0.3: New Friends

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Henley's P.O.V

I grin as we get into the dingy bar. Sasha let us in this time. She said that Sebastian had the night off so she was stuck doing the bartending. To me, that made no sense. Colin could easily do the bartending on his own. A lot of the people that come to this bar order the simplest things. Hardly ever any mixed drinks. Mostly just beers and vodka. I prefer to stick to Jack.

Madeline giggles as she pulls me out to our usual table. For some reason no one ever takes this table. Not once in the past few months that we've been coming here has anyone sat there. That is, until tonight.

My eyes widen as I spot two blondes sitting at our table. Madeline gasps in an over dramatic way, but I ignore her to keep myself from laughing. Getting a closer look at them, I realize they're two grown men. They're both very attractive and can't be much older than us. One has fluffy blonde hair and the other has teased blonde hair with an odd brown patch in it.

"I'm gonna go teach those guys a lesson!" Madeline exclaims. She takes a step closer, then stops. "Wait a minute."

"What," I laugh, wanting to see how this pans out. I love the girl but damn can she be dramatic.

"They're hot," She says. "Oh my God! The one with the fluffy hair is extra hot." She wraps her arm around my shoulders, pulling me closer. Honestly, you'd think she'd already been drinking. "The other one is just your type."

I push her off, rubbing my ear. "Why the hell did you whisper like that?" She just shrugs in response, fixing her top to show off more cleavage. I grab her wrist as she takes a step towards the men. "Don't go over there! We can easily find another table."

Madeline sighs. "Look. This is a one time chance! And we can finally get you laid."

I roll my eyes. I guess I'm not winning this argument. "Not everything is about getting laid, y'know."

Madeline opens her mouth to respond, but a deeper voice sounds from behind her. "It may not be everything, but it sure as hell is fun."

I look back towards the table to see the fluffy blonde gone. His friend sits there, looking at me strangely. I just blush and turn back to the guy.

"So why're two lovely ladies like yourself hangin' 'round our table?" He asks.

Madeline scoffs. "Actually it's our table. We're just letting you use it."

I half expect the blonde to get a bit mad, but he doesn't. He laughs wrapping his arms around Madeline and I's shoulders. "Well, why don't you join us if it's your table. We'd hate to leave you without a table as special as this one."

"Don't be a smart ass," Madeline says. I know she's enjoying the attention she's getting from this dude. It's obvious by the way she's looking at him. I know that smirk is reserved for when she likes someone.

I move away from the guy, causing his arm to fall. He looks over at me. "We'll hang with you guys as long as you keep your hands to yourselves."

"Speak for yourself," Madeline giggles.

I sigh. "Alright, I'll stay as long as you guys don't touch me."

"It's gonna be a party tonight!" He exclaims, looking really excited. "I'm Steven by the way."

"Madeline," Madeline says, wrapping an arm around his waist.

"I'm Henley," I say almost too quietly.

Steven grins down at me. "You're really quiet."

I just shrug, settling in beside the other blonde. He smiles at me, but I just turn my head to look towards the entrance. I'm hoping that tonight my friend will come in. I haven't seen him for a while at it makes me sad. He genuinely brings me joy. He's probably the best substitute for Tommy. After all, they act a lot alike.

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