1.1: Secret Visits

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Henley's P.O.V

It's been a week since we all went out on that date. Not much has changed, but it sure feels like everything is different. For one, Madeline and I have been going over to the guys' apartment everyday. Duff's been teaching me how to play guitar and allows me to go on and on about my favorite bands while Steven and Madeline make out the entire time. Duff hasn't stopped flirting with me which actually makes me really happy. I really thought he would only do it for that night then forget about me.

For another thing, Jake has been avoiding me like the plague. He's really hell bent on ignoring me for going out on that date. I'm fine with it as long as he doesn't try to get "revenge" on me. Who knows what he would try to do?

One more thing is Hyde's been hangin' around me a lot. He's practically ditched his friends to hang with Madeline and I. I really don't like it. Something about it has me uneasy. I told Madeline about how I felt about the situation and she told me that it's no reason to freak out. She likes Hyde hanging around. I can't tell if it's because he gives us weed or if she genuinely likes him as a friend. A few times he's tried to follow us to the guys' apartment, but we knew that he was following us so we just led him in the wrong direction. I just feel like him and Jake are going to try something.

For some reason, we have this beautiful Monday off. Something about a pipe breaking at the school. I didn't pay enough attention while my mom was freaking out about it. After my mom and dad left for work, and Nico was taken to school, I decided to call someone up. I'm bored out of my mind.

I quickly dial the number to Duff and Steven's apartment. One of them is bound to pick up. I don't really care which one answers. Then again, there's this hope in the back of my mind that it's Duff.

"Hello?" A sleepy voice answers.

I grin, realizing it's my favorite tall person. "Hey, you."

"Henley?" Duff asks groggily. "What are you doing up so early?"

I glance at the clock. "Duff, It's ten in the morning."

"Exactly. Too early to function."

I giggle at him. "Don't you have a job?"

"Oh yeah," Duff's quiet for a moment. "I got fired for not showing up on time, so I gotta find a new job."

"I could help you find a new one," I suggest.

"Isn't it Monday?" I can practically see the confused expression on his beautiful face.

I giggle. "Yeah. Some pipes burst at school, so we can't go up there."

"Ah, a day off," Duff says, yawning. "Are you sure you're not playing hookey?"

I roll my eyes, a grin on my face. "I'm positive."

"Not that I'm complaining, but why'd you call?"

"I'm bored," I groan, falling back on my bed.

"Do you have any homework?"

"I got all that shit done in class. I'm one of the few people who know how to shut up and get work done," I respond, rubbing my face with my free hand.

"Well. . .," Duff trails off. "I could come over for a bit, if you want."

"Really?" I ask, perking up.

"Sure," Duff responds, a bit of nervousness in his voice. "I don't see why not."

"Yeah that'd actually be perfect," I say, feeling giddy.

"Oh really? And why's that?" Duff asks, a teasing tone in his voice.

I bite my lip. "I'm really bored and could use some company."

"I'm just gonna pretend like I don't hear a sexual innuendo in that."

My eyes widen. "Michael!"

"What?" Duff laughs, a bit of surprise in his voice.

I'm honestly shocked myself that I used his first name. "I did not have anything like that in mind!"

"But, I mean. . .," He trails off. I can see the smirk on his face. "We definitely could."

"Duff," I whine. "Just get off the damn phone and get over here."

"Eager to see me, huh?" Duff asks.

"I'll hang up then if you're not going to first," I say.

"See you in a bit, gorgeous."

I blush at his little nickname for me. It doesn't seem like a nickname, but that seems to be the only thing he calls me. Maybe I should come up with a nickname for him. I don't think he'll like asshole very much.

Fifteen minutes later and I hear my bedroom window open. I sit up, looking over at the window. I know for a fact the window was fixed. It shouldn't fall open anymore. I relax as I see a ball of blonde hair appear.

Duff manages to hoist himself up enough to get one of his long ass legs over into the room. I watch as he struggles to fit his long body past the small window pane. Just as he's finally about to get one foot on the ground, something gets caught, and he face plants onto the hardwood floor.

I stifle my giggle, rushing over to help him. "Are you okay?"

"My face hurts," He groans, rubbing his face.

I smile sweetly. "Why'd you go through the window?"

"I didn't want to walk up to the front door and meet your parents."

I giggle. "Duff, they're not home."

"They're not!"

I shake my head, leading him over to the bed. "Nope, they're at work." I make him sit down, tilting his head up a bit so that I can inspect his face. His hands go to rest on my hips as he lets me check out his face. "What is it with you and getting hurt around me?"

He shrugs, a smile tugging on his lips. "I guess I'm just too focused on how pretty you are." I feel the heat rise to my cheeks, dropping my eyes to look at his lap. "Henley?"

I hum in response, too scared to actually say anything. What if I embarrass myself?

"Can I try something?"

I nod, still scared to even open my mouth.

"Please look at me," He nearly whispers.

I finally look back up into his beautiful hazel eyes. I feel my breath get caught in my throat. Is he about to do what I think he's going to do? Duff leans closer, closing his eyes in the process. I close my eyes too, not wanting to just stare at him, and wait for what he's going to do. I feel his lips brush against mine. His breath hits my lips. Once again I'm overwhelmed with the smell of vanilla, vodka, and cigarettes. My new favorite smell. Duff's lips finally press against mine, causing a sigh to leave me.


Duff pulls me closer, his hands resting on my ass. Usually I would be bothered by this, but I'm really not. I wrap my arms around his neck, moving so that I'm sitting in his lap. I feel him smile against my lips, causing me to smile as well. That temporarily breaks our beautiful kiss. Duff presses his lips against mine once more before pulling away.

"Finally," Duff breathes out.

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