a bomb?!
dude, how cool is that!"it's not as cool as they look in action movies
I was deaf for hours
I had soot
I needed a shower after
but I didn't get one
I saw tons of people die
totally vaporized
it was not fun"you've been to space?!
was it anything like Star Trek??"no. it wasn't.
I was running from my lifebut
I will have to admit
that space was beautiful
and I would gladly go againthere were planets galore, so beautiful and unique
one planet in particular was multicolored
not like ours, of course
one half was blue
the other side was pink
it was a sight to behold
watching the stars in the sky, so close, so dear
my I felt at one with the Moon
she had finally showed me her world
Blessed to Cursed
PoetryWritten by Fawn Young, Chosen One for the Blacks 2420 In "The Battle Across the Universe" Fawn Young becomes a writer. She writes a couple poetry books. This is one of them. It's written after the events in "The Battle of the Races", but before the...