1.8: Stevie and A Pug

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Henley's P.O.V

"Henley, please come out," Tommy begs from the other side of the door.

I don't answer. I just continue to lay on the ground beside Duff's bed. I decided that the floor is more comfortable than the bed. I stare at all of the dirty clothes on the floor. I halfheartedly laugh as I spot some of my things on the floor.

"Gorgeous, please?" I hear Duff's voice slur. He sounds drunk. Who knows how much he's drank since I've been in here?

Finally, there's silence. No one is yelling for me to come out. I'm actually beyond happy about this. When I'm upset, it's best to leave me alone for a little while. It allows me to think. I know I was probably overreacting, but Tommy's words really hurt. No, I'm not his mother, but I don't want him to die. I love him so much. I don't know what I'd do without him. He's one of the most important people in my life. I know the sex and drugs of the rock n' roll lifestyle will make him crash and burn, bringing him down from his high. I Just don't want him to end up dead.

I feel the tears spring back into my eyes. My head starts to pound with how much I've been crying. As I drift off to sleep, I hear a soft knock at the door that brings me back to consciousness. It's different than the harsh bangs that Duff and Tommy had done.

"Go away." My coarse voice scares me. I guess I'd cried more than I thought.

"It's Stevie."

"Steven, please," I beg, feeling a sob go through my body again.

"Will you let me in if I tell you I have a pug?"

I'm quiet for a moment. "Do you really have a pug?"

"I promise," He says. I can see the smile on his face.


I crawl over to the door, not having the energy to stand up. I unlock the door, then scoot away quickly so that he wouldn't hit me with the door. I crawl back to place on the floor, and lay back down. The door opens just a crack.

"Stevie, what're you-."

I'm cut off by a furry little thing running happily at my face. I giggle as the pug licks my face excitedly. I sit up and pull the little thing into my lap.

"Hello to you too," I laugh, petting it.

Steven then walks in, a smile on his face. "I thought it would be best to let Bella in first."

"So it's a girl?" I pet her behind the ears with a grin on my face.

"Yep! Madeline and I got her before. . .," He trails off.

"Before what?"

Steven sighs, closing the door behind him and locking it. He then walks over, sitting beside me against the bed. "We had a fight."

"You guys too?"

"You and Duff fought?" The shock on Stevie's face is enough to make me laugh.

"Not exactly," I respond, looking down at Bella who's starting to fall asleep in my lap. "Tommy and I fought, but I'm kinda blocking out Duff too. He's piss drunk and I don't want to deal with his drunk ass right now."

"That's understandable." We grow quiet for a moment. "So, who knew you were best friends with the drummer for Motley Crue?"

I laugh. "I didn't want to tell anyone."

"You ashamed of Tommy?"

"No," I respond, smiling at the now sleeping pug. "I just didn't want people to only want to be friends with me because I know Tommy. I thought it would be easier to keep it a secret."

"He seems like he really cares about you." Stevie reaches over and strokes Bella's head. "He was just sitting out there, completely silent. Duff was just drinking like it was his last bottle of vodka ever."

I sigh. "I just don't want to see them right now. I definitely don't want to see Duff until he sobers up." Steven laughs. I rest my head against his shoulder. My eyes droop. I'm so fucking tired. "What did you and Madeline fight about?"

Steven laughs dryly. "I don't even remember what I said. I said something, then the next thing I know she's freaking out at me. Throwing shit at me. I honestly have no idea what happened. All I know is, she scared the shit out of poor Bella."

"Aw," I laugh. "Poor thing."

Steven smirks at me. "Me or the dog?"

"Both of you," I giggle, lifting my head to look at Steven.

"D'you think you're ready to go back out there?"

I take a moment to think. "Yeah. I think so."

Steven stands up first, taking Bella from my lap. She doesn't even wake up. Poor thing must be exhausted and terrorized after Madeline's screaming. I stand up first, walking out the door after unlocking it. Steven follows close behind with the sleeping baby in his arms.

Tommy is now sitting on the couch beside Duff. They're in a quiet conversation. Duff looks a bit more sober than he originally did, which makes me happy. They're eyes snap to me as I enter the room. I go to sit down, but Steven stops me.

"Do you wanna hold Bella?" He asks.

I nod vigorously, holding my arms out for the pug. Steven hands her to me with a happy on smile on his face. I sit down on the other side of Duff, laying Bella in my lap so that she'll be comfortable while she sleeps.

"I'm sorry you guys," I say. "I didn't mean to get so upset."

"No, it was my fault," Tommy says. "You're right anyway. But I just can't stop."

"And I can't stop you," I say. "Just keep doin' what makes you happy, Tom. All I ask is that you don't die."

"Fair enough," Tommy laughs.

The rest of the night is just us drinking and talking. I stay in Duff's lap, cuddled up to him. Turns out the three guys have more in common than they originally thought. I enjoyed listening to them talk about music. Madeline never turned up, so I'm guessing she's still mad at Steven. I grin as I look around at the three men sitting in the room with me. They're my best friends. I don't know what I'd do without any of them.

They're my home.

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