1.7: Christmas Party

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Henley's P.O.V

I smirk as we get to the front door of the apartment. Last night I managed to swipe Madeline's key to the apartment. Mostly because I was bored and because I figured that since Stevie met her parents, he'll be going over there more often. Since I don't plan on letting Duff meet my parents for a long time, I'll need the key more. I pull the silver key. It's surprisingly cold in my hand.

"Damn," Tommy says, eyeing the key as I put it into the lock. "You already have a key?"

I pull the key out and turn to him. "I was friends with them long before I started dating Duff."

"Fair enough." I open the door, not surprised to see Duff sitting on the couch with a bottle of vodka in one hand, and his bass in the other.

Duff's eyes snap up when we enter the room. He smiles when he sees me, obviously happy that I did, in fact, come back like I promised. Then his eyes go to the tall drummer behind me. His jaw drops open and his eyes widen. I almost laugh as I remember that he loves Motley Crue.

"Duff, you remember when I told you about my best friend?" I don't allow him to respond since I already know the answer. "This is him. Duff McKagan, meet Tommy Lee Bass."

Tommy just stands there and laughs at my boyfriend's reaction. "Nice to meet you, man."

Duff finally recomposes himself. I watch as his cheeks turn a deep crimson color. I know he's embarrassed. "Hey, man."

I laugh, shaking my head at the blonde. I walk over to him and sit on his lap. I wrap my arms around his neck and smile at him. This relaxes him enough for him to wrap his arms around my waist. Almost immediately, all of his attention is on me.

"Hi," I smile.


He leans in and kisses me on the lips. I know it hasn't been but a few hours since I've been here, but I missed this feeling. I love his lips on mine. I love how gentle he is with me. He's perfect to me. I doubt he could do anything that I would get mad at.

"So, where are the other two idiots?"

Duff laughs, tightening his grip around me. "To get more booze I think."

"As if we don't have enough already," I say, looking at all the unopened bottles of tequila, vodka, and Jack Daniels on the coffee table.

"I think Stevie just likes to go into the liquor store legally."

"He's a special one," I say, taking the bottle of vodka from Duff.

I take a swig of it, managing not to cringe when the liquid starts to burn my throat.

"Someone's been practicing their drinking," Tommy laughs, sitting the chair that's beside the couch.

"What can I say? I get bored easily," I laugh, snuggling into Duff.

"The last time I saw you, you just looked at vodka and cringed," Tommy says, taking the bottle of Jack from the table.

"I take it you still only drink Jack?" I ask, eyeing the bottle. I really don't want him to get drunk tonight. He gets very embarrassing and seems to want to fuck anything that moves.

"I don't only drink Jack, but I still drink a lot of it," He responds. "Mick still drinks his vodka."

"How is he? He isn't skipping out on doctor's appointments or anything, is he?" I really hope Mick is taking care of himself. I worry about him. Especially since he has ankylosing spondylitis.

"Do you want the truth?" I look at him with a "What the fuck do you think?" look. "Okay, He-uh-prefers his own-uh-method of healing."

"The fuck is that supposed to mean, Thomas?"

"He deals with it by drinking vodka," Tommy responds, wincing at the use of his full name. He knows I only use his full name when I am beyond pissed. "Like, constantly. I don't think I've seen him sober since we got signed. After you left, he quit going to the doctor and getting his pain meds that you made sure he didn't abuse. I think we kind of all fell apart when you left," Tommy laughs nervously.

"I bet that's not true. Angel's still with you guys," I say.

"She does the drugs, drinks the booze, gets absolutely fucked up along with the rest of us. A lot of the time she shoots up with Nikki."

"What're they 'shooting up'?" I sigh, feeling dread flood my heart. "Please say it's cocaine." I've heard it's a lot easier to quit shooting up blow than it is heroin. At least they can get clean easier from coke.

"Heroin," Tommy responds. "But then we do any drug known to man."

"Thomas, what did I tell all of you before I left? You shouldn't have to rely on me. I'm not your goddamn mother. You all need to learn to take care of yourselves." I feel Duff wince at my tone of voice, but I can't help it. I am beyond pissed that they think they have to rely on me all of the time.

"We need to get some alcohol in your system so you chill out," Tommy laughs nervously, taking a swig from the Jack.

I feel my blood boil. "I don't need anything. Unlike you assholes, I can have fun without anything intoxicating me."

"Gorgeous," Duff says soothingly into my ear. I know he's trying to get me to calm down.

"No," I say sternly. I stand up. "I'm fucking tired of this, Tommy." I walk in front of Tommy and grab the bottle from him. "You let the alcohol and the drugs control you. You follow Nikki and Vince around like a fucking lost puppy. You do everything they do. I love them both to death but they're the worst influences for you. I just don't want to see you crash and burn like I know you will."

"Like you said, you're not my fucking mother. I don't have to listen to you, Henley," Tommy says. I know he regrets it immediately.

I know he's right. Still, hurt pangs through my chest at his words. "Fuck you, Tommy."

I stalk off to Duff's room. I ignore the yells of Tommy and Duff behind me. I enter the room, shutting the door as soon as I'm inside. I quickly lock the door so that they can't get in. I feel the tears well up in my eyes. I slide down the door and bring my knees up to my chest. I let silent sobs wrack through my body. The tears slide down my cheeks effortlessly and fast.

This isn't how I thought having him around again would be.

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