0.9: Movie Date

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Henley's P.O.V

We end up in front of a move theatre. I look down at my outfit, a frown on my face. This would be acceptable if we were going to a club. But we aren't at a club. We're at a movie theatre. Where parents bring their children. Why in the actual fuck did Madeline make me dress like this when we are just at a theatre?

I narrow my eyes at the brunette that's in front of me, forcing myself not to knock her upside the head for this bullshit. I feel bad for it, but my anger is slowly growing with Madeline.

I feel myself to start shaking. Why am I getting so mad? Is it because I'm beyond embarrassed? More than likely. As I feel tears spring to my eyes, Duff grabs my hands. My anger goes away, replaced with confusion. I look up at the blonde. Why did he grab my hand?

Duff smiles at me, leaning down. "Don't worry," He whispers in my ear. "You look amazing. I'm lucky enough to have you here with me."

A blush instantly warms my cheeks. He's flirting with me again. Not that I mind.

There's only one question circulating around my mind. Why me?

It's no secret that Duff is very attractive. Everything about his personality is alluring. Hell, that's pretty much why I went home with him that night. That and being chased by the cops. Anyways, he could have any girl that he wants. One that's older, more experienced, hella prettier. Probably a tall blonde with jaw dropping blue eyes and a figure that only models have.

Why would he want me? I have boring brown hair, dull brown eyes, and a pretty flat figure. I have no boobs or butt whatsoever. That never bothered me until now. What if he gets bored with me?

God, I'm talking like we're together. Stop it, Henley!

"Henley!" Duff exclaims, swinging my arm a bit.

"What?" I ask, still a little bit in my head.

"I asked, What did you want?"

I look up, surprised to find that Duff led me straight to the concession stand without me falling. This completely snaps me back to reality.

"Oh!" I exclaim, feeling my cheeks heat up with embarrassment. "I'm so sorry. Uh, I'll just have a Dr. Pepper."

Duff furrows his eyebrows. "You don't want any popcorn or anything to eat?"

I feel my stomach roll with just the thought of eating anything. I'm way too nervous to eat. I'll probably end up puking it up which would be hella embarrassing.

"I'm sure," I say, smiling up at him.

I look over to see Madeline and Steven eagerly waiting on us. They're just excited to make out. I don't even know what movie we're going to see. I guess I'll just find out.

Five minutes later and we're in the theatre that was the playing the move we're gonna see. Steven and Madeline choose the seats in the very back. Not that I'm complaining. At least I don't gotta crane my neck to see what's happening.

I sit down a few seats away from the couple. Duff looks at me weirdly, but follows anyway. Through that entire time, he never let go of my hand. It definitely helps calms my nerves a bit.

As we sit down, Duff looks at me, a huge grin on his face. "Why'd we sit this far away from them?"

I shrug. "Did you really want to hear the sound of their lips smacking together for the entire movie?"

Duff laughs, taking a drink of my Dr. Pepper. "I guess you have a point."

"Hey! That's mine," I pout, pretending like I'm upset about it. "You got the same exact thing as me!"

"Yours tastes better," He says, a smirk on his lips.

I laugh in disbelief. I never thought that would be his reason for drinking my soda. "You're impossible."

"So are you, my dear," He responds, throwing some popcorn in his mouth. The majority of the popcorn either got in his hair or missed his mouth entirely. Only about two pieces made it in.

I erupt into laughter, doubling over with tears in my eyes. "Oh. My. God," I say in between laughs.

I look up at Duff with teary eyes, giggles still coming from my mouth. He's got a cute pout on his face. He looks like a puppy that's just been kicked.

"Aw," I giggle, starting to pick the popcorn out of his teased blonde hair. "You poor baby."

"Don't laugh at me!" He says, watching my face as I pick out the popcorn. His cheeks turn bright pink.

"And why not?"

"Be-Because I'm embarrassed!"

I mock shock. "The Duff is embarrassed? I thought that would've been impossible!" Duff stays quiet, his cheeks burning brighter. I smile at him softly. "On a serious note, you really don't need to be embarrassed around me. I'm not gonna make fun of you or anything."

Duff relaxes at my words, a smile forming on his lips. "You don't have to be either."

I scoff. "I'm never embarrassed."

"That's such a lie! You act like I don't see your face turn red when you do something that you think is embarrassing," Duff says, a smug expression written on his features.

I sigh, nodding my head at the work I'd done. All of the popcorn is out of the poor guy's hair. "You caught me there. I get embarrassed easily."

"You do a good job of hiding it. I'm just very observant," He says, looking into my eyes.

I sit back in my seat, my eyes never leaving the blonde man's in front of me. I gulp as he starts to lean forward. Should I kiss him? Will this be a cliché thing where we make out in the movie theatre? Is he doing this just because he takes pity on me? So many things are whirling through my head. I choose to shut them off. For once my brain decides to listen to me. All I'm focusing on is Duff. I start leaning in as well, feeling my heart about to burst out of my chest. I feel Duff's warm breath on my lips. He smells like vanilla, vodka, and cigarettes. A comforting smell believe it or not. Just as our lips brush together, a shrill voice tears us apart.

"Madeline! Henley!"

I look up to find none other than Jake and Eva standing in front of us. Madeline looks over at me, worry and fear on her features. I look past Eva who looks rather excited to see us. Jake's expression is one full of hurt. That's right. I blew him off to go on this date with Duff. Funny how I don't regret coming now.

I sigh. This is just going to be a great night.

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